Agenda item

WH/18/01024/REM - Land North Of Stane Street, Madgwick Lane, Westhampnett, West Sussex

Approval of reserved matters in respect of pedestrian and cycle access, appearance, layout, scale and landscaping (including SUDs and pumping station) following outline planning permission 15/03524/OUTEIA for residential development comprising up to 300 residential dwellings, including an element of affordable housing, with vehicular access from Stane Street and Madgwick Lane, associated landscaping, a community facility, open space and children's play space, surface water attenuation and ancillary works (EIA development).


Defer for a Section 106 agreement then Permit


Additional information was reported on the agenda update sheet relating to an amendment to the applicant’s name, additional comments received from Westhampnett Parish Council, Southern Water, West Sussex County Council Highways, Chichester District Council Environmental Health (Contaminated Land and Air Quality), one further third party objection, officer comments, amended conditions 2 (plans), 7 (bins and recycling), 8 (electric car charging) and 15 (contamination), deletion of condition 6 (travel plan) to avoid duplication of a S106 obligation, and 3 additional conditions for the pedestrian link to the bridleway, delivery of the allotments and restricting tanker access overnight.


Attention was also drawn verbally to an additional late third party comment received from Goodwood.


The following members of the public addressed the Committee:

·       Mr S Barnes – Objector;

·       Mr I Smith (Chichester District Cycle Forum) – Making comment;

·       Mr S Goodwill - Applicant


During the discussion Mrs Langford and Mr Whitty replied to members’ questions as follows:


·       Impact on Goodwood – approximately 20 properties would be located within the 400m buffer zone – technical solutions in place to bring noise levels down to an acceptable level as set out in both national and local planning policy.  Informative proposed advise applicant of the need make prospective buyers aware of the proximity of the Goodwood Airfield and Motor Circuit.

·       The dwellings would be located in Flood Zone 1 and were set back some distance from the primary SUDS pond located in Flood Zone 2.

·       The majority of the roads on the site would be adopted and all were proposed to be suitable for use by refuse vehicles.

·       Sewerage tankering – first occupation is predicted to be Spring 2019 and it was expected that 60-90 properties would be occupied by 2020, requiring 2-3 tanker visits each day.

·       Noise mitigation included double glazing and alternative ventilation when windows were closed.  The dwellings themselves formed a buffer to other parts of the site.

·       It was likely that Westhampnett Parish Council would take on the responsibility for the allotments. The additional condition proposed on the agenda update sheet dealt with this matter and that included the requirement for a phasing plan.

·       A range of materials would be used so as to result in enough variety and consistency across the site and officers would ensure that any flintwork was of good quality.

·       The WSCC Highways Officer considers that the proposed pedestrian crossing, visibility splays and access to the sports and green infrastructure site opposite is acceptable in planning terms. Technical consents will additionally apply. With regard to the issue of the pedestrian crossing and the concern raised by one of the public speakers concerning traffic and sharp bend along Madgwick Lane, This had been further reviewed with WSCC who now considered that there was a solution to achieve a safe pedestrian crossing to the playing fields. 

·       Further discussions had taken place concerning access to the Stocks Lane bridleway.  Condition 5 dealt with the requirement for the submission of full details to ensure pedestrians could cross safely.  It was agreed that with reference to the ‘David Wilson Homes’ element of the development condition 5 should be amended to be more generic in case when the time came David Wilson homes were no longer the developer.

·       Officers were of the view that it was unlikely that rat running through the site would take place on Goodwood event days, as only a short strength of Madgwick Lane would be avoided and traffic may have difficulty re-joining the northbound queue of traffic.

·       The speed limits within the site would be subject to agreement with WSCC when the roads are proposed for adoption. With regard to the provision of street lighting etc, the applicant would be asked to have regard to the dark night skies status of the South Downs when proposing streetlighting.

·       Details were provided of the tree planting proposed and it was agreed that Condition 5 should be amended to ensure the provision of a variety and mix of trees (including those of a more substantial and long lived nature) along the Madgwick Lane frontage. 

·       With regard to the garage sizes, an informative was agreed to ensure the implementation of 6x3m size garages.


Defer for a Section 106 agreement then Permit with conditions as per recommendation as amended by the update sheet, with additional amendments to condition 5 (landscaping) and one additional informative (garage size) agreed.

Supporting documents: