Agenda item

Planning and Housing Portfolio

Following the attendance of the Leader of the Council at the last meeting of this committee to present the Cabinet strategy for 2016/17, the Planning and Housing Portfolio Holder is invited to present her priorities and areas of focus over the next year and to answer questions from the committee on progress towards achieving the aims and targets of the Council’s Corporate Plan priorities.


Mrs Taylor had been invited to present her priorities and areas of focus over the next year and to answer questions from the committee on progress towards achieving the aims and targets of the Council’s Corporate Plan priorities.


The recommendations from the previous meeting of the committee were answered as follows:


1.     Request the Planning and Housing Services portfolio holder to develop the Council's own local planning performance standards (as the national standards are not considered to be a useful measure on their own any longer). Planning used to have localised targets but these were removed following national changes. Government are also tightening the planning designation criteria as discussed at Planning Committee and the Development Plan and Infrastructure Panel (DPIP).

2.     Request the Planning and Housing Services portfolio holder to add an additional bullet point to the key priorities in the Housing Strategy to read 'Provide development which has a positive impact on the area in which it is built and in the wider district'.


Mrs Taylor explained that drafting the Housing Strategy had been challenging due to changing government legislation. The strategy does however aim to be proactive to meet future challenges such as the Local Plan review in July 2019 and the A27 consultation.


Mrs Taylor acknowledged that the Government has put emphasis on home ownership which is difficult for first time buyers in the district as house prices are high and wages low. Mrs Taylor has discussed the provision of affordable housing with the South Downs National Park Authority (SDNPA) as 40% of the park is within the district and CDC are the housing authority.


Members asked the following questions:


·       Are the 2500 planning applications handled by Development Management every year majors and minors? The figure of 2500 is inclusive of both majors and minors.

·       How many planning officers make up the Development Management team? Roughly 17-18 full time planning officers.

·       Is there evidence that the pre-application process speeds up the formal application process? A Planning Task and Finish Group are currently considering this issue. Pre-application work is likely to lead to better quality applications. The findings of the group will be shared with OSC.

·       Can local performance indicators be considered? Until the government finalises its proposals to extend designation criteria, it would be premature to introduce further local indicators. Designation is the term describing government powers to enable applicants to bypass the local planning authority in relation to the planning application process and applies where the timescales for determination of planning applications falls below set thresholds. Planning Services operate local targets for planning appeals, pre-application enquiries and Planning Enforcement. Development Management exceeded government targets for planning application performance last year.

·       What is the timespan of the continued progress in meeting affordable housing targets? The targets (achievements) were measured until 31 March 2016 and the new priorities relate to 1 April 2016 to 31 March 2017.

·       How many market/affordable homes are there in the district? There are just over 50,000 properties.

·       How will the district deliver more housing to prevent young people moving away? Alternatives are being promoted such as self-build, Community Land Trusts and co-ownership. Mrs Taylor and officers are attending many community forums and events in order to inform the public about the options available. Rural Housing week begins on 11 July and there will be posters, radio and newspaper coverage as part of the publicity. Members will also receive a presentation.

·       Is the council tracking how many young people move out of the district and how many council employees live in the district? Information will need to be gathered to answer this question.

·       Will there be a full study of housing which will be updated on a regular basis? A study takes place approximately every five years which feeds into the Local Plan and Housing Strategy.

·       What are cross boundary housing issues? Consultation with neighbouring authorities. Areas such as strategy, structure, roads and facilities are all considered on a wider scale. It is a way of objectively assessing the needs in other districts. The prime purpose is to assist across Local Plan processes to demonstrate the required duty to cooperate. A joint statement of objectives is produced.

·       What is the latest information on increasing permitted development rights? Consultation took place via Planning Committee and DPIP in March and April. There has been no response from the government yet.

·       What is the main emphasis of the Chichester conservation area boundary review consultation? The decision to alter and/or extend the conservation area boundary was deferred by Cabinet due to the significant level of interest. Additional time has allowed officers the opportunity to address all the issues raised. The matter will be reported to Cabinet in September.

·       14% of all homes in the district are second homes. What can the council do to restrict this practice? Second home owners pay full council tax rates. Many of the possible methods of restriction being explored by other authorities would be very difficult to enforce.

·       Research shows that planning applications have not been followed through to development stage. Is this a problem in this district? Information will need to be gathered to answer this question.

·       Is there a clause in the warm homes initiative to ensure that landowners do not increase rents as a result of property improvements? There is a clause which prevents an increase in rent for 10 years. If landlords breach they are required to pay back the funds received. In the first instance landlords must contribute the first £1000 towards works.

·       Will landowners be approached to lease land for housing? Landowners are currently being approached with the intention to increase homes for the community in perpetuity through community land trusts which are exempt from the Right to Buy.

·       Where does the £264,000 housing funding go? Cabinet allocated £1.3 million of funds to a number of affordable housing schemes in May. The Council are currently meeting its overall affordable housing target.189 homes have been enabled by the council in the year to 31April 2016, 49 more than the overall target of 140.

·       Have starter homes and affordable homes diluted the need for social housing? The adopted Local Plan requires 30% affordable housing on larger development sites. Starter homes fall within this definition and subject to forthcoming regulations, it is expected that 20% of homes on sites of a certain size may be required to be starter homes meaning that only 10% would be delivered as either affordable rent or shared ownership.

·       Is the demand for housing in the district falling? There is no evidence to suggest this is the case. There has been an increase in larger planning applications.

·       What is the relationship with SDNPA? There is a proactive relationship. Officers and members of SDNPA and CDC have held a number of joint meetings over the last 2 months and SDNPA is setting up a Land Owners Conference which Cllr Taylor will attend.

·       What arrangements are in place with Havant, East Hampshire and Waverley councils? There is a dialogue with these local authorities as part of the duty to cooperate.

·       What are the alternative options for Building Control? A report is due to OSC on 5 July. For some time, neighbouring authorities have been considering alternative models for delivery of the service in ways that might also enhance future service resilience.

·       Is there enough resource in the Housing Delivery Team? Officers have been looking at alternative housing options for the last 12 months and are very proactive in promoting these options to the community.

·       Are there any restrictions for planning applications requesting development of bungalows to dormer houses? Bungalows can provide a useful downsizing option but there is little supply. Planning applications that propose alterations and extensions to increase the size of bungalows are considered on their individual merits having regard to matters such as the effect on the character of the area and the amenities of neighbouring properties.

·       What is being done to identify vulnerable under 35 year olds welfare arrangements? In future they will only be entitled to benefits for a shared house. Registered providers only provide single person accommodation (not shared accommodation) and there is potential that these adults would be left without accommodation. The issue has been identified and officers are looking at ways to address the problem.

·       How can members influence planning and housing on a larger scale? Mrs Taylor has written to Members of Parliament.


Mrs Apel thanked Mrs Taylor and officers for answering questions and requested that members send any further questions directly to Mrs Taylor.




That the committee notes the Housing and Planning portfolio holder’s progress towards achieving the aims and targets of the Corporate Plan priorities and notes the areas of focus over the next year.


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