Agenda item

Public Question Time

The procedure for submitting public questions in writing no later than 12:00 on 9 September 2019 is available upon request from Democratic Services (the contact details for which appear on the front page of this agenda).


The following public questions had been received as follows:


Mr Raincock had submitted questions in relation to item 6 (Chichester Vision, Chichester Bid and the Retail Offering, and Southern Gateway).  Mr Trundle was in attendance on behalf of Mr Raincock to read out the questions as follows.


Question 1 – Masterplan -


The Development Brief references a ‘Masterplan for the area that was adopted in November 2017 as a Supplementary Planning Document’.

Does the Overview and Scrutiny Committee believe this Masterplan is appropriate in September 2019 and if so what economic benefits will it bring to Chichester?

What efforts have been made by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to challenge this Masterplan because if implemented the opportunity will be lost to modernise the railway station, find a long term solution for the railway crossings and position Chichester as a ‘go to’ location on the south coast for a new creative industry, business, education and leisure?

Finally, does the Overview and Scrutiny Committee truly believe the Masterplan will be the catalyst for positive change across The District and in particular central Chichester?


The following answer as provided by Mr Moss


Yes the Masterplan remains relevant today and remains the adopted statutory planning document.  It is a sufficiently flexible document that allows a variety of solutions to be proposed for consideration and implementation.  The potential benefits are significant and are fully described in the Project Initiation Document approved by Council previously but includes an estimated 365 homes; 1100 new jobs; improved night-time economy; business space and public realm.  All members of Council were engaged in the production of the masterplan and the development brief and will continue to be so in order to ensure that its delivery delivers the change it is designed to.


Question 2 - Deliverability


Does the Overview and Scrutiny Committee think the whole Masterplan is deliverable?

Does the Overview and Scrutiny Committee believe a developer would actually build out the quantum of commercial space (21,600 square meters) outlined in The Masterplan without a significant pre-let agreement in place from an end user of the space?

If so, what is the prospect of securing a significant pre-let from a credible end user to underpin the success of the Masterplan and has this been tested with the shortlisted developers?


The following answer as provided by Mr Moss


As Mr. Raincock will be aware the Council and its partners are in the midst of a procurement process to appoint a development partner.  Deliverability is a key consideration of this process and as such it would not be appropriate to comment in detail at this time suffice to say that a response to this question will form an important part of the Council’s decision making process.


Question 3  – Timetable


The proposed timetable for the appointment of a developer by Chichester District Council is set out in The Development Brief that was issued in May 2019 to parties interested in being appointed to regenerate The Southern Gateway. This brief clearly states the “appointment of the preferred bidder is expected to take place in October 2019. Contract signing is expected to take place in December 2019”.

In addition, the timetable has been summarised in the 10th September 2019 presentation to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. The 26th November 2019 is a key date as it would seem it is the only time the Councillors will be given to opportunity decide on the selection of a development partner.

Please could the Overview and Scrutiny Committee confirm if the timetable is being adhered to?

If it is, please could the Overview and Scrutiny Committee confirm if there is sufficient time between now and on the 26th November 2019 to consider the points raised above and then allow adequate information to be presented to The Councillors so they can make an informed decision for Chichester on the 26th November 2019 with regard to the selection of a development partner for the regeneration of The Southern Gateway?


The following answer as provided by Mr Moss


Members have been kept closely involved in progress with the appointment, having previously approved the masterplan and input into the development brief and appointment criteria.  We have received quarterly briefings and monthly bulletins.  The timetable is on course. 


Council have given the Deputy Chief Executive, himself a Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors with almost 40 years of experience, over 30 of those practicing in Chichester District, with authority to select the final shortlist after consultation with the Leader.  The final decision as to appointment will be made by Council.  All Councillors will have the opportunity, in advance of the 26 November to meet the shortlisted developers and Overview and Scrutiny Committee at their November meeting will also be able to comment on the recommendation to Cabinet and Council before they meet on the 26 November.  This is as agreed with Councillors.


The Chairman advised that Mr Trundle was welcome to stay for agenda item 6, the Cabinet member’s report, where Southern Gateway would be addressed. Mr Trundle advised that he would like to have an open debate as this was a complicated subject. He commented that a standard response often did not necessarily get to the heart of the issue, which was the Masterplan.  


Mr Milward-Oliver had submitted a public question in relation to item 8 (Ice Skating Update).  Mr Milward-Oliver was not present to read out his question.   Therefore, the question was not read out and the Committee was advised that a written response would be sent.