Venue: Committee Rooms - East Pallant House
Contact: Democratic Services Email:
Note: The webcast can be viewed live here:
No. | Item |
Members are requested to approve as correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 23 January 2024. Minutes: Cllr Apel welcomed everyone present.
In a vote the following resolution was agreed:
That the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 23 January 2024 be approved as a correct record.
Urgent Items The Chair will announce any urgent items which due to special circumstances are to be dealt with under Late Items. Minutes: Cllr Apel announced one late item, a dispensation report. The item had been published online and circulated to members in hard copy.
Declarations of Interests Members and officers are reminded to make any declarations of disclosable pecuniary, personal and/or prejudicial interests they may have in respect of matters on the agenda for this meeting. Minutes: Members made the following declarations of interest:
With regard to agenda item 7 Cllr Bangert declared an other interest due to her role with Bourne Community College. Cllr Bangert left the room for the vote on the recommendation linked to the College.
With regard to agenda item 10 Cllr Bangert declared an other interest having been part of the Neighbourhood Plan group. Cllr Bangert left the room during the item.
With regard to agenda item 10 Cllr Brown also declared an other interest having been part of the Neighbourhood Plan group. Cllr Brown left the room during the item.
With regard to agenda item 10 Cllr Hickson also declared an other interest having been part of the Neighbourhood Plan group. Cllr Hickson left the room during the item.
Chair's Announcements Apologies for absence will be notified at this point.
The Chair will make any specific announcements. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Brookes-Harmer, Cllr Brown-Fuller, Cllr Burkhart, Cllr Chilton and Cllr Sharp.
Cllr Apel wished to acknowledge the work on the Canal Basin Light Show. She extended the council’s thanks to all those involved.
Cllr Apel also announced that she would be organising a wine tasting evening to raise funds for her Chairs charities.
Public Question Time PDF 58 KB In accordance with Chichester District Council’s scheme for public question time the Council will receive any questions which have been submitted by members of the public in writing by noon two working days before the meeting. Each questioner will be given up to three minutes to ask their question. The total time allocated for public question time is 15 minutes subject to the Chair’s discretion to extend that period. Minutes: One public question had been received from Simon Oakley. The question was as follows:
Over the last few years, this Council has created a number of posts, time limited and funded from reserves. Examples are:
Full Council 28 Jun 2020 - Climate Change Officer, 2 years, £150k;
Cabinet 7 Sep 2021 (following budget amend at Full Council 2 Mar 2021) - Home Energy Efficiency Officer, 2 years, up to £86k; and
Full Council 8 Mar 2022 - Growth and Sustainability Officer, 2 years, £120k and Landscape Officer, 2 years, £112k.
The last two annual Climate Emergency Action Plan reports have also referred to a Specialist Environment Officer.
Could you advise as to the following:
When were the above referenced posts filled;
In the case of the first two, were these posts continued (including under any title change) and if so how were their continuation funded;
In the case of the Mar 2022 created posts, are there plans to continue them and if so how will their continuation be funded; and
In the case of the Specialist Environment Officer Post, when was it created and how is it funded?
Cllr Brown provided the following response:
Thank you Mr Oakley for your question.
As you know the council, like all other councils from time to time will employ staff on temporary contracts. These may be extended or made permanent depending on how successful they are, and what the council’s priorities dictate. By way of example the budget being presented later today incorporates a further extension to the Supporting You team. This has been extended beyond the initial 2 year period as the cost of living crisis continues to impact residents.
However, turning to your specific questions:
The Climate Change Officer, which was actually called the Climate Emergency Officer, was agreed to be funded for an initial 3 years at the full Council meeting on 5 March 2019, rather than 28 June 2020. This post was reviewed, and became a permanently funded post, re-titled Carbon Reduction Project Manager. This decision followed the council’s formal process at that time for reviewing discretionary spending, including bids for growth. That process, referred to as the Future Services Framework was carried out by all political groups. The outcome of which was reported to the 24 January 2022 Cabinet and finally approved by Council on 25 January 2022.
The Home Energy Efficiency Officer was also assessed by the Future Services Framework, but was not deemed by that council to be a priority, and so was not progressed further. Again, this was reported to the 24 January 2022 Cabinet meeting.
The Growth and Sustainability Officer was filled in July 2022 on a temporary 2 year contract. Funding for this post has now been incorporated into the 2024-25 budget before Council today. This decision has followed the work of the Budget Review Group. A cross party group set up specifically to oversee the development of the Council’s budgets. Again, as with previous reviews all political groups were involved in reaching ... view the full minutes text for item 87. |
Draft Capital Strategy 2024-25 to 2028-29 Members are requested to consider the report and its appendix found on pages 13-39 of the Cabinet agenda for 6 February 2024 and make the following resolution:
That the Council’s draft Capital Strategy for 2024- 25 to 2028-29 be approved. Minutes: Cllr Moss moved the recommendation which was seconded by Cllr Brown.
Cllr Moss then introduced the item.
Cllr Cross asked whether any council owned land is available for new commercial development. Cllr Moss explained that as part of the regeneration strategy the council would be looking at land that can be brought forward including land in the Southern Gateway. This will include both council owned land and land owned by partner organisations and other landowners.
Cllr Chant spoke about the economic and social implications of empty shop units with reference to Crane Street, St James Industrial Estate and the general high street. Cllr Chant asked Cllr Moss how or if the council will come up with a strategy to minimise the number of empty units by working with charities to ensure the council’s assets are used to their best economic and community purposes. Cllr Moss explained that the council does not own many of the properties in the high street. Where the council does own properties there are currently three empty units in Crane Street but work is underway to try to get those filled. Two of the empty units are available for pop up shops to help local start-up businesses. This gives local entrepreneurs the opportunity to trial their businesses. The council is also working closely with the BID to look at regeneration opportunities. With regard to St James Industrial Estate there is currently a 65% occupancy or under offer status following the full redevelopment of the site. Cllr Moss acknowledged that there is a demand from the charitable sector to have units in some of the council’s sites so the council is reviewing its Grants Programme taking this into account.
Cllr Bates asked as Chair of the Corporate Governance and Audit Committee at its last meeting how many of the council’s retail units owned or let out were empty. He explained that Mr Gillett had provided a written response that there are five vacant units; three vacant shop units in Crane Street, one industrial unit at Terminus Road and one industrial unit at Woodrupp Centre. He spoke about the trend for falling property prices and potential impact this could have on the value of the council’s property assets. He asked if there is any current policy to encourage greater occupancy in the council’s property portfolio. He suggested reducing rents in the short or longer term or offering the rents to the charitable sector at subsidised rates. Cllr Moss referred to his previous response. He also explained that Crane Street is becoming more vibrant which he hoped would continue to encourage independent businesses as well as chain shops to be located in the city centre. He clarified that the council’s property portfolio generates a £2.6 million per year income. £1.75 million is from assets which support the provision of local services. Investment properties generate between £850,000 and £1 million per annum depending on market trends. He acknowledged that the council has to account for market trends. He emphasised the ... view the full minutes text for item 88. |
Budget Spending Plans 2024-25 PDF 61 KB Members are requested to consider the report and its appendices found on pages 41-114 of the Cabinet agenda for 6 February 2024. A revised Budget Summary Statement 2024-25 is also attached at page 17 of the agenda pack to this meeting following the budget amendment agreed at the Cabinet meeting (resolution h below).
Members are therefore requested to make the following resolutions:
a) That a net budget requirement of £17,618,700 for 2024-25 be approved. b) That Council Tax be increased by £5.41 from £181.07 to £186.48 for a Band D equivalent in 2024-25. c) That the New Homes Bonus (NHB) be treated as general revenue funding as set out in para 4.6 and 4.7. d) The capital programme, including the asset renewal programme (appendices 1c and 1d of the agenda report) be approved. e) The capital prudential indicators and the Minimum Revenue Provision (MRP) Policy (appendix 4 of the agenda report) be approved. f) That £1.11m is transferred from the General Fund Reserve to the Investment Risk Reserve to reduce the risk for the movements in fair value statutory override ending on 31 March 2025. g) That delegated authority be given to the Director of Growth and Place to spend the £150k allocated from the West Sussex Business Rate Pool for economic development purposes, following consultation with the Cabinet member for Economic Development and Place. h) To allocate a total of £22.5k from reserves to be released to Bourne Community College (BCC) in two tranches: £15k in academic year 2024-25 and £7.5k in academic year 2025-26. Each year the release of funds would be subject to the school filling the funding gap and retaining the Think Family worker post. Minutes: Cllr Apel explained that a revised Budget Summary Statement 2024-25 had been included at page 17 of the agenda following the budget amendment agreed at the Cabinet meeting (resolution H).
Cllr Moss moved the recommendation which was seconded by Cllr Brown.
Cllr Moss then introduced the item.
Cllr Moss wished to thank Mrs Belenger, Mr Cooper and the team for their work in producing the Budget.
Cllr Brown also wished to thank officers. He went on to explain the reason behind the Budget decisions. He outlined investing in the district. He also spoke about planning long term from an environment perspective. He reminded members that the Environment Panel is now held in public. He also discussed the non-statutory services which the administration were prioritising. He also explained that the council had been working closely with the Chichester City Council who are due to consider their Business Plan, Midhurst in recovering from fire, Selsey on the sea defences and Bourne Community College to support the Think Family Post.
Cllr Briscoe asked whether there is a need to increase the rural car park charging. He also requested clarification on the reason for the inclusion of the Think Family worker post at Bourne College. He asked with reference to education falling under the remit of West Sussex County Council and the post being the only remaining post of its nature. Cllr Moss responded to the increase in parking charges and explained that the council went out to consultation in September last year. He added that largely the increases would be in line with inflation to help funding towards some non-statutory services. Cllr Brown responded to the Think Family Worker post. He acknowledged that it was not selected as part of the service prioritisation process but explained that it supports provision for vulnerable young people. He clarified that the extension of time would allow the College to plan for the post in subsequent years.
Cllr Ballantyne requested information on why some of the council’s replacement vehicles are diesel. Cllr Brown wished to note his thanks to Mr Carter for his work on the project. He explained that the council already operates two electric waste collection vehicles which have not been reliable. He added that with the current available technology if the council had only electric vehicles it would not be able to manage its statutory waste collection requirements. Cabinet have authorised a review of the depot site with a focus on replacing vehicles with sustainable alternatives including the option of restoring older vehicles. He also added that he would continue to monitor developments in the use of vegetable oil as fuel.
Cllr Stephen Johnson spoke about improving biodiversity and protecting and enhancing wildlife corridors. Cllr Brown explained that the new wildlife strategy aims to enhance biodiversity.
Cllr Tim Johnson thanked officers for their work on the Budget and also wished to thank Mr Buckley for his work on efficiencies. He wished to note that the cost of living crisis had increased costs. He explained ... view the full minutes text for item 89. |
Council Tax Resolution PDF 78 KB Members are requested to consider the report and its appendices and make the following resolution:
That having considered the Cabinet’s budget proposals from their meeting of 6 February 2024, Council are asked to also approve the Council Tax Resolutions as set out in Appendix A. Additional documents:
Minutes: Cllr Moss moved the recommendation which was seconded by Cllr Brown.
Cllr Moss then introduced the item.
A recorded vote was carried out on recommendations A – G by Mrs Shepherd as the recommendations include one related to Council Tax.
The results were as follows:
Cllr Apel – For Cllr Ballantyne – For Cllr Bangert – For Cllr Bates – For Cllr Betts – For Cllr Boulcott – For Cllr Brisbane – For Cllr Briscoe – For Cllr Brookes-Harmer – Absent Cllr Brown – For Cllr Brown-Fuller – Absent Cllr Burkhart – Absent Cllr Burton – For Cllr Chant – For Cllr Chilton – Absent Cllr Corfield – For Cllr Cross – For Cllr Desai – For Cllr Evans – For Cllr Hamilton – For Cllr Hastain – Absent Cllr Hickson – For Cllr Hobbs – For Cllr Donna Johnson – For Cllr Stephen Johnson – For Cllr Tim Johnson – For Cllr Moss – For Cllr Newbery – For Cllr O’Kelly – For Cllr Potter – For Cllr Quail – For Cllr Sharp – Absent Cllr Todhunter – For Cllr Vivian – For Cllr Weller – For Cllr Young – For
For = 30 Against = 0 Abstain = 0 Absent = 6
The resolution was agreed as follows:
That having considered the Cabinet’s budget proposals from their meeting of 6 February 2024, Council are asked to also approve the Council Tax Resolutions as set out in Appendix A.
Draft Treasury Management and Investment Strategy Members are requested to consider the report and its appendices as set out on pages 115-169 of the Cabinet agenda for 6 February 2024 and make the following resolution:
That the Treasury Management Policy Statement, the Treasury Management Strategy Statement, the Investment Strategy, and relevant Indicators for 2024-25 be approved. Minutes: Cllr Moss moved the recommendation which was seconded by Cllr Brown.
Cllr Moss then introduced the item.
Cllr Quail wished to acknowledge the work of Arlingclose and asked whether Cllr Moss would make any additional comments. Cllr Moss explained that the council has a record of careful investment. He wished to thank the council’s team and the Arlingclose team for the work they do.
Cllr O’Kelly asked how the council ensures ethical investments. Cllr Brown explained the Policy includes ethical investment as far as legally possible. The Policy accounts for security, liquidity and yield in that order.
In a vote the following resolution was agreed:
That the Treasury Management Policy Statement, the Treasury Management Strategy Statement, the Investment Strategy, and relevant Indicators for 2024-25 be approved.
On behalf of the Council Cllr Apel thanked Mrs Belenger over 40 years work in Local Government. She wished Mrs Belenger a very happy retirement. Mrs Belenger received a round of applause.
Making the Southbourne Modified Neigbourhood Development Plan Members are requested to consider the report as set out on page 205-207 of the Cabinet agenda for 6 February 2024 and make the following resolution:
That following the successful referendum result on 25 January Council make the Southbourne Modified Neighbourhood Development Plan part of the Development Plan for Chichester District (excluding the area within the South Downs National Park). Minutes: Following their earlier declarations Cllr Bangert, Cllr Brown and Cllr Hickson all left the room during the item.
Cllr Brisbane moved the recommendation which was seconded by Cllr Moss.
Cllr Brisbane then introduced the item.
Cllr Briscoe wished to thank all those involved in making the Neighbourhood Plan for their work. Cllr Todhunter echoed Cllr Briscoes comments and referred to the examiners positive feedback of the Plan.
In a vote the following resolution was agreed:
That following the successful referendum result on 25 January Council make the Southbourne Modified Neighbourhood Development Plan part of the Development Plan for Chichester District (excluding the area within the South Downs National Park).
To consider any late items as follows:
a) Items added to the agenda papers and made available for public inspection. b) Items which the Chair has agreed should be taken as matters of urgency by reason of special circumstances to be reported at the meeting. Minutes: Cllr Apel explained that there was one late item outlined in the supplementary agenda pack.
Cllr Moss proposed the recommendation which was seconded by Cllr Brown.
Mr Bennett was invited to outline the report.
Cllr Moss wished to endorse his support. He praised Cllr Sharp for her work and echoed thanks to Cllr Donna Johnson and Cllr Young for the support they had provided.
In a vote the following resolution was agreed:
RESOLVED That Council grant a dispensation to Councillor Sharp in accordance with Section 85 of the Local Government Act 1972 for the period to 15 June 2024.
As the Group Leader of the Green and Local Alliance Group Cllr Tim Johnson thanked the Council for supporting the recommendation.
Exclusion of the press and public The Council is asked to consider whether the public, including the press, should be excluded from the meeting on the grounds of exemption under Parts I to 7 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as indicated against the item and because, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption of that information outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. Minutes: There was no requirement to go into Part II.