Agenda item

Allocation of Commuted Sums to Deliver Affordable Housing

The Cabinet is requested to consider the agenda report and make the following recommendations to Council as set out below:


1.    The allocation of grant of £438,750 to Worthing Homes to support the development of 9 social rented homes on a site at Middleton Close, Bracklesham, funded from commuted sums.


2.    The allocation of grant of £160,000 to Chichester Greyfriars Housing Association to support the development of 8 social rented homes at Royal Close, Chichester, funded from commuted sums.




1.    The allocation of grant of £438,750 to Worthing Homes to support the development of 9 social rented homes on a site at Middleton Close, Bracklesham, funded from commuted sums.

2.    The allocation of grant of £160,000 to Chichester Greyfriars Housing Association to support the development of 8 social rented homes at Royal Close, Chichester, funded from commuted sums.


Mrs Graves introduced the report. She explained that in certain circumstances the council accepts commuted sums from developers in lieu of the provision of affordable housing. The funding is used to support alternative schemes which Registered Providers are able to bring forward. She confirmed that the council is keen to support schemes which deliver homes at social rent levels which both the schemes recommended do. The Worthing Homes scheme in Bracklesham will provide nine homes for rent including one wheelchair accessible unit. The Chichester Greyfriars’ scheme will provide eight new homes for older people as part of their existing development at Royal Close, Chichester. Both schemes will also attract Homes England funding.


Mr Western and Mrs Grange responded to members questions. Regarding the time limit on S106 Commuted Sums Mrs Grange confirmed most commuted sums are now accepted on the basis that they will be used within ten years. With regard to the tenancy arrangements he explained that they would initially be fixed term. With regard to whether grants are subject to satisfactory nomination agreement with the council Mrs Grange clarified the levels are 100% for nominations completion and 75% thereafter for voids.


Cllr Moss then read the following statement out on behalf of Cllr Sharp:


These homes are desperately needed by local people.  In the last few weeks Greyfriars have been working with the Homeless team at the Council and have had several nominations that are from people in their 70s that are threatened with homelessness or indeed have been homeless and previously been living on the streets and have gone through Stonepillow/the Council.


Greyfriars’ rents are affordable and within benefit levels as social rents and they include two flats that are wheelchair standard.  There are also some features to deal with the climate change emergency eg solar PV.  So I wholeheartedly support the allocation of a grant to this project.


However, the Council needs to be made aware that there is concern among local residents in Royal Close and surrounding areas about the difficulty people of all ages have crossing the Bognor Road to get to the Coop. In the West of the City considerable work is being put in by developers to add extra crossings on Sherborne Road for example. This work needs to be replicated in the East. Bognor Road is an arterial road with a speed limit of 30mph and a huge level of traffic that will only go up with more building in the East and closing of Oving Road Crossroads. A safe crossing of this road must be a priority for our LCWIP.


Mrs Grange drew attention to section 5.6 of the report and explained that there would be only one wheelchair accessible unit rather than two due to planning requirements for the adjacent properties.




The Cabinet then voted to make the recommendations below:




1.    The allocation of grant of £438,750 to Worthing Homes to support the development of 9 social rented homes on a site at Middleton Close, Bracklesham, funded from commuted sums.

2.    The allocation of grant of £160,000 to Chichester Greyfriars Housing Association to support the development of 8 social rented homes at Royal Close, Chichester, funded from commuted sums.


Supporting documents: