Agenda and draft minutes

Council - Tuesday 19 November 2024 6.00 pm

Venue: Committee Rooms, East Pallant House. View directions

Contact: Democratic Services  Email:


No. Item


Minutes pdf icon PDF 185 KB

The Council is requested to approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 1 October 2024.




That the minutes of the meeting held on 1 October 2024 be approved and signed as a correct record.


Urgent Items

The Chair will announce any urgent items which due to special circumstances are to be dealt with under Late Items.


Cllr Apel explained that she had permitted one urgent item which would be taken under Late Items. She explained that it would be presented by John Ward relating to the recruitment of the Monitoring Officer Interview Panel.


Declarations of Interests

Members and officers are reminded to make any declarations of disclosable pecuniary, personal and/or prejudicial interests they may have in respect of matters on the agenda for this meeting.


The following declarations of interest were made:


Cllr Chant declared a pecuniary interest in the public question from the member of the public who is also a fellow Director of their theatre company.


Cllr Chilton declared a pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 7 as a second home owner in the district. He withdrew from the top table for the duration of the item.


Mrs Shepherd declared an other interest in Agenda Item 9 as her sister in law sits on the Board of the organisation. She withdrew from the top table for the duration of the item.


Cllr Desai declared an other interest in Agenda Item 10 as her daughter is a member of the Youth Theatre.


Cllr Hobbs declared an other interest in Agenda Item 11 as the Council’s appointed member to the Great Sussex Way. He withdrew to the public seating area for the duration of this item.


Mrs Shepherd also declared a pecuniary interest in Agenda Item 15 as the item directly relates to her role. She withdrew from the top table for the duration of the item.


Chair's Announcements

Apologies for absence will be notified at this point.


The Chair will make any specific announcements.


Cllr Apel began Chairs announcements by paying tribute to Declan Moody who passed away suddenly last month. Declan was the council’s Senior Community Warden. He was a constant reassuring presence around East Pallant House and the city centre; a real gentle giant who was loved and respected by all those who knew him. On behalf of the Council Cllr Apel sent condolences to Declan’s family, friends and colleagues and wished to let them know that they are being thought of at this time.


Cllr Apel then welcomed Mark Watkins, the Interim Monitoring Officer.


Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Briscoe, Cllr Brown-Fuller, Cllr Donna Johnson and Cllr Todhunter.  


Public Question Time pdf icon PDF 67 KB

In accordance with Chichester District Council’s scheme for public question time the Council will receive any questions which have been submitted by members of the public in writing by noon two working days before the meeting. Each questioner will be given up to three minutes to ask their question. The total time allocated for public question time is 15 minutes subject to the Chair’s discretion to extend that period.


The following public questions and responses were received at the meeting:


Questions from James Venters:


I had recently seen the District Council recently published its regeneration strategy for the City. In it were several recommendations around the promotion of arts and culture, which many will welcome as Chichester acts as a regional and national hub for cultural output.


However I were shocked to see very little was mentioned about how the community factors into that. As someone who runs and has colleagues who run local arts and community culture groups, how will CDC make sure we are part of that?


One of the interventions you mentioned was a new live music venue - why are you limiting it to just music in such a vibrantly talented city? Also in your “market assessment” - I wanted to confirm who you consider as “the market” specifically how you are quantifying the market response of the variety of age groups in Chichester.


The council like our own CIC is there to serve its community - I would like to know how precisely new live music venue bring not just economic and cultural capital to Chichester but also add community value to the lives and experience of it's residences to create an inclusive and vibrant community for all in Chichester?


Response from Cllr Moss:


Thank you for asking your question. I think its really important that we get to the nub of your question with our reply. I am pleased that you have raised the question and you have a particular interest in the Regeneration Strategy which is absolutely vital to how we move the city forward. As you have referenced arts and culture is one of the areas of focus for our new recently adopted Regeneration Strategy. One of the five objectives within this is to create an attractive and vibrant city destination. An important key priority intervention directly relates to arts and culture. The Strategy sets out that this council will lead on work to undertake a market assessment into a multipurpose arts and music centre that provides space for live music and that is a multipurpose arts and music centre not just a venue for live music. I would like to emphasise that as we do absolutely understand the importance of not just the live music but those other arts functions as well. The important work is also linked to the ongoing evening and night time economy working group led by this council and will seek to identify the needs and gaps in the existing provision and understand the market for any potential new multipurpose facility in the city. For clarity reference to market in the context of this work will be looking at the level and demand for such a facility and the viability. To support this I can confirm that the commission work will include consultations with stakeholders expected to be early in the new year so community art groups like yours and other groups like yours will be  ...  view the full minutes text for item 174.


Determination of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme 2025-2026

Members are requested to consider the report and its appendix found on pages 157-189 of the Cabinet agenda for 30 September 2024 and make the following resolution:


That the proposed Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2025-2026 be approved by Full Council.


Cllr Hickson proposed the recommendation which was seconded by Cllr Moss.


Cllr Hickson introduced the item.


Cllr Tim Johnson wished to note the number of residents who benefit from the Scheme.


In a vote the following resolution was agreed:




That the proposed council tax reduction scheme for 2025-2026 be approved by Full Council.


Council Tax Review of Locally Defined Discounts and Premiums

Members are requested to consider the report and its appendix found on pages 151-155 of the Cabinet agenda for 30 September 2024 and make the following resolutions:


1.    That the Council Tax Discounts and Premiums proposed in the Appendix to the agenda report be applied for the 2025-2026 financial year.

2.    Subject to the outcome of further guidance and legislation to be published by the Government, concerning the exceptions to the discounts and premiums, the criteria for the empty home premium policy be delegated to the Director of Housing and Communities in consultation with the Cabinet member for Housing, Revenues and Benefits.


Following his earlier declaration Cllr Chilton removed himself from the top table for the duration of the item.


Cllr Hickson proposed the recommendation which was seconded by Cllr Moss.


Cllr Hickson introduced the item.


Cllr Burkhart asked whether there are provisions available for specific circumstances when someone is in a care home due to being unwell. Mrs Rudziak clarified that if someone moves into a care home, or move away to provide care, there are exemptions that apply.


In a vote the following resolutions were agreed:




1.    That the Council Tax Discounts and Premiums proposed in the Appendix to the agenda report be applied for the 2025-2026 financial year.

2.    Subject to the outcome of further guidance and legislation to be published by the Government, concerning the exceptions to the discounts and premiums, the criteria for the empty home premium policy be delegated to the Director of Housing and Communities in consultation with the Cabinet member for Housing, Revenues and Benefits.


Financial Strategy and Plan 2025-26 to 2029-30

Members are requested to consider the report and its appendices found on pages 17-51 of the Cabinet agenda for 5 November 2024 and make the following resolutions:


a)    The Council agrees the key financial principles and actions which underpin the financial management of the Council, and the Financial Strategy set out in Appendix 1 Annex A to the agenda report.

b)    That the Council maintains a Minimum Level of Reserves of £4m for general purposed, as recommended by the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee.


Cllr Chilton returned to his seat at the top table.


Cllr Chilton proposed the recommendation which was seconded by Cllr Moss.


Cllr Chilton introduced the item.


In a vote the following resolutions were agreed:




a)    That Council agrees the key financial principles and actions which underpin the financial management of the Council, and the Financial Strategy set out in Appendix 1 Annex A to the agenda report.

b)    That the Council maintains a Minimum Level of Reserves of £4 million for general purpose as recommended by the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee.


Funding for Voluntary Action Arun and Chichester

Members are requested to consider the report and its appendices found on pages 53-57 of the Cabinet agenda for 5 November 2024 and make the following resolution:


The continuation of funding to Voluntary Action Arun and Chichester for the provision of infrastructure support to the voluntary and community groups and charities in Chichester District as set out in para 5.2 of the report. 


Following her earlier declaration Mrs Shepherd removed herself from the top table for the duration of the item.


Cllr Bangert proposed the recommendation which was seconded by Cllr Moss.


Cllr Bangert introduced the item.


Cllr Quail spoke in favour of providing the grant to the organisation.


In a vote the following resolution was agreed:




The continuation of funding to Voluntary Action Arun and Chichester for the provision of infrastructure support to the voluntary and community groups and charities in Chichester District as set out in para 5.2 of the report.


Cultural Grants Funding 2025/26

Members are requested to consider the report and its appendices found on pages 145-173 of the Cabinet agenda for 3 September 2024 and make the following resolutions:


1.    That Council allocate £187,500 to extend the current funding agreement with Chichester Festival Theatre (CFT) for the period 1 April 2025 - 31 March 2026.

2.    That Council allocate £130,000 to extend the current funding agreement for Pallant House Gallery (PHG) for the period 1 April 2025 - 31 March 2026.


Mrs Shepherd returned to the top table.


Cllr Cross proposed the recommendation which was seconded by Cllr Moss.


Cllr Cross introduced the item.


Cllr Apel declared an other interest as one of the Council’s representatives for Pallant House Gallery. Cllr Bangert also declared an other interest as the Councils other representative for Pallant House Gallery.


Cllr Chant wished to note congratulations to the Chichester Festival Theatre for their recent season. They wished to note the importance of funding the arts in Chichester. They asked if the Council will return to a multi year settlement for the arts organisations going forwards. Cllr Cross explained that until the Council knows its Government settlement funding arrangements remain unconfirmed.


Cllr Bates commented on the positive social impact for the youngest and oldest members of the district. He drew attention to Pallant House Gallery’s ‘Inside Out’ programme and explained that it is difficult to measure this type of impact. Cllr Cross confirmed that it can be difficult to put a defined measurement on this social value.


Cllr Quail asked if the organisations are invited to Overview and Scrutiny Committee. Cllr Apel confirmed that both Chichester Festival Theatre and Pallant House Gallery are invited on an annual basis.


In a vote the following resolutions were agreed:




1.    That Council allocate £187,500 to extend the current funding agreement with Chichester Festival Theatre (CFT) for the period 1 April 2025 - 31 March 2026.

2.    That Council allocate £130,000 to extend the current funding agreement for Pallant House Gallery (PHG) for the period 1 April 2025 - 31 March 2026.


The Great Sussex Way Funding 2025/26

Members are requested to consider the report and its appendix found on pages 175-198 of the Cabinet agenda for 3 September 2024 and make the following resolution:


That Council approve a one year’s funding extension of £130,000 for The Great Sussex Way until 31 March 2026 whilst the new regional Local Visitor Economy Partnership structure is established, and the future role of the Destination Management Organisation defined.


Following his earlier declaration Cllr Hobbs removed himself to the public seating area for the duration of the item.


Cllr Cross proposed the recommendation which was seconded by Cllr Moss.


Cllr Cross introduced the item.


Cllr Bates asked why the Council was considering subsidising a private for profit organisation. Cllr Cross explained that the Destination Management Organisation (DMO) is outsourced and if it is not outsourced it would need to be carried out in house. Mrs Shepherd clarified that it is not a statutory requirement so there is a choice of whether to continue with the service.


Cllr Evans asked when the CEO would be returning to the Great Sussex Way. Cllr Cross explained that the previous CEO would be returning at a date not to be confirmed. Cllr Hobbs was invited to provide confirmation. He confirmed the return date of 4 December 2024.


Cllr Burton asked why so much funding is being allocated to the promotion of luxury tourism. She asked why there is not a greater emphasis on activities for local residents in the community. She also asked what is being done for the north of the district. Cllr Cross explained that many of the concerns have been responded to by the DMO and they have started to address them.


Cllr Chant asked in relation to the level of investment what control the Council has. Cllr Cross referred to Mrs Hotchkiss. Mrs Hotchkiss explained that there is a Service Level Agreement with monitoring requirements and quarterly account monitoring. She drew members attention to the Christmas advertising currently being marketed via the Great Sussex Way website.


Cllr Moss explained that in the next 12 months there will be a detailed review of the Great Sussex Way. He confirmed that a new Director had also been appointed. He added that the Cabinet member Cllr Cross will be attending Board meetings going forward. Cllr Moss also thanked Cllr Hobbs for his work with the organisation.


Cllr Brown noted that the Council would need to do some format of tourism promotion. He clarified that the brand ‘The Great Sussex Way’ is promoting other brands within the district.


Cllr Hamilton noted that the Great Sussex Way put information on social media not under the Great Sussex Way banner.


In a vote the following resolution was agreed:




That Council approve a one year’s funding extension of £130,000 for The Great Sussex Way until 31 March 2026 whilst the new regional Local Visitor Economy Partnership structure is established, and the future role of the Destination Management Organisation defined.


Leisure Management Contract Procurement

Members are requested to consider the report and its Part II exempt appendix found on pages 59-99 of the Cabinet agenda for 5 November 2024 and make the following resolution:


That Council sets aside £8 million from council reserves for refurbishment and investment into the leisure centres with the investment tested through the procurement process. Further reports will be brought to Cabinet and Council before the funds are committed.


Cllr Hobbs returned to the table.


Cllr Cross proposed the recommendation which was seconded by Cllr Moss.


Cllr Cross introduced the item.


Cllr Burton asked if the investment spending will also include the Grange and Bourne as well as Westgate. Cllr Cross explained that would form part of the tendering process.


Cllr Quail noted the level of funding requested. Cllr Cross clarified that it is up to £8 million to give officers the maximum flexibility during the procurement process.


Cllr Brown noted that the services used to be run in house and asked members to consider the amount it would take to create the services from scratch if it had not been previously outsourced.


Cllr Burkhart asked how much of the £8 million could be recoverable at a later date. Cllr Cross explained that would depend on the agreed preferred contractor.


Cllr Chilton explained that the Council is responsible for spend where the spend is needed on a Council owned asset. Mrs Hotchkiss explained that as part of the tender process officers will ask what can be offered up to £8 million and request details of what the return to the Council could be.


In a vote the following resolution was agreed:




That Council sets aside up to £8 million from council reserves for refurbishment and investment into the leisure centres with the investment tested through the procurement process. Further reports will be brought to Cabinet and Council before the funds are committed.


Statement of Policy under the Gambling Act 2005 (2025 - 2028)

Members are requested to consider the report and its appendix found on pages 101-144 of the Cabinet agenda for 5 November 2024 and make the following resolution:


That the draft Statement of Policy 2025-2028 under the Gambling Act 2005 be adopted and agreed for publication.


Cllr Desai proposed the recommendation which was seconded by Cllr Moss.


Cllr Desai introduced the item.


In a vote the following resolution was agreed:




That the draft Statement of Policy 2025-2028 under the Gambling Act 2005 be adopted and agreed for publication.


Boundary Review Panel Recommendation pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Following the Boundary Review Panel meeting on 4 November 2024 members are requested to consider the recommendation from the Boundary Review Panel and make the following resolution:


That the report on the review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations for the Chichester District, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report be agreed.


The papers for this meeting are attached for reference.

Additional documents:


Cllr O’Kelly proposed the recommendation which was seconded by Cllr Brown.


Cllr O’Kelly introduced the item as Chair of the Boundary Review Panel.


Cllr Chant asked why the polling station for Chichester East is located in Chichester South. They asked specifically why the Chichester Children’s and Family Centre is not being used. Mr Mildred responded. He explained that the Centre is used already used for a polling station and it had been confirmed that it was not suitable to be a double polling station. Mr Ward added that the Centre is mentioned on page 20 of the agenda pack. He confirmed that the elections team had enquired about its double use. Cllr Chant suggested the polling stations in Chichester East and South be swapped. Mrs Shepherd asked if Cllr Chant had responded to the consultation. Cllr Chant explained that they were not aware of a consultation.


Cllr Bates asked if pubs continue to sell alcohol when they are used as polling stations. Mrs Shepherd confirmed that is the case but the alcohol is not sold in the polling station room.


Cllr Hickson explained that some members of the community would not wish to enter a pub to vote. Mr Mildred confirmed that the polling station would be located in a function room with separate access to the pub. Mrs Shepherd explained that it is difficult to find suitable polling stations. She added that it is important that the council is able to offer the opportunity for residents to vote with the appropriate safeguards in place.


Cllr Evans explained that in his ward they use a pub venue and it works very effectively.


In a vote the following resolution was agreed:




That the report on the review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations for the Chichester District, as set out in Appendix 1 to the report be agreed.


Review of Chief Executive remuneration pdf icon PDF 88 KB

Members are requested to consider the report and its appendix and make the following resolutions:


That Council:


a)    Notes the outcome of the review and benchmarking data contained within the Appendix to the Report; and

b)    Approve a spot salary of £142,286 gross per annum for the Chief Executive role with effect from 28 June 2024.

Additional documents:


Following her earlier declaration Mrs Shepherd removed herself from the top table for the duration of the item and sat in the public seating area.


Cllr Chilton proposed the recommendation which was seconded by Cllr Moss.


Cllr Chilton introduced the item.


Cllr Burkhart asked if it was a necessary for South East Employers (SEE) to carry out the review and what was the cost to the Council. Cllr Chilton explained that it is important the review is carried out independently of the Council. Mr Mildred confirmed that the review had been carried out as part of a wider piece of benchmarking work. He explained that taking part in the benchmarking work had provided additional benefits at a cost of £1000 a year.


Cllr Burkhart wished to note that the council is well run and asked if that should be reflected and rewarded. Cllr Chilton responded. He echoed the sentiments in Cllr Burkharts question. He explained that it was felt appropriate to opt for a middle rate. He confirmed that this did not reflect the Chief Executive’s performance.


Cllr Vivian asked how often senior officers salaries are reviewed. He requested they be scheduled for regular reviews. Cllr Chilton noted that public sector pay increases tend to add more to the lower wage bands. He added that the settlement from the Government needs to be received before any such work can take place.


Cllr Tim Young asked if it is normal to back date a pay settlement in the public sector. Cllr Chilton confirmed that it is common practice in the public sector.


In a vote the following resolutions were agreed:




That Council:


a)    Notes the outcome of the review and benchmarking data contained with in the Appendix to the Report; and

b)    Approve a spot salary of £142,286 gross per annum for the Chief Executive role with effect from 28 June 2024.


Consultation Response on Enabling Remote Attendance and Proxy Voting at Local Authority Meetings pdf icon PDF 66 KB

Members are requested to consider the report and the appendix attached to the agenda pack and make the following resolution:


That Council agrees the consultation response set out in appendix 2.

Additional documents:


Mrs Shepherd returned to the top table.


Cllr Moss proposed the recommendation which was seconded by Cllr Brown.


Cllr Moss introduced the item.


Cllr Potter commented on the low number of responses. Cllr Moss noted the comment. He explained that the report had taken account of the opinions of those who responded. He also added that members could respond independently.


Cllr Hobbs asked Cllr Moss if there could be abuse of the system if remote meetings were allowed. Cllr Moss explained when the regulations come from Government they can be added to the council’s Constitution. Cllr Moss noted the challenges that will be faced in proxy voting. He noted that the Council will need to look at this again.


Cllr Brown also noted the potential opportunities in using technology in meetings.


Cllr Hamilton wished to note that she found it is easier to attend in person rather than online.


Cllr Hastain wished to note that as there is an increase in working from home remote attendance should also be possibility.


Cllr Bangert noted both the opportunities and the challenges.


In a vote the following resolution was agreed:




That Council agrees the consultation response set out in Appendix 2.


Meeting Timings and Committee Calendar pdf icon PDF 79 KB

Members are requested to consider the report and the appendix attached to the agenda pack and make the following resolutions:


1.    That the Calendar of Meetings for 2025/26 as set out in the Appendix to the report be approved.

2.    That any in year changes to the meetings calendar 2025/26 be agreed by the Chair of the meeting in consultation with the Democratic Services Manager or Democratic Services Officer lead for the meeting.

3.    That the trial staffing arrangements agreed for 2024/25 for Full Council be agreed to be extended from May 2025 – April 2026 inclusive.

Additional documents:


Cllr Moss proposed the recommendation which was seconded by Cllr Brown.


Cllr Hobbs moved the amendment motion which was seconded by Cllr Burkhart.


Cllr Moss introduced the item.


Cllr Hobbs then introduced the amendment.


Cllr O’Kelly wished to note that working people should have opportunity to attend meetings. He also noted that evening meetings would encourage people to stand for council.


Cllr Burkhart wished to note the impact on the quality of the meetings held in the evening. She also noted that she felt it unpopular with officers.


Cllr Tim Johnson wished to remind members that democracy should represent the people by the people. He explained that day time meetings are only possible for those who do not work. He noted that the council needs greater diversity.


Cllr Evans noted that suggesting a reversal back to 2.00pm at this stage is too soon into the trial. He noted that 95% of council’s have evening meetings across the country. He suggested using the Full Council evening meeting trial until the next election cycle.


Cllr Burton noted her agreement with Cllr Evans that the Full Council evening meeting trial should continue. She explained that a mixture of daytime and evening meetings are needed to fit meetings in with other commitments. She noted that many people are unable to take time off work.


Cllr Brookes-Harmer endorsed 6.00pm Full Council meetings. He explained that other meetings such as Planning Committee may not be appropriate in the evening.


Cllr Vivian wished to note the importance of councillors being able to attend meetings.


Cllr Brisbane referred to his previous Council where every meeting took place at 7.00pm. He noted that there were a great number of younger working councillors at that Council.


Cllr Chant noted the current diversity in the make up of councillors. They noted the evening meeting had enabled a younger public questioner. Cllr Chant suggested flexible working for the officers involved.


Cllr Young wished to note the benefits of networking when meetings are held in the day. He also noted the availability of officers to members before a daytime meeting.


Cllr Hickson disagreed with the reference to fatigue at point 2 of the Amendment Motion.


Cllr Boulcott wished to note that many people do not work 9.00am – 5.00pm and work in the evenings.


Members then voted on the Amendment Motion which was as follows:


1.    That the Calendar of Meetings for 2025/26 be revised to schedule Full Council meetings at 2.00pm.

2.    That any in-year changes to the meetings calendar for 2025/26 be agreed upon by the Chair of the meeting in consultation with the Democratic Services Manager or the lead Democratic Services Officer.

3.    That the trial staffing arrangements for 2024/25 not be extended beyond April 2025.

4.    That the Full Council meeting start time revert to 2.00pm for the next calendar year (May 2025 – April 2026) to foster improved attendance, enhanced debate quality, and fiscal prudence.


The Amendment Motion was not carried.


Members then voted on the original recommendations  ...  view the full minutes text for item 186.


Motion from Cllr Briscoe pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Having complied with the Motions Procedure as set out in the council’s Constitution the motion attached will be proposed by Cllr Briscoe and if duly seconded it will then be discussed at the meeting.


Cllr Briscoe’s Motion was proposed by Cllr Burkhart which was seconded by Cllr Hobbs.


Cllr Burkhart outlined the Motion.


Cllr Moss provided the initial response. He thanked Cllr Briscoe for submitting the Motion. Cllr Moss explained that he supported the Motion in principle but did not agree with all of the explanation provide in the outline. He agreed that farmers and horticulturalists need to be protected and allow the next generation to take over. He also agreed he would be happy to write to the Secretary of State.


Cllr Burton explained that a large number of horticultural businesses are affected. She wished to note the number of suicides related to the profession and whether the changes will have an impact on those figures. She noted the work involved in creating a succession plan. She then gave her support to the Motion.


Cllr Tim Johnson noted his sympathy with the Motion. He wished to note that he was uncomfortable with the language of the Motion referring to a political party. He asked members not to use that language going forwards.


Cllr Cross requested a point of order clarification. He asked with regard to changes to the Motion if it is only the person proposing the Motion that can change its wording. Mrs Shepherd explained that members had until midday Friday to submit major amendment changes. She explained that members can still suggest minor amendments within the meeting. She added that where an amendment changes the substance an amendment motion should have been made. Mrs Shepherd explained that the person who made the Motion can also agree to make the amendment. Cllr Burkhart explained that she would not be prepared to alter the Motion in Cllr Briscoe’s absence.


Cllr Burkhart was invited to read the Motion.


In a vote the Motion was carried.




Council resolves:


To request that the Leader of the Council writes to the Secretary of State for the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs to outline the Council’s dismay at this decision and calls on the Government to reverse the decision to introduce the Family Farm Tax.


Motion from Cllr Vivian pdf icon PDF 53 KB

Having complied with the Motions Procedure as set out in the council’s Constitution the motion attached will be proposed by Cllr Vivian and if duly seconded it will then be discussed at the meeting.


Cllr Vivian proposed his Motion which was seconded by Cllr Bates.


Cllr Vivian outlined the Motion.


Cllr Moss provided the initial response. He gave his support to the Motion and agreed to write the letter requested.


Cllr Brisbane spoke about hospices. He noted that hospices provide a range of outreach and palliative care to a wide number of people. He added that 75% of the staff are nurses. He explained that hospices raise a large percentage of funding themselves. He noted the impact of the tax on those charities.


Cllr Tim Johnson supported the Motion. He wished to note that clause A referred to a specific political party. As per the previous Motion he asked members to not include political party references in future Motions. He wished to note the national context and thanked Cllr Vivian for putting it forward.


Cllr Vivian was invited to sum up.


In a vote the Motion was carried.




Council resolves to:


1.    Condemn the proposed increase in National Insurance payment, which will both negatively affect the charitable and care home sectors and risk reducing their positive impact on peoples lives and support provided to vulnerable people;

2.    Call on the Government to review the proposals to ensure that charities and care homes are excluded from this increase;

3.    Ask the Leader of the Council to write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer requesting that the proposals are not implemented, and;

4.    Similarly ask the Leader of the Council to write to our MPs and invite them to continue to use their influence in Westminster to raise the issue with the relevant Government ministers.


Questions to the Executive

Members are invited to ask a question of a member of the Executive (maximum of 30 minutes duration).


The following Questions to the Executive were received:


Cllr Tim Johnson asked Cllr Moss about wreaths at Remembrance Sunday. He asked Cllr Moss why there was not a wreath from the District Council at Selsey. Cllr Moss noted that he had also considered this. He explained that there are parishes across the district who lay their own wreaths. He suggested that it would need to be understood if it is appropriate for the District Council to lay the wreaths. He added that plans are being made for VE and VJ day later next year. Cllr Apel explained that as Chair she laid a wreath in Chichester City. Cllr Tim Johnson explained that at West Sussex County Council members are asked if they would like to lay a wreath in their division. Cllr Bangert drew members attention to Southbourne having the only military base in the district. She supported more being done to raise awareness.


Cllr Hobbs asked a question of Cllr Cross. He explained that as a member representing a ward in the South Downs National Park he felt that he was not receiving updates on key issues from the South Downs National Park Authority as quickly as he felt he should. Cllr Hobbs asked if communication to members in this area could be improved as Cllr Cross is the council’s appointed member to the South Downs National Park Authority. Cllr Cross noted the concerns.


