Agenda item

SY/17/01458/DOM - 11 Beach Gardens, Selsey, Chichester, West Sussex, PO20 0HX

Proposed extension and alterations.


To delegate to officers to determine upon receipt of amended plans showing the deletion of the outside spiral staircase and associated balcony and the provision of a 1.8 metre high obscure glass screen on the eastern side of the eastern balcony.


(In the event that such amended plans are not received the application will be referred back for a Committee determination).


This application had been deferred at the Planning Committee meeting held on 13 December 2017 for a site visit, which was held on 15 January 2017 in order to consider the impact of the proposed extension and alterations on the neighbouring properties and its impact on the surrounding area, including overlooking.


Information was reported on the agenda update sheet relating to the deletion of condition 1 and amended condition 3.


The following members of the public addressed the Committee:


        Mr C Alden – Selsey Town Council Parish Representative

        Mrs A Gaunt – Objector

        Ms E S Wikinson – Objector

        Mr G Mellett – Objector

        Mr John W Elliott – Chichester District Council member for Selsey South Ward


In response to members’ comments and questions, Mr Whitty advised that officers had no concerns relating to the design of the building as the street scene was varied. With reference to a request to clarify the outside access he explained that there was no outside access from the Juliette balcony and the only access to the balcony terrace was from the living room. The outside staircase leading to the garden could be used as an outside access door however there was a front door located off the main parking area to the north side of the site. With reference to further development Mr Whitty explained that condition 7 could be amended to remove permitted development rights which would include preventing the conversion of the flat roof to a balcony. With regard to overlooking it would be possible to add a condition to require a level of obscure glazing to be maintained on the terrace balcony. Mr Whitty explained that if members chose to request the removal of the spiral staircase access to the garden would be limited to bedroom one or bedroom three. With regard to the use of the garage Mr Whitty agreed to amend condition 6 to restrict the use to parking. With reference to concerns that the property would be used regularly for bed and breakfast Mr Whitty clarified that letting should not be considered a planning concern unless an applicant seeks to subdivide a property.


Some members maintained concerns regarding overlooking with reference to the revised upside down nature of the property and considered the removal of the outside spiral staircase, associated balcony and screening of the terrace balcony necessary.


Mrs Kilby proposed the deletion of the outside spiral staircase and associated balcony and the provision of a 1.8 metre high obscure glass screen on the eastern side of the eastern balcony. Mrs Purnell seconded the proposal. Mr Frost explained that if satisfactory amended plans were received, the application could be delegated to officers to determine. Members agreed to vote on each matter separately.

A vote was taken for the deletion of the outside spiral staircase and associated balcony which was carried.


A vote was then taken for the provision of a 1.8 metre high obscure glass screen on the eastern side of the eastern balcony which was carried.


A final vote was taken to delegate the decision to officers to determine upon receipt of amended plans relating to the two matters above but in the event that such amended plans are not received the matter be referred back for Committee determination. This vote was also carried.


Delegate to officers to determine upon receipt of amended plans showing the deletion of the outside spiral staircase and associated balcony and the provision of a 1.8 metre high obscure glass screen on the eastern side of the eastern balcony.


(In the event that such amended plans are not received the application will be referred back for a Committee determination).

Supporting documents: