Agenda item

Corporate Plan Task and Finish Group Final Report

The committee is requested to consider the findings of the Task and Finish Group and make recommendations accordingly.



Mrs Dignum explained that the Corporate Plan TFG was tasked with checking the Corporate Plan performance against targets with six red areas identified:


The Housing Condition Stock Modelling

·       This item was only flagged red due to a delay in coming to OSC

·       Mrs Dignum expressed admiration for the hard work of the Housing Department


Private Sector Renewal Policy

·       This item was only flagged red due to a delay in coming to OSC

·       Mrs Dignum noted no real concerns


All Reported Crimes – Chichester

·       The council is not responsible for crime rates but is a partner to authorities who are

·       There has been a 3.3% increase in crime

·       The increase could be explained by a change to the method of recording serious crime and the increase trend in the number of sexual offences being reported

·       Mrs Dignum explained that the activities of one individual can skew the results for an area

·       Mrs Dignum praised the Community Wardens who work to prevent crime and suggested they be given permanent contracts


The percentage of people who are maintaining positive lifestyle changes as a result of referral to the Wellbeing Hub after 3 months

·       Mrs Dignum explained the wellbeing quarterly surveys were impressive

·       A target had been set of 80% and previously 90% had been achieved

·       The lower score of 75% can be attributed to the loss of data for the period by an individual and some lack of advice taken up by those referred to the service

·       Mrs Dignum commended the efforts of those involved in the many positive case studies


To increase the survival rates of companies after 3 years to align with SE actual

·       A 57.1% survival rate was achieved against SE outturn of 51.2%

·       A challenging but considered achievable target of 61.9% was set locally

·       Mrs Dignum requested updated figures in December as the figures provided were a year in arrears


The percentage of household waste sent for reuse, recycling and composting

·       The target for recycling was set at 42%  but 39.25% was achieved

·       The Inter Authority Waste Group discussed ways to increase this figure with suggestions including the collection of textiles, small electrical items, smaller waste bins, food waste bins and collecting rubbish less often

·       Mrs Dignum explained the TFG felt this was an area of concern and further attention is required

·       Mr Barrow, the Cabinet Member for Environment, had been requested to attend this meeting to update the committee but had been on holiday, however he is scheduled to brief Full Council prior to its 15 December meeting

·       Mrs Dignum highlighted the European Union target of 50% recycling by 2020 and a possibility of 70% recycling by 2030 which would require some radical rethinking

·       Recycled 500 more tonnes of recyclate last year but residual waste had risen more, for reasons not understood


Mr Shaxson proposed reintroducing the Waste Minimisation Strategy Panel, the Council’s former recycling monitoring body, to help identify solutions. Mrs Tassell seconded.


Mrs Plant discussed the issue of the treatment of black bag rubbish which contains a lot of wet and heavy food and the idea of using a third bin and recycling via an anaerobic digester. Mr Ransley explained that individuals could buy digesters to recycle food waste for composting. 


Mr Cullen explained that residents need easily accessible recycling facilities and praised the superb recycling facilities and staff at the Westhampnett site and the provision of amenity tips to take food and electrical waste.




1.     That the report of the Corporate Plan TFG is noted and that the committee is satisfied that the Council is achieving satisfactory levels of performance against the targets and activities in the 2015/16 Corporate Plan mid-year progress report.

2.     That the concerns of the Corporate Plan TFG reflected in paragraph 4.5 of the report regarding the Council’s underachievement of the recycling target (and the need to have a fuller debate of new ideas at a higher level as a step towards improvement of the figures) are forwarded to the Cabinet Member for Environment, along with the request to reintroduce the Council’s Waste Minimisation Strategy Panel.


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