Cllr Burton asked with regard to the loss of the winter fuel payments if the council had been able to reach out residents. Cllr Hickson provided an update. She explained that the Supporting You team had been identifying those who would be eligible for pension credit. Over 150 residents had been identified. So far 20 had become entitled receiving approximately £52 per week. A further 12 residents were awaiting decisions on their applications. She noted that the response rate had not been as high as hoped. She explained that the Supporting You team continue to support residents across the district by attending events to promote the service. She also referenced the Household Support Fund. She asked members to promote the Supporting You scheme. Members were given the opportunity to take flyers with them.


Cllr Vivian asked for an update on the broken Cattle Market barrier. Cllr Cross explained that the council is aware. He confirmed that contractors had been on site and would be installing a new barrier which is more robust. He added that it is due to be installed at the beginning of December. Mrs Hotchkiss clarified that subject to cable investigation works it would be the first week of December.


Cllr Vivian asked if the Economic Development team had carried out an occupation survey of the city centre. Cllr Desai explained that there had been greater activity in the city centre, referencing South Street and the upcoming opening of the Heist on North Street. Cllr Moss responded regarding the vacancies. He explained that the levels are very low. Mrs Hotchkiss confirmed that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 189.


Late Items

To consider any late items as follows:


a)    Items added to the agenda papers and made available for public inspection.

b)    Items which the Chair has agreed should be taken as matters of urgency by reason of special circumstances to be reported at the meeting.


There was one late item. The item related to the appointment of Monitoring Officer Recruitment Interview Panel item taken to 1 October 2024 Full Council.


Mr Ward explained that at the 1 October 2024 Full Council a Panel was created. He noted that arranging dates had been problematic. He asked that substitute appointments be permitted via agreement of the three Political Group Leaders.


He proposed the recommendation:


That Council delegates authority to the three Political Group Leaders, to each be able to nominate substitute members to the Monitoring Officer Interview Panel in the event that members of that panel are unable to attend.


The recommendation was moved by Cllr Moss and seconded by Cllr Brown.


In a vote the following resolution was agreed:


That Council delegates authority to the three Political Group Leaders, to each be able to nominate substitute members to the Monitoring Officer Interview Panel in the event that members of that panel are unable to attend.


The recommendation was moved by Cllr Moss and seconded by Cllr Brown.


In a vote the following resolution was agreed:


That Council delegates authority to the three Political Group Leaders, to each be able to nominate substitute members to the Monitoring Officer Interview Panel in the event that members of that panel are unable to attend.


Exclusion of the press and public

The Council is asked to consider in respect of agenda item 23 whether the public, including the press, should be excluded from the meeting on the grounds of exemption under Parts I to 7 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as indicated against the item and because, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption of that information outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. The reports dealt with under this part of the agenda are attached for members of the Council and senior officers only (salmon paper).


Cllr Moss proposed that the Full Council went into Part II.


This was seconded by Cllr Brown.


In a vote the following resolution was agreed:




That the Full Council considers in respect of agenda item 23 that the public including the press should be excluded from the meeting on the following ground of exemption in Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 namely Paragraph 3 (Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)) and because, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption of that information outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.


Members took a short break.


Procurement of waste collection vehicles for Chichester Contract Services

Members are requested to consider the exempt Part II report and its exempt Part II appendix found on pages 17-51 of the Cabinet agenda for 5 November 2024 and make the resolutions as set out in section 2.1 of the report.


Cllr Chilton proposed the recommendation which was seconded by Cllr Moss.


Cllr Chilton introduced the item.


Mr Ward added a point of clarification regarding the number of vehicles. He also confirmed what had been approved at Cabinet. He clarified the recommendations to Council.


Cllr Burkhart asked if vehicles would be replaced like for like. Mr Ward confirmed that would be the case.


In a vote the following resolution was agreed:




That Council approve the resolutions as set out in section 2.1 of the report.