Issue - meetings

BX/17/00898/REM - Land West Of Abbots Close, Priors Acre, Boxgrove, West Sussex

Meeting: 15/11/2017 - Planning Committee (Item 82)

82 BX/17/00898/REM - Land West Of Abbots Close, Priors Acre, Boxgrove, West Sussex pdf icon PDF 394 KB

Application for approval of reserved matters in respect of appearance, layout, scale and landscaping for the erection of up to 22 no. residential units, public open space, landscaping, access and car parking following outline planning permission 14/03827/OUT.




Information was reported on the agenda update sheet relating to the deletion of condition 6 due to duplication with condition 4 and a further condition relating to external lighting. Miss Jones introduced the item by reference to plans and photographs of the site and surroundings.


The following members of the public addressed the Committee:


·       Mr M Bish – Boxgrove Parish Council

·       Mrs T Moignard – Objector

·       Mr G Beck - Agent


Miss Bell, Miss Jones and Ms Nicol responded to members questions. With regard to the wording of the proposal ‘up to 22 dwellings’ it was agreed that the words ‘up to’ should be deleted. With reference to concerns about the location of the acoustic fence it was confirmed that the fence would be situated inside the application boundary and condition 4 required submission of a detailed specification prior to development. Officers are to clarify with the applicant the impact on trees from the acoustic fence. With regard to the quality of flint and other construction materials condition 2 sets out a requirement for materials to be agreed. With regard to concerns relating to the width of the access road within the site, it was noted that West Sussex County Council (WSCC) Highways had not raised any objection to the proposal. Officers considered the 4m road width adequate and confirmed that some properties would be allocated garages in addition to the parking allocation. Officers also confirmed WSCC were content with the safe turning of HGVs.


With reference to concerns that the site layout and distribution of affordable housing would not encourage community integration, Miss Jones and Miss Nicol explained that the grouping of affordable units accorded with the council’s usual requirements and that officers had suggested the split of open space to the developer to enable a better acoustic environment to be achieved to the southern boundary of the site (located next to the A27). Officers agreed to discuss the integration of affordable housing further with the developer with a view to suggesting two areas of affordable housing rather than one. Mr Whitty explained that it would be easier to find a housing provider to manage the site if the affordable housing were less spread and therefore easier to maintain.


Following the discussion the Committee still favoured a spread of affordable housing throughout the site and one larger area of open space.


Mrs Tassell proposed the application be deferred for further discussion between officers and the developer. Mrs Kilby seconded the proposal which was carried.


Defer for further discussions between officers and the developer regarding the site layout.


The Committee took a 10 minute break.