Agenda item

Chichester in Partnership Plan 2016/17

The committee is asked to review the process achieved by Chichester in Partnership in 2015/16, to make any recommendations it considers appropriate to the partnership and to endorse the revised Community Strategy 2016-2021 and recommend that Cabinet that it is adopted by the Council.



Miss Loaring explained that since 2012 there had been no duty to retain a Sustainable Community Strategy or have a Local Strategic Partnership but the Council along with their partners have agreed to continue with Chichester in Partnership (CIP)as it has been delivering useful projects. CIP is active and has continually increased its links with additional partners. Every year CIP produces an annual report and forward plan which outlines the chosen priorities for the year ahead. The Community Safety Partnership (CSP) also reports to CIP. The Sustainable Community Strategy has been reviewed and refreshed as more concise and focussed document for 2016 – 2021 will be taken to Cabinet in July (now called the Community strategy). Some of CIP’s achievements in the past year are:


·       The Choose Work project has been successfully running for three years focussing on helping those without employment. It is now jointly funded until March 2017

·       Working with new organisations such as Hyde Martlet, Christians Against Poverty and the Citizens Advice Bureau on tackling financial exclusion

·       Selsey Works now has a full time worker funded and hosted by Selsey Town Council A successful Living with Dementia Arts Festival

·       A successful showcase event in the Novium for partner organisations which received positive feedback from particpants and was attended by over 80 different organisations


Members asked the following questions:


·       Will meetings of the partnership be held in the northern part of the district? Historically they have but attendance from partners was reduced when held elsewhere. A venue such as the Grange or SDNP could be considered the idea will be put forward to the partnership.

·       What is a Community Assessment Tool? Information from data and statistics held about communities and projects and developed into a succinct “weather report” on the area. It is a way of finding out the impact work has had on the communities involved.

·       Which areas of public transport will be discussed as part of the Sustainable Community Strategy? This was discussed at the last core group and the decision was made to focus on access to services which we will be scoping in the near future.

·       How much personnel time is available for community hubs? Services are already supplied in some local areas. A service in Chichester South is in the development stage.

·       What happens during a structured drop in session such as the one at St Pancras, Chichester? This particular session is run by the Richmond Fellowship and is referred to as a ‘tea and chat’ community support event. Chichester Mind also run events in Midhurst which provide an opportunity for people to discuss a number of problems. Members are welcome to attend these open sessions.

·       How can communities initiate their own gardening projects? Lots of gardening projects are set up in communities. Advice and guidance is available for those wanting to start a new project. A new project would require clear support from the community to be sustainable.  

·       How has CIP survived where other authorities have failed? Are responsibilities being taken on which should lie elsewhere? Some authorities have combined their strategic partnerships. CIP also includes the Health and Wellbeing Partnership. Not all authorities have a dedicated Partnerships Officer. It enjoys good support from partners to share concerns and deliver focussed projects and activities.

·       Is CIP’s work funded by the European Union (EU)? No, the partnership has none of its own funding. Some project funding is currently being applied for through the Local Enterprise Partnership which does receive EU funding.

·       What are “Our Place” neighbourhoods? Community projects which have been recognised by Department of Communities and Local Government for funding to support local delivery plans.

·       On page 12, section 6.3 is the district or neighbourhoods being referred to? The reference is to areas of work covered.

·       How does West Sussex County Council fit into CIP? CIP is one of the only places where public, voluntary and private sector organisations come together. WSCC county council attend as officer and Councillors.

·       Is CIP taking on a greater responsibility of dementia than the district council is required to? CIP choose the areas to focus on and identifies gaps where services are not already being provided. They review their work every year.

·       What is the holistic approach taken by CIP? The approach is to consider the ‘distance travelled’ by the service user and how the service has helped them move on with their lives.

·       Will CIP work be taken into schools? A programme ‘Five ways to wellbeing’ will be taken into schools. There are also plans to work with youth groups on topics such as work and health and wellbeing.

·       How is CIP involved with SDNP? SDNP were involved in the development of the community strategy and are members of the core group .

·       Are there a more recent statistics than the 2011 Census? This is the most recent Census information available.

·       With 1300 homes without central heating what is able to be done to help? Health and Wellbeing projects are addressing these issues. An update can be provided to members.

·       Is Pallant House Gallery a CIP partner? Yes through the Chichester Learning Arts Partnership.

·       Are there changes to the Petworth bus services? Mrs Lintill was able to advise that the 99A bus will be discontinued on a Sunday only due to lack of use.

·       Can New Homes Bonus funding be used to help fund CIP? Could Cabinet consider a fund for times of hardship? This would need to be suggested to Cabinet in the recommendations below.


Mrs Apel thanked Miss Loaring for answering member’s questions.




That the committee notes the progress achieved by Chichester In Partnership in 2015/16.




1.       That the revised Community Strategy 2016-2021 be endorsed and recommended to Council for adoption.

2.       That consideration be given to establishing an emergency fund for Chichester In Partnership for the period 2016-2021 to ensure its ability to function in times of hardship.


Supporting documents: