Agenda item

CC/16/03791/OUT - Phase 2 Of The Westhampnett/North East Chichester SDL Land North East Of Graylingwell Park, Chichester, West Sussex

Residential development comprising up to 200 no. dwellings, including an element of affordable housing, associated landscaping and open space, Lavant Valley Linear Greenspace, surface water attenuation and ancillary works and vehicular access from the area known as 'Phase 4 of the Graylingwell Park development.'


Defer for a Section 106 agreement then Permit.


Mr Bushell introduced the item. Information was reported on the agenda update sheet regarding an amendment to the report relating to the Section 106 agreement and amendments to planning conditions 5, 23 and 25.


The following members of the public addressed the Committee:


·       Mr C Beaumont – Objector

·       Mr I Smith – Supporter

·       Mr J Allen - Applicant


Mr Bushell and Mr Horne responded to members questions. With regard to the proposed 400 metres sound buffer Mr Horne explained that based on World Health Organisation standards there should be no adverse impact to any persons living at a property on the site a distance of 400 metres or further from the Goodwood motor circuit. With regard to the character of the sound it was confirmed that motor racing events are held at Goodwood five days per year with additional driving activity on the circuit subject to strict noise management conditions.


With reference to concerns that the application was submitted with all matters reserved Mr Bushell explained that although unusual this was an acceptable approach. Members were shown a series of parameter plans provided by the applicant to demonstrate how the development could be achieved. With regard to concerns relating to a 6m wide access road passing through Graylingwell Park it was noted that WSCC Highways had no objection to the proposal. Mr Bushell explained that a letter from solicitors for Linden Downland LLP had been received confirming that a legal agreement was in place with the applicant allowing vehicular access to the development across Graylingwell Park. He confirmed that pedestrian access to Winterbourne Road via potential connection points provided up to and abutting the site boundary as shown on the parameter plans would be expected. With regard to footpaths the applicant was under no Local Plan policy obligation to provide a new circular footpath but had agreed to contribute £50,000 towards an upgrade of footpath 459 extending north from Fordwater Road to New Road to a bridleway. With reference to concerns about potential flooding on the Lavant Valley footpath/cycleway officers considered that the wider public benefits of providing the footpath outweighed the possible flood risk. Mr Bushell explained that arrangements for foul water disposal were yet to be determined but conditions 6 and 26 required submission of additional information. With regard to assimilating the development into its surroundings, the landscaping design approach was to include informal groups of trees planted on the east site boundary adjacent to the River Lavant, tree planting along streets within the site and gapping up of the hedgerows on Stocks Lane and at Fordwater Road.


In response to a request to consider further landscaping off site Mr Frost agreed that an informative could be added to highlight the importance of considering the impact of landscaping and planting both on site and to the surrounding area. He confirmed that landscaping could be discussed further following submission of the relevant reserved matter application.


Mr Bushell agreed to take forward members suggestions relating to an additional condition to require electric charging points.


Defer for a Section 106 agreement then Permit.


Supporting documents: