Venue: Committee Rooms - East Pallant House
Contact: Democratic Services Email:
Note: The webcast can be viewed live here:
No. | Item |
The Council is requested to approve as a correct record the minutes of the meeting held on 28 November 2023. Minutes: Cllr Apel explained that Cllr Cross had submitted the following amendments:
Minute 56 – page 5 of the agenda pack. The first recorded vote should read 22 for, 6 against and 8 absent not 6.
Minute 56 – page 6 of the agenda pack. The second recorded vote should read 19 for, 9 against and should also say 8 absent.
Cllr Hamilton also requested the recorded vote be reviewed to show she voted against.
That the minutes of the Full Council meeting held on 28 November 2023 as amended be approved as a correct record. |
Urgent Items The Chair will announce any urgent items which due to special circumstances are to be dealt with under Late Items. Minutes: The Chair announced that there would be one late item to approve some additional dates for the Grants and Concessions Panel which would be taken under Late Items.
Declarations of Interests Members and officers are reminded to make any declarations of disclosable pecuniary, personal and/or prejudicial interests they may have in respect of matters on the agenda for this meeting. Minutes: Cllr Apel declared an other interest in respect of agenda item 10 as a council appointed trustee of Pallant House Gallery.
Cllr Brown-Fuller declared an other interest in respect of agenda item 10 as a council appointed trustee of Chichester Festival Theatre.
Cllr Donna Johnson, Cllr Tim Johnson and Cllr Weller declared other interests in agenda items 12 and 14. |
Chair's Announcements Apologies for absence will be notified at this point.
The Chair will make any specific announcements. Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Betts who was on council business, Cllr Burton, Cllr Cross, Cllr Hobbs, Cllr O’Kelly and Cllr Sharp.
Cllr Apel also wished to note that agenda items 11 and 13 were withdrawn as they had been taken as Urgent Decisions following the last Cabinet meeting. |
Public Question Time PDF 84 KB In accordance with Chichester District Council’s scheme for public question time the Council will receive any questions which have been submitted by members of the public in writing by noon two working days before the meeting. Each questioner will be given up to three minutes to ask their question. The total time allocated for public question time is 15 minutes subject to the Chair’s discretion to extend that period. Minutes: Question from Simon Lloyd- Williams:
The Novium Museum cost the local Council taxpayers £6.9 million to build. How much of the taxpayers money has been spent since 2012 in keeping this white elephant afloat?
Response from Cllr Brown-Fuller:
Thank you for your question, Mr Lloyd – Williams.
The Novium Museum and Tourist Information Centre (TIC) opened in its new building on Tower Street in the centre of Chichester in July 2012. Through a strong vision the museum and TIC service continues to strengthen its relationship with and relevance to our local community while growing its reputation both locally and nationally.
Over the last decade, the service has taken great strides forwards in delivering its objectives across all areas of the service. The Novium museum delivers significant educational, social, and economic benefit to the local community. During the last ten years there have been over 340,000 visitors to the museum and in addition this many local schools and education settings have embraced the outreach service provided. The museum and TIC was greatly impacted by covid during this time and was only able to open for just 89 days during 2020/21, as a result of three national lockdowns, however the service is now on the way to visitor numbers recovering and the museum’s free admission policy enables the heritage of Chichester District to be accessible to everyone.
Between April 2013 and March 2023, the cost to deliver the museum service averaged of £650k per annum, details of the service costs for each year are available on our website. In 2018 an economic impact assessment was completed using the Association of Independent Museums (AIM) toolkit, based on the visitor numbers from 2015/16 of 45,433 visitors, the museum’s economic benefit alone was estimated to be between £320-£455k. This does not include any social, educational or health benefits. We are currently undertaking a further economic impact assessment and a social value impact for the museum and results from this will be available later this year.
Museums increase our sense of wellbeing, help us feel proud of where we have come from, inspire, challenge and stimulate us, and make us feel healthier, the true value of a museum to a city which is steeped in its historical and cultural activities which are so important to the local community and visitors’ is difficult to value.
Question from Richard Plowman:
“At the last Cabinet Meeting on 9th January in response to Reverend Canon Bruce Ruddock’s question on the IPPD proposal for an Ice rink in Priory Park on page 67 of the Cabinet Papers item 2. 7 and Appendix 4, you made a promise that there would be extensive conversations including Priory Park Society.
True to your word, yourself , the Deputy Leader, Jonathan Brown and Officer, Sarah Peyman attended the meeting. Evidence and facts were presented which gave an entirely different and opposite view of the success of the Ice rink in Priory Park and its effect on the Christmas economy of Chichester and showed that ... view the full minutes text for item 66. |
Commuted Sums Spending Policy (Affordable Housing) PDF 129 KB The Council is requested to consider the
report and its appendices on pages 11-19 of the agenda pack for 9
January 2024 Cabinet meeting and make the following
resolutions: 1. The adoption of a Commuted Sums Spending Policy (Affordable Housing) as amended as attached at appendix 1. 2. That delegated powers are given to the Director of Housing and Communities, following consultation with the Cabinet member for Housing, Revenues and Benefits, to make minor amendments to the policy. Minutes: Cllr Moss proposed the recommendations which were seconded by Cllr Bangert. Cllr Moss then introduced the item in Cllr Bett’s absence as he was attending an emergency housing meeting in Westminster.
In a vote the following resolutions were approved:
1. The adoption of a Commuted Sums Spending Policy (Affordable Housing) as amended at appendix 1. 2. That delegated powers are given to the Director of Housing and Communities, following consultation with the Cabinet member for Housing, Revenues and Benefits, to make minor amendments to the policy. |
Housing Covenants policy PDF 132 KB The Council is requested to consider the report and its appendix as set out on pages 21-33 of the Cabinet agenda for 9 January 2024 and make the following resolution:
The introduction of a policy for determining applications relating to properties subject to a restriction under Sections 37 and 157 of the Housing Act 1985, or any other restriction of this nature as attached at appendix 1. Minutes: Cllr Moss proposed the recommendations which were seconded by Cllr Bangert. Cllr Moss then introduced the item in Cllr Bett’s absence.
Cllr Briscoe gave his support to the recommendations.
Cllr Brown-Fuller also gave her support to the recommendations. She clarified that the Policy would ensure that the eligible homes are sold to local people.
In a vote the following resolution was approved:
The introduction of a policy for determining applications relating to properties subject to a restriction under Sections 37 and 157 of the Housing Act 1985, or any other restriction of this nature as attached at appendix 1 as amended. |
Consideration of Consultation Responses Received on Chichester District Council’s Draft Infrastructure Business Plan 2024-2029 The Council is requested to consider the report and its appendices as set out on pages 35-67 of the Cabinet agenda for 9 January 2024 and make the following resolutions:
1. Approves the proposed responses to the representations received and subsequent modifications to the Draft Infrastructure Business Plan 2024-2029 as set out in Appendix 1; and; 2. Approves the amended IBP (Appendix 3) including the CIL Spending Plan attached as Appendix 2. Minutes: Cllr Brisbane proposed the recommendations which were seconded by Cllr Moss. Cllr Brisbane then introduced the item.
Cllr Brisbane outlined some amendments:
· IBP 155 Willow Park, Terminus Road GP hub. A request for a CIL increase of £1.5 million to £1.65 million. · IBP 726 Southbourne Surgery. The project is delayed from 2023-2024 to 2027-2028.
Cllr Hickson shared concerns at the slip of IBP 726. She explained that the surgery continued to struggle to meet the growing demand of the residents. Cllr Brisbane explained that the officers had been informed by the NHS that there were several reasons for the delay including the inflation cost increases, reviewing what can be achieved from the current budget and evidence suggesting that residents in newly built houses are registering at alternative GP surgeries. In addition the NHS is putting greater focus on IBP 155 Willow Park hub. Cllr Hickson asked that officers feedback her concerns. Cllr Bangert also queried why people are not registering at the surgery.
Cllr Moss requested an opportunity for members to review the IBP over the next few months to see if anything can be done to help move any of the projects forward.
Cllr Quail requested that the LCWIP be extended from the bottom of Centurion Way to Orchard Street. Cllr Brown explained that it is not one of the routes being prioritised by West Sussex County Council (WSCC) at this stage.
With reference to IBP 353 Cllr Potter asked why the cost had increased by £2 million. Cllr Brisbane explained it was likely to be due to inflation related increases. Mrs Dower agreed to request an update to feedback to members.
