Agenda item

Work Programme

The Committee is requested to consider the latest Work Programme


The Committee considered the latest Work Programme.


The following items were added to the Work Programme for further involvement by this Committee:


·      Process of the Pay Review: Mr Ward advised that it would not be possible for officers to report the review details of individual staff or groups of individuals.  The whole process had already been reported upon to both Joint Employee Consultative Panel, as well as full Council where the final decision was made prior to the District Council election.  The reports and minutes were available for all members to read.  The process had already been considered and therefore if reviewed by this Committee it would be a duplication creating additional work.  He suggested that members may wish to take into account this information when deliberating whether or not to add this to the work programme.  The Chairman suggested, which was agreed by members, to take the report as it stood to give members, especially for the newer members in office, the opportunity to understand it in the first instance.  Mr Ward confirmed that it would not be a confidential report unless members got into the detail of individual staff, which would not be appropriate anyway.  

·      Education Update from WSCC Education Service: Requested that an officer from West Sussex County Council be invited to attend when the item was considered. 

·      Universal Credit – Anti Poverty Strategy: With regard to task and finish groups, Mr Ward reminded members of Section 5, Protocol 5.7 of the Council’s Constitution concerning the creation of task and finish groups.  Section 10 stated that the Business Routing Panel has overall control of the number of task and finish groups created, as they created additional officer time with some lasting for one meeting and others lasting a period of several months. It would depend on whether members were keen to see an Anti-Poverty Strategy investigated and drafted by officers, which is something that they can just get on with.  He suggested that if this was the case, officers would take it forward in consultation with the Cabinet Portfolio Holder.  If members wished to see the draft Strategy before its consideration by Cabinet they could do.  However, if members wished a much broader subject that would be too complex or too lengthy a debate to get into at the meeting, or contained sensitive information, a task and finish group would be suitable. It was agreed that the subject matter should be broadened out, as a general anti-poverty strategy, to look at the social issues and challenges in these areas faced by those in the District in receipt of Universal Credit, food banks etc.


Current Work Programme Items:


Air Quality Action Plan – Review of existing and briefing paper on proposals for new Midhurst AQAP  – 19 November 2019: The proposed new Air Quality Management Area, due to be considered by Cabinet on 1 October 2019, was Westhampnett Road, Chichester. Mr Potter raised his concern that the introduction of the new roundabout at Westhampnett Road, to service the proposed new supermarket and new nearby housing developments, would exacerbate the issue. Officers would provide the full details to Mr Potter outside of the meeting.  Any concerns could be raised at the next meeting when this item was considered and Mr Potter may wish to raise the matter at the next Cabinet meeting.


Supporting documents: