Agenda item

Local Plan Review - Responses to Preferred Approach Consultation and Way Forward

The Cabinet is requested to consider the agenda report and its appendices and make the following recommendations to the Council:


1.    That:

a.    the Summary of Representations included as Appendix 1 to this report is noted.

b.    the proposed Council responses to the representations set out in that document are agreed, and

c.    the Director of Planning and the Environment be authorised, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning Services, to make minor amendments to the Summary of Representations and Responses prior to its publication.

2.    That the issues raised in the Summary of Representations document and the other relevant issues summarised in section 9 of this report are noted as key considerations for the ongoing production of the Local Plan.

3.    That the programme of further technical work set out in section 11 of this report is endorsed.

4.    That the implications for the distribution of development set out in section 12 of this report are endorsed, subject to further technical work and testing through Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment being completed.




1.    That:

a.    the Summary of Representations included as Appendix 1 to this report is noted.

b.    the proposed Council responses to the representations set out in that document are agreed, and

c.    the Director of Planning and the Environment be authorised, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning Services, to make minor amendments to the Summary of Representations and Responses and supplementary material prior to its publication.

d.    That the issues raised in the Summary of Representations document and the other relevant issues summarised in section 9 of the report are noted as key considerations for the ongoing production of the Local Plan.

2.    That the programme of further technical work set out in section 11 of this report is endorsed.

3.    That the implications for the distribution of development set out in section 12 of this report are endorsed, subject to further technical work and testing through Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment being completed.


Mrs Taylor introduced the item. She explained that a consultation of the Local Plan Review took place over an eight week period from 30 December 2018 until 2 February 2019. A total of 3200 representations were received from 729 respondents. The report sets out a summary of the representations received for Part I of the Local Plan Review Preferred Approach which relates to Strategic Policies and Allocations. A separate reportto Cabinet and Council will address representations on Part II of the Plan relating to Development Management Policies. Mrs Taylor drew attention to appendix 1 to the report which contains the initial council response and paragraph 8 of the report. She explained that paragraph 9 sets out a number of new issues which require consideration including the declaration of a Climate Emergency and the discharge of nitrates into Solent and impact this has on future development. Mrs Taylor confirmed that A27 discussions remain ongoing with Highways England and WSCC regarding the nature and finance of improvement works and this uncertainty will need to be addressed within the Local Plan. She then drew attention to the Schedule as set out in appendix 3 to the report and the Sustainability Appraisal detailed in paragraph 4 of the report. She confirmed that further technical work is required.


Mrs Taylor outlined an amendment to recommendation 1c to add the words and supplementary material prior to its publication.


Mrs Lintill clarified that the report is considering progress only at this stage.


Mr Wilding addressed concerns relating to options in the north of the district and the implications given the current lack of infrastructure. Mr Ayling explained that the council must test all the options and consider the benefits and issues of each.


Mrs Plant commented that less than 1% of residents had made representations on the review. She explained that a Local Plan is essential in order to prevent unplanned development in the district. She referred to the need for the examiner to find the Plan sound.


Members thanked officers for their hard work to date.




The Cabinet then voted unanimously to make the recommendations below.




1.    That:

a.    the Summary of Representations included as Appendix 1 to this report is noted.

b.    the proposed Council responses to the representations set out in that document are agreed, and

c.    the Director of Planning and the Environment be authorised, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning Services, to make minor amendments to the Summary of Representations and Responses and supplementary material prior to its publication.

d.    That the issues raised in the Summary of Representations document and the other relevant issues summarised in section 9 of the report are noted as key considerations for the ongoing production of the Local Plan.

2.    That the programme of further technical work set out in section 11 of this report is endorsed.

3.    That the implications for the distribution of development set out in section 12 of this report are endorsed, subject to further technical work and testing through Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment being completed.

Supporting documents: