Issue - decisions

Timing of Council Meetings

10/03/2016 - Timing of Council Meetings



(1)  That the proposed changes to Council meetings as listed in paragraph 5.3(a) and (b) be approved.

(2)  That, as there was no clear majority for changing the time of Council, that the Council considers either:


(a)  A morning start time of 11:00am (with briefing sessions starting at 9:30am); or


(b)  An afternoon start time. If the majority of Members vote for an afternoon meeting they will subsequently be asked to vote on either:


                              i.        A 2:00pm start time (with briefing sessions starting at 12:30pm); or

                            ii.        A 2:30pm start time (with briefing sessions starting at 1:00pm).




That, subject to approval of (1) above, Councillors Apel, Lintill, Ridd and Tull be appointed to the Task and Finish Group on the Constitution.