Issue - decisions

Budget Spending Plans 2017-2018

09/02/2017 - Budget Spending Plans 2017-2018



(1)   That a net budget requirement of £12,362,700 for 2017-2018 be approved.

(2)   That council tax is increased by £5 from £145.81 to £150.81 for a band D equivalent in 2017-2018.

(3)   That the Investment Opportunities Reserve is increased by £470,600.

(4)   That, should the final settlement differ from the provisional settlement, any increase or decrease be dealt with by adjusting the transfer to the Investment Opportunities Reserve above.



(1)  That the capital programme including the asset renewal programme (appendix 1c and 1d to the agenda report) be noted.


(2)  That the current resources position (appendix 2) be noted.


(3)  That the budget variances included in the Draft Budget Spending Plan as set out in appendix 1b to the agenda report including growth items be noted.