Committee structure

The council has a number of Panels which are detailed further in the Constitution. Two Panels of note are:

Development Plan and Infrastructure Panel (Non-Executive)

Membership: Cabinet Member for Planning Services (Chairman of Panel), Leader of the Council, and up to eight other District Council members.

Terms of reference: To advise the Cabinet on: 1) The Local Plan and in particular: a. The Statement of Community Involvement b. The Local Development Scheme c. Any Development Plan Documents (including Site Allocations Documents and the Local Plan Review) d. Any Supplementary Planning Documents e. The responses to representations made with regard to any consultations related to the above f. The Authoritys Monitoring Report (including the 5 year housing land supply position). 2) Neighbourhood Plans and in particular the contents of Examiners Reports and their recommendations (including decisions to proceed to referendum and whether the neighbourhood area as designated is the appropriate geographical area for those eligible to vote). 3) Strategic Planning and in particular: a. Any documents produced by the Coastal West Sussex and Greater Brighton Strategic Planning Board b. Any planning policy documents produced by local planning authorities, groups of authorities or other partnerships (such as Local Enterprise Partnerships) that effect the economic, social or environmental well-being of Chichester District c. The responses to representations made with regard to any consultations related to the above. 4) Infrastructure Planning and in particular: a. The prioritisation of infrastructure and funding within the plan area and coordination with key partners b. The phasing, timing and delivery of infrastructure to support growth identified in the Local Plan c. The draft Infrastructure Business Plan and its subsequent annual review including allocation of Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) receipts d. Any review of the CIL charging schedule or its application e. The responses to representations made with regard to any stakeholder consultation related to the above f. The Councils capital programme where related to infrastructure planning issues.5) Other relevant planning policy and infrastructure related matters. In addition the Panel will monitor progress of: a. Neighbourhood Plans b. The Local Plans of other authorities (including the West Sussex Minerals and Waste Plans) c. The development of the evidence base in relation to the review of the Local Plan. It should be noted that there will be occasions that due to the need to respond quickly items may have to be taken directly to Cabinet.

Environment Panel

Membership: Chairman & Cabinet Member for Environment and Chichester Contract Services. Other members; five members appointed by the Cabinet on the recommendation of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Chichester Contract Services.

Broad Objectives: To advise the Cabinet on UK waste strategy and its implementation to the Council. To consider an action plan aiming to achieve the EU and national recycling and waste minimisation targets. To take account of the work of the West Sussex Waste Partnership in developing a county-wide Waste Strategy for waste management. To advise the Cabinet on environment and climate change strategy. To identify and evaluate the priority areas for delivering carbon reductions as outlined in the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) 2018 report, Committee on Climate Change Report on Net Zero target. To identify the priorities for a new Climate Change Action Plan and the resources necessary to deliver climate change work. To identify funding options for carbon reduction initiatives, including the use of the Zero Carbon Graylingwell (ZCG) fund. To advise on and monitor implementation of the Fly tipping and Litter Action Plan. To advise on and monitor implementation of the Single Use Plastics Action Plan. To consider and advise on a refreshed Air Quality Action Plan. To consider opportunities for joint initiatives and partnership working in support of these broad objectives.





Regulatory Committees

Panels and Forums