Meetings of this committee are audio recorded
Full Council is the policy making body from which the Policy Framework will beestablished and the Budget set. Full Council has responsibility for ensuring that the correct structures are in place for the effective implementation and delivery of its services. This includes the exercise of overall responsibility for the proper administration of the council's financial affairs under Section 151 of the Local Government Act 1972. Once the structures are agreed and appointments made, the Cabinet will be delegated the responsibility of policy implementation and effective service delivery. The election of the Leader and appointment of Committees (except the Cabinet), will be the responsibility of Council.
Each year the Full Council will elect
a Chairman who shall not then be a member
the Cabinet or the
Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The Full Council shall
meet six times per year
unless a need is identified for any additional
The Full Council is the full assembly of 36 councillors. Each year the Full Council elects a Chairman (who must not be a member of the Cabinet or the Overview and Scrutiny Committee). It normally meets six times per year, unless additional meetings are needed. A time is set aside for public questions which must be submitted in writing in advance.
See Speaking at Council and Committee meetings
Full Council elects the Leader of the Council for a four year term at its first meeting after an election. It also appoints committees (except the Cabinet).
Full Council sets the framework of key policies, the budget and the annual council tax, but the Cabinet is responsible for implementing policies and for effective delivery of services. There are certain other functions which cannot be delegated but are carried out by the Full Council. These are listed in the Constitution.
Full Council also determines the responsibilities for functions which are not the responsibility of the Cabinet. It, therefore, decides the terms of reference and delegated responsibilities of committees other than the Cabinet.
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1 East Pallant
West Sussex
PO19 1TY