Cllr Vivian requested an update on IBP 208. He explained that City Council had passed a motion relating to issues with the city’s pavements. Cllr Moss explained that last year funding had been approved for a study. A further update is due back shortly. He confirmed that he would chase it up. Cllr Brown clarified that the study and options are needed before the next steps would be known.
In a vote the following resolutions were approved:
1. Approves the proposed responses to the representations received and subsequent modifications to the Draft Infrastructure Business Plan 2024-2029 as set out in Appendix 1; and; 2. Approves the amended IBP (Appendix 3) including the CIL Spending Plan attached as Appendix 2. |
Corporate Plan and Initial Project Proposals for 2024-2025 The Council is requested to consider the report and its appendices as set out on pages 69-110 of the Cabinet agenda for 9 January 2024 and make the following resolutions:
1. To approve the refreshed Corporate Plan 2022-2025 as set out in appendix 1. 2. That Council sets aside a further £3,628,800 from the Council’s General Fund Reserve to fund the projects identified in para 5.4(b), with release of funding being subject to future consideration by Full Council. Minutes: Cllr Moss proposed the recommendations which were seconded by Cllr Brown. Cllr Moss then introduced the item. It was confirmed that minor changes and amendments at Cabinet would be included in the refreshed Plan. Notably that the date be amended to Spring 2025 for the adoption of the Local Plan.
In a vote the following resolutions were approved:
1. To approve the refreshed Corporate Plan 2022-2025 as set out in appendix 1. 2. That Council sets aside a further £3,628,800 from the Council’s General Fund Reserve to fund the projects identified in para 5.4(b), with release of funding being subject to future consideration by Full Council. |
Cultural Grants Extension The Council is requested to consider the report and its appendices as set out on pages 111-113 of the Cabinet agenda for 9 January 2024 and make the following resolutions:
1. That the funding agreement for Chichester Festival Theatre is extended for a further year until 31 March 2025 to allow for the results from the social and economic impact assessment to be fully considered. 2. That the funding agreement for Pallant House Gallery is extended for a further year until 31 March 2025 to allow for the results from the social and economic impact assessment to be fully considered. Minutes: Cllr Brown-Fuller proposed the recommendations which were seconded by Cllr Bangert. Cllr Brown-Fuller then introduced the item.
Cllr Bangert commented that other cultural organisations should be encouraged. Cllr Brown-Fuller confirmed that the Events Strategy echoes that approach.
Cllr Quail commented on the level of the funding. She suggested that the amounts were small comparative to the community work undertaken. Cllr Moss thanked Cllr Quail for her comment and spoke in favour of the district’s cultural offers.
Mr Bennett clarified that Cllr Brown-Fuller had an ‘other interest’ as she is appointed to the Chichester Festival Theatre by the Council. This meant that she was entitled to participate in the debate and vote on the item.
In a vote the following resolutions were approved:
1. That the funding agreement for Chichester Festival Theatre is extended for a further year until 31 March 2025 to allow for the results from the social and economic impact assessment to be fully considered. 2. That the funding agreement for Pallant House Gallery is extended for a further year until 31 March 2025 to allow for the results from the social and economic impact assessment to be fully considered. |
Public Conveniences Refurbishment The Council is requested to consider the report and its exempt appendix as set out on pages 7-14 of the Cabinet agenda for 5 December 2023 and make the following resolution:
To approve the additional budget required as set out in the part two appendix, for the refurbishment programme works to Priory Park, Market Road, East Beach, Selsey and Bosham. Minutes: This item was withdrawn as an Urgent Decision was taken following the Cabinet meeting. |
Review of Parking Charges PDF 46 KB The Council is requested to consider the report and its appendices as set out on pages 115-128 of the Cabinet agenda for 9 January 2024 and make the following resolution:
To approve the proposal as set out in 5.1 of the Cabinet report on the increases to the car parking charges from 1 April 2024. Minutes: Cllr Desai moved the recommendations which were seconded by Cllr Moss.
Cllr Apel confirmed that she had accepted a major amendment from Cllr Boulcott. Cllr Boulcott moved his amendment which was seconded by Cllr Weller.
Cllr Desai then provided the introduction.
Cllr Boulcott then outlined his amendment motion.
