Agenda item

CC/17/03117/FUL - Land West Of Frederick Road Chichester West Sussex

Erection of 25 no. dwellings with the associated vehicular and pedestrian access, parking and secure cycle storage, landscaping and open space




Mr Whitty reported an amendment to condition 10 to include reference to an allowance for climate change.  He explained the reasons why officers were of the opinion that the proposal was considered appropriate, being outside the settlement boundary of Chichester City as outlined in the report.


The following members of the public addressed the Committee:


-        Mr D Haley - Supporter; and

-        Mr K Wawman - Applicant


Mr Whitty responded to members’ questions and comments.  He explained where the affordable housing provision would be located and that whilst it was somewhat grouped there would still be a mixture of development types.  He confirmed that the Council’s Environmental Health Officer was satisfied that potential vibration from the nearby railway track would not cause a significant impact.  Following the Council’s Environmental Health Officer comments steps had been taken, to alleviate the noise impact and the western elevations of the blocks of flats as far as possible would not have any bedrooms.  The market units would be most affected by A27 traffic noise.  A condition would require the applicant to achieve a 28 decibel minimum noise reduction.  Windows would not be required to be continually closed.  With regard to the impact on bats and ecology, apart from a small amount of scrub and tree removal on the eastern side the remainder of the site boundaries  would remain to retain the ecological links. It would be difficult to justify restricting development on the basis of  it being prejudicial to the A27 as there was no scheme of improvements in place.  The development would not significantly add to traffic on Clay Lane or cause detriment.  There was no reason to seek full details of the proposed landscaping from the applicant at this stage.  Mr Whitty advised that the applicant had outlined the principles of the landscaping and the intention to retain a significant amount of trees.  With regard to visibility splays the trees on the site were set back a reasonable distance from the highway and would remain in situ. He confirmed that there was sufficient headroom capacity to accommodate foul water disposal via the existing foul network.  With regard to ground water drainage, the Council’s Drainage Engineer had provided a full and detailed response and were satisfied that there was a technical solution for which details would be required to be submitted by a condition. The Councils Environmental Health Officer gave very little weight to noise attenuation from trees as even evergreens provide very little mitigation.


Miss Golding reported that with regard to the eight affordable dwellings, the draft Section 106 Agreement provided the option for either a commuted sum equivalent to 0.8 of a unit or for the applicant to provide an eighth dwelling on the site.  However, from the comments made by one of the speakers it sounded as though the applicant intended to provide the eighth dwelling.


Members favoured the following:


-     An additional condition to include a requirement for a Construction Management Plan,

-     Officers to ensure that the list of plans in condition 2 are complete;

-     The deletion of ‘winter’ and the inclusion of reference to climate change in condition 10;

-     The amendment of condition 29 to include reference to climate change;

-     An additional informative to encourage eight affordable dwellings to be provided onsite; and

-     An additional informative requesting the landscaping scheme to include appropriate tree planting to the Clay Lane frontage and the retention of existing planting where possible. 


Recommendation to Permit with one additional condition (Construction Management Plan) amended conditions 2, 10 and 29, and two additional informatives (eight affordable dwellings and additions to the landscaping scheme) agreed.


Supporting documents: