Issue - decisions

Chichester Site Allocation Development Plan Document: Proposed Submission

03/11/2016 - Chichester Site Allocation Development Plan Document: Proposed Submission



That the Council:


(1)  Approves the Site Allocation Development Plan Document: Proposed Submission (as set out in appendix 1 to the agenda report and amended by (a) the revised update sheet and (b) at the meeting) for an eight-week consultation from 1 December 2016 to 26 January 2017 following which it shall be submitted to the Secretary of State for examination.


(2)  Approves the proposed responses to the representations received (as set out in appendix 2 to the agenda report).


(3)  Delegates authority to the Head of Planning Services after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning Services to enable minor amendments to be made to the Site Allocation Development Plan Document: Proposed Submission prior to and following public consultation.


(4)  Approves the retention of the site to the rear of Sturt Avenue Camelsdale within the Site Allocation Development Plan Document: Proposed Submission for examination subject to confirmation from the Environment Agency that there is no objection once the flood zone modelling has been completed.