Cllr Desai responded by explaining that the increase in parking charges is based on inflation. She added that only five responses were received for the consultation. She explained that changes to parking times can often cause confusion if there are different times for different car parks. In addition 30% revenue would be lost in rural car parks and 65% revenue from evening charges if the amendment were approved. Cllr Desai added that she would like to extend the membership of the Chichester District Parking Forum to additional stakeholders.
Cllr Burkhart asked what the maximum increase as a percentage a car park could expect at any one time. Mrs Murphy clarified that some car parks will be in line with the average of 6.7% with some higher and some lower. The overall net effect will be charges in line with inflation charges. She added that there has to be a level of rounding up or down.
Cllr Donna Johnson explained that hospitality had been impacted as car park charges can impact on how long people choose to stay in an area. She added that if visitors do not want to pay the parking they will leave. For rural areas free parking on Sunday often encourages visitors. Mrs Murphy explained that the amendment to 8pm for short stay car parks helps with environmental considerations. She added that elsewhere in the south some car parks have 24 hour charges in place. She confirmed that there had not been a significant level of complaints. She added that the rural car parks would continue to have the first one or two hours free.
Cllr Briscoe commented that car park revenue provides funding for some of the council’s functions. He gave his support to Cllr Boulcott’s amendment.
Cllr Weller gave her support to Cllr Boulcott’s amendment. She commented that charges on a Sunday would reduce the number of visitors to East Beach, Selsey.
Cllr Tim Johnson referred to Arundel and Bognor’s lower prices on a Sunday. He asked if the amendments could be taken as two separate votes. Cllr Apel confirmed that she would accept two votes with each element of the amendment taken separately.
Cllr Young explained that he could not support the amendment. He added that car parking charges support services. He asked members to consider whether people are less likely to stay longer if there is a short amount of time you can park for free. Cllr Desai clarified that with MiPermit you can update your parking and stay wherever you are.
Cllr Brown explained that there has to be a balance as parking income balances over services. He explained that he could not support the amendment as the money would have to be found ... view the full minutes text for item 73. |
Section 106 Allocation for The Selsey Centre The Council is requested to consider the report and its exempt appendix as set out on pages 15-17 of the Cabinet agenda for 5 December 2023 and make the following resolution:
That the Council releases £112,320.72 Section 106 Community Facility monies to Selsey Town Council for improvements to The Selsey Centre. Minutes: This item was withdrawn as an Urgent Decision was taken following the Cabinet meeting. |
Selsey Coastal Scheme - Next Stage Plan The Council is requested to consider the report and its appendices as set out on pages 129-147 of the Cabinet agenda for 9 January 2024 and make the following resolutions:
1. Approval of the Project Initiation Document (Appendix 1). 2. Approval of submission of a business case to the Environment Agency for Grant in Aid (GiA) funding of the option appraisal & outline design stage of scheme development. 3. Approval for undertaking the next stage of scheme development (option appraisal and outline design), if GiA funding is secured. 4. To note the significant funding gap anticipated and undertake to explore funding options towards any future construction stage, including a supporting letter to the Environment Agency in order to address the funding gap and enable a scheme at Selsey. (para 5.3) 5. That delegated authority is given to the Director of Planning and Environment, in consultation with the Director of Corporate Services, for the Grant in Aid funding spend and appointment of professional services for the Selsey scheme, and to agree project financial tolerances and spend with the delivery team. (Para 5.1, 5.5 & 5.6) Minutes: Cllr Brown moved the recommendations which were seconded by Cllr Moss.Cllr Brown then introduced the item.
Cllr Tim Johnson welcomed the proposal to combat the effects of climate change.
In a vote the following resolutions were approved:
1. Approval of the Project Initiation Document (Appendix 1). 2. Approval of submission of a business case to the Environment Agency for Grant in Aid (GiA) funding of the option appraisal & outline design stage of scheme development. 3. Approval for undertaking the next stage of scheme development (option appraisal and outline design), if GiA funding is secured. 4. To note the significant funding gap anticipated and undertake to explore funding options towards any future construction stage, including a supporting letter to the Environment Agency in order to address the funding gap and enable a scheme at Selsey. (para 5.3) 5. That delegated authority is given to the Director of Planning and Environment, in consultation with the Director of Corporate Services, for the Grant in Aid funding spend and appointment of professional services for the Selsey scheme, and to agree project financial tolerances and spend with the delivery team. (Para 5.1, 5.5 & 5.6)
Members took a 10 minute break.
Cllr Betts joined the meeting. |
Climate Emergency Detailed Action Plan - Annual Progress Report PDF 86 KB The Council is requested to consider the report and appendix included in the agenda pack and make the following resolution:
That Council notes the report and the progress on implementing the Climate Emergency Action Plan. Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr Brown moved the recommendation. Cllr Moss seconded. Cllr Brown then introduced the item.
In a vote the following resolution was approved:
That Council notes the report and the progress on implementing the Climate Emergency Action Plan. |
Finalised Draft Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) for Adoption PDF 81 KB The Council is requested to consider the report and appendix included in the agenda pack and make the following resolution:
That Council approve the finalised draft Statement of Community Involvement for adoption. Additional documents: Minutes: Cllr Brisbane moved the recommendation. Cllr Moss seconded. Cllr Brisbane then introduced the item.
Cllr Stephen Johnson asked whether anything could be done to make the comments on the planning portal more viewer friendly. He explained that it can be difficult to see comments from others in those instances where an application has a lot of comments. He confirmed that he was happy to have a response outside of the meeting. Mr Frost explained about Information Commissioner General Data Protection Regulation compliance governing what information can be shared online. Cllr Stephen Johnson clarified that he was referring to the summary page of documents. Mr Bennett confirmed that as a data protection matter it is best dealt with outside of the meeting. He suggested a meeting with Cllr Stephen Johnson and officers.
In a vote the following resolution was approved:
That Council approve the finalised draft Statement of Community Involvement for adoption. |
Urgent Decision Notice - S106 Community Facilities Contribution PDF 78 KB The Council is requested to formally note the Urgent Decision Notice relating to the S106 Community Facilities Contribution. Minutes: On behalf of the council Cllr Apel noted the Urgent Decision Notice. |
Questions to the Executive Members are invited to ask a question of a member of the Executive (maximum of 30 minutes duration). Minutes: Cllr Hamilton asked a question regarding East Beach Car Park, Selsey. Mr Bennett explained that this relates to a legal matter that the council had provided comment on. He added that it is up to the council to ensure that its car parks are not being used in an unauthorised way. He confirmed that the legal department were instructed to issue a notice due to lack of response to previous correspondence.
Cllr Chant spoke in favour of the local arts scene and its positive impact on the local community. Cllr Chant then asked what the council is doing to support local arts group and centres. Cllr Brown-Fuller thanked Cllr Chant for the question. She explained that Chichester has a large array of arts organisations and groups. She outlined organisations and events and festivals. She confirmed the difference the access to the arts can make to individuals. She explained that the council continues to fund the theatre and the gallery in their outreach programmes across the district. She added information about upcoming events including the upcoming laser event which is being organised by the council’s events officer.
Cllr Briscoe wished to raise a matter of thanks which Mr Bennett advised he should do so out of the meeting.
Cllr Moss wished to formally welcome Cllr Betts to the meeting. |
Late Items To consider any late items as follows:
a) Items added to the agenda papers and made available for public inspection. b) Items which the Chair has agreed should be taken as matters of urgency by reason of special circumstances to be reported at the meeting. Minutes: Cllr Apel confirmed that she had one late item.
Following the approval of the 2024/25 Calendar of Meetings in November 2023 officers have considered the need for additional Grants and Concessions Panel meetings this year rising from two meetings to four meetings. In order to best space these meetings across the year the following dates are proposed:
26 June 2024 9 October 2024 29 January 2025 19 March 2025
In a vote the following resolution was approved:
That the following dates be approved for the Grants and Concessions Panel for 2024/25:
26 June 2024 9 October 2024 29 January 2025 19 March 2025 |
Exclusion of the press and public The Council is asked to consider in respect appendices to agenda items 7, 11, 13 and agenda item 21 whether the public, including the press, should be excluded from the meeting on the grounds of exemption under Parts I to 7 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, as indicated against the item and because, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption of that information outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information. The reports dealt with under this part of the agenda are attached for members of the Council and senior officers only (salmon paper). Minutes: There was no requirement to exclude the public and the press. |
Urgent Decision Notice (PART II Exempt) - Public Conveniences Refurbishment The Council is requested to formally note the Part II Exempt Urgent Decision Notice relating to Public Conveniences Refurbishment. Minutes: On behalf of the council Cllr Apel noted the Urgent Decision Notice. |