Issue - decisions

Selsey Bathing Water Enhancement Project

06/09/2018 - Award of Contract for East Beach Outfall Replacement



(1)  That the contract for the East Beach outfall replacement be awarded to Contractor B, the details of which are set out in the exempt appendix to the agenda report.


(2)  That a variation to the capital programme for 2018-2019 be approved by including the replacement of East Beach surface water outfall at a cost of £149,000.


(3)  That the cost of replacing this asset in future years be added to the Asset Replacement Programme.


(4)  That the proposed expenditure be funded from Community Infrastructure Levy funds of £100,000 already approved in the Infrastructure Business Plan 2018-2019 and the balance be funded from revenue resources to the extent that it is not otherwise met from external grant from Southern Water.


(5)  That authority be delegated to the Divisional Manager for Environmental Protection to approve the funding conditions and the detailed spend of any grant funding awarded by Southern Water for the project.