Agenda item

Approval of the Infrastructure Business Plan 2017-22 for consultation with the City, Town and Parish Councils and key Infrastructure Delivery Commissioners

(See report at agenda item 6 (pages 67 – 130) of the Cabinet papers of 20 September 2016)




That the Infrastructure Business Plan 2017-2022 be approved for consultation with the city, town and parish councils, neighbouring local authorities including the South Downs National Park Authority and key infrastructure delivery commissioners for a period of six weeks from 3 October to 14 November 2016.



Mrs Taylor (Cabinet Member for Housing & Planning), seconded by Mr Dignum, moved these recommendations from Cabinet. She explained that the purpose of the Infrastructure Business Plan (IBP) was to enable the Council to prioritise and select the infrastructure that was most needed; when and where it was needed. Projects selected from the IBP would aid the cumulative growth of the area and ensure that the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) was spent to best effect; that a transparent prioritised approach was taken to selecting projects to be funded and that all sources of funding infrastructure were taken into account including S106 monies.


In September 2015 the first draft IBP was reported to Cabinet and subsequently to Council for consultation with WSCC and other Stakeholders. It was emphasised that it was a living document and would be reviewed annually. In February 2016 CIL was adopted by the Council thus giving greater certainty about future funding for infrastructure to support development in the Local Plan. The Council was now beginning to receive income from CIL, although future years’ receipts were still estimated.


In assessing the infrastructure requirements and means of meeting those requirements, collaboration would be essential. In April this year a workshop was held with stakeholders and projects identified. The proposed Cashflow and Spending Plan was discussed at a meeting of the Joint Liaison Group, comprising officers and members from West Sussex County Council (WSCC) and the Council, and it was agreed that the Smarter Choices proposals and the Primary School places projects, together with the requested funding for the new Medical Centre on the West of Chichester Strategic Development Location should be subject to further detail and evaluation.


For the period 2016–2021 there would be a projected shortfall of £2,503,870 on the total costs of projects proposed for CIL funding. Therefore it was important that projects were prioritised that would meet the infrastructure needs of development.


The draft IBP would go out for consultation for a period of 6 weeks from 3 October to the 14November. The results of the consultation would be discussed by the Joint Liaison Group before being reported back to Cabinet.


Mr Shaxson suggested that the foreword be amended to add a sentence to indicate that this plan covered all areas excluding the South Downs National Park (SDNP) and that the Park Authority had its own CIL arrangements. Mrs Taylor advised that the SDNP was referred to as one of the consultees but that this could be included.


Mr Oakley endorsed the comments on Smarter Choices, education and health projects. However he was concerned that the Council was looking to spend this amount of money on projects which would be very difficult to measure. Mrs Taylor advised that further details and an explanation were currently awaited and that all stakeholders agreed that nothing should be spent without good evidence.


Mr Ransley stated that it was essential to know that the infrastructure would be available in order to be able to support development. There would need to be some clarity as to how this was being funded and residents needed to fully understand this. Mrs Taylor replied that the purpose of the IBP was to give that clarity; there must be prioritisation and projects needed to be chosen wisely. Mrs Shepherd said that as there was a major funding gap in the district, the Council was going to have to look for other funding for necessary infrastructure. The prioritisation process within CIL would need to be used wisely, challenging the projects we were going to fund to ensure they were of the highest priority. Parishes which had taken growth would receive their share of the CIL which is paid twice a year as set out in the regulations. The Council is the responsible authority for the distribution of CIL. 


Mr Plowman was happy that the document went out to consultation but requested more discussion on it following consultation.


Mrs Plant stated that most of high/essential priorities seemed to be with transport but queried the inclusion of a library at Southbourne and asked for clarification as to how the list had been created. Mrs Taylor confirmed that the library was possibly included during a workshop with residents at Southbourne and that it was considered the highest need in that area.


Responding to a question from Mr Shaxson, Mrs Purnell advised that the reason Selsey was showing no CIL receipt was that all accounting had been through S106 agreements before CIL started.


Mrs Hardwick suggested that in order not to raise expectations on proposed sites the phrasing in the document might be amended. Mrs Taylor noted the concern and would make the amendment.


To a question from Mr Ransley on the final short list Mrs Taylor responded that we were only certain about the first year and that subsequent years were estimates. Mr Dignum suggested that the Cabinet Member go through the document with officers before publication to ensure that it was as user-friendly as possible. 


Mrs Purnell moved an amendment that a further recommendation be added: To allow the Head of Planning Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing & Planning to correct minor and typographical errors before publication. This was seconded by Mr Dignum.


On the motion being put to the vote, this amendment was carried.




That the Infrastructure Business Plan 2017-2022 be approved for consultation with the city, town and parish councils, neighbouring local authorities including the South Downs National Park Authority and key infrastructure delivery commissioners for a period of six weeks from 3 October to 14 November 2016.

That the Head of Planning Services, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing & Planning, be authorised to make minor editorial and typographical amendments to the document before publication.