Agenda item

Local Plan Review - Project Initiation Document (PID)

To approve a Project Initiation Document for the review of the Local Plan and recommend the Council to approve funding for it.




That a total budget of £800,000 be allocated from reserves to fund the Local Plan Review.




(1)  That the Local Plan Review Project Initiation Document (appended to the report) be approved.


(2)  That it be noted that from 2017/18 the annual draft revenue budget will contain a base budget contribution to reserves of £160,000 to fund future reviews of the Local Plan.


The Cabinet considered the report circulated with the agenda (copy attached to the official minutes).


Mrs Taylor introduced the report. She pointed out that the Local Plan was the foundation for the determination of planning applications. The current Local Plan had been adopted in 2015, but the Planning Inspector who conducted the examination into the soundness of that plan indicated that it could only be found sound and therefore be adopted if it was subject to an early review to be completed within five years.


She appreciated that a review raised anxieties in the community and, therefore, it was important to have a transparent programme, with a clear timetable, costs and resources.


The review would require a range of background evidence. As far as possible the evidence base for the current plan would be used, as well as other studies in progress such as the A27 and tourism. The Coastal West Sussex and Greater Brighton Strategic Planning Board would be undertaking a review of the Local Strategic Statement. However, a number of other studies would need to be carried out by outside consultants.


The total estimated budget for the review was £800,000. From 2017/18, the annual draft revenue budget would contain a base budget contribution to reserves of £160,000 to fund future reviews of the Plan.


If the review was not undertaken, the Council would have to spend resources to handle speculative planning applications and appeals instead of retaining a plan led process.


The Cabinet discussed the costs in the Project Initiation Document (PID). Mr Allgrove (Planning Policy Conservation and Design Service Manager) acknowledged that the studies to produce the evidence base were costly, but explained that the estimates were based on past experience and the costs incurred in preparing the current Plan. Formal competitive tenders would be used for studies estimated to cost over £50,000, and competitive quotations would be obtained for those below this amount.


The Cabinet also discussed the timetable. They noted that the new Plan needed to be adopted by July 2020, and that the timetable needed to allow time for slippage, and also for the risk the Examiner might require further work in order to agree that the Plan was sound.


Mr Finch asked about the impact on neighbourhood plans and stated that guidance about this to parish councils would be required. Mr Allgrove explained that the preferred approach would be that the Local Plan should be completed and then neighbourhood plans should be produced in conformity with it. However, Cabinet members felt that this should be considered further because of the risks arising during the lapse of time between adoption of the Local Plan and completion of neighbourhood plans. It was agreed that the Development Plan and Infrastructure Panel should be asked to consider this issue.



That a total budget of £800,000 be allocated from reserves to fund the Local Plan Review.




(1)  That the Local Plan Review Project Initiation Document (appended to the report) be approved.


(2)  That it be noted that from 2017/18 the annual draft revenue budget will contain a base budget contribution to reserves of £160,000 to fund future reviews of the Local Plan.


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