Agenda item

BX/18/00696/FUL - Land West of Abbots Close Priors Acre Boxgrove West Sussex

The Planning Committee is asked to consider and determine this planning application for:


Development of site to provide 22 residential units, access, public open space, landscaping, car parking





Defer for section 106 agreement then permit with amended condition 14 (surface water drainage) and additional conditions relating to (a) archaeology watching brief, (b) estate management including parking and (c) planting on southern edge of site adjacent to A27


Mr Whitty presented this planning application for the development of the site to provide 22 residential units, access, public open space, landscaping, car parking. There was currently pending an application for the same site which had been deferred by the Planning Committee in November 2017 for further negotiations and was now the subject of an appeal against non-determination.  


Mr Whitty explained the proposal with reference to slides shown on the screens consisting of (a) an aerial photograph (features, constraints, facilities identified); (b) a map; (c) a coloured site/layout plan; (d) photographs affording various views of the site including access and of houses in Priors Acre; (e) artist drawings of the unit designs; (f) a panoramic street scene perspective with details of styles, materials, scale and design; (g) drawings of the types and proportions of the houses; and (h) drawings of the turnings for the largest refuse vehicles which would need to visit the development once completed.


Mr Whitty drew attention to the agenda update sheet which reported (a) amendments to paras 2.1 and 8.3 of the report; (b) a further third party objection; and (c) a proposed extra condition 28.


The following member of the public addressed the Planning Committee on this item:


(a)  Mr G Beck – agent for the applicant


During the debate members asked questions and made comments on points of detail about various matters (in respect of which differing views were expressed) and received advice and answers from Mr Whitty and Mr Frost:


·       Road layout in the development and parking provision (for residents and visitors) and control, including enforceability of on-site parking restrictions via an estate management plan.


·       Location of the affordable housing at the southern end of the site by the A27 (noise and air pollution issues – relevant also to the children’s play area) and whether this represented the best possible integration (pepper-potting) of those housing units across this site.


·       The need for new residential development to meet highest standards of design (Policy 33 of the Chichester Local Plan: Key Policies 2014-2029) did not appear to have been satisfied in this case.


·       The design and visibility of the southern boundary acoustic fence and how it might be landscaped.


·       The suitability and size of the public open space on the northern area of the site given its proximity to a pumping station.


·       The need for condition 14 (surface water drainage scheme) to contain an express reference to a ‘1 in 100 year + 40% for climate change critical storm event’ (para 6.9 of the agenda report).


·       The desirability of an archaeological watching brief condition to be added to the grant of planning permission notwithstanding the response of the CDC archaeology officer (para 6.11 of the report).

·       The absence of pavements on the site with pedestrians (not uncommonly) using the shared surface estate roads.


Officers confirmed, and this was supported by the Planning Committee, that conditions could be added or amended with respect to (a) an archaeology watching brief; (b) the surface water drainage condition making reference to 1 in 100 year + 40% event; and (c) the southern A27 acoustic fence to be set back by 1 m and landscaped. In addition, officers would negotiate for the inclusion in the section 106 agreement estate management arrangements which covered parking enforcement measures and parking restrictions in the turning head.




The Planning Committee voted on a show of hands by 12 to two and one abstention in favour of the officer recommendation in the agenda report with amended and additional conditions as set out below.




Recommendation to defer for section 106 agreement then permit agreed with amended condition 14 (surface water drainage) and additional conditions relating to (a) archaeology watching brief and (b) planting on southern edge of site adjacent to A27 and for officers to negotiate as part of the section 106 agreement with regard to parking enforcement as part of the estate management arrangements.

Supporting documents: