Issue - decisions

Determination of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2016/17

21/01/2016 - Determination of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2016/17

In the absence of Mrs Hardwick, Mr Dignum (Leader of the Council), seconded by Mr Barrow, moved the recommendation of the Cabinet.


He reminded the Council that a consultation had been undertaken on a draft 2016/17 Council Tax reduction scheme. When the Government had abolished the national Council Tax Benefit scheme in April 2013, in favour of local authorities developing their own means-tested schemes, they had made a 10% cut in grant support for the scheme. Because pensioners who were half the recipients were fully protected, this left the prospect of a 20% cut for working age claimants. However, in setting their scheme for 2013/14, the Council had decided to absorb the loss of grant and to protect working age claimants, who were among the poorest in society. The scheme had to be renewed each year, but as the fundamentals had not changed, the Cabinet recommended that the scheme should continue in the same way as in the current year, so ensuring continuity and certainty to claimants.




That the council tax reduction scheme for 2016/17 be approved.