Agenda item

Leisure Services Review

The Corporate Task and Finish Group established to carry out the above review will be reporting to Council and Cabinet in January. Mr McAra, a former member of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, was the committee’s representative on this Task and Finish Group which has met over the last year. Mr McAra, along with officers from the T&FG have been invited to attend this meeting to provide the committee with an oral update on progress to date with this review and the next steps.




Mrs Apel introduced the item explaining that a year and a half ago it had been agreed to review leisure services. It was now timely to receive an update on progress with this review.


Mr McAra, a former member of the OSC and originally nominated to sit on the Cabinet led Leisure Task and Finish Group (TFG), explained that the TFG had met several times and the leisure services review was still ongoing. The TFG discussed options for the leisure centres and potential private operators, reducing the preferred options to two following an interview process. Mr McAra noted the process could result in considerable savings for the council although the provision of current services needed to be maintained, the impact on other council services minimised and the impact on tax payers considered.


Mrs Hotchkiss explained the process to date. In September 2014 Cabinet reached a decision to test the market for leisure services provision and set up a TFG which had met six times. The first meeting in November 2014 agreed the terms of reference and established a reporting structure. In April 2015 following competitive dialogue the leisure services went out to open tender with 11 parties registering interest. Following an evaluation process this was reduced to five who were invited to submit tenders. In August 2015 two preferred bidders were decided. The TFG received presentations from both and the final tenders had been submitted. Following a re-evaluation process the tenders would be discussed at the December 2015 TFG along with the risks and benefits of outsourcing. The final decision of whether to outsource leisure services will be made by Council. If Council decides in favour of outsourcing then Cabinet will decide its preferred contractor in February 2016.


Mrs Hotchkiss assured the committee that the following communication methods had been used for the review:


·       A Staff Forum with 15 representatives from across the leisure services including sports development

·       Two letters to all staff involved

·       Senior officers attended two Joint Employee Consultative Panels

·       Clubs, organisations, partners and sponsors have been written to and invited to comment and discuss any questions

·       A newsletter was issued to the leisure centres, libraries and other local community venues

·       The local paper featured a double page spread on the review


Mr Cullen noted the excellent work of the leisure centres is due to the positive attitude and work of the staff. Mr Cullen asked how the current services would be protected. Mrs Hotchkiss explained that if a contractor was the preferred option they would be issued with a Sports England contract based on a Sports England specification to keep the high standards and ensure baseline facilities are maintained or enhanced. Both contractors were asked to produce method statements for current delivery. Mrs Hotchkiss explained that services such as GP referrals will continue. Mr McAra added that consideration would be given to The Grange as a joint building with West Sussex County Council (WSCC).


Mrs Hotchkiss clarified for Mrs Graves that working with a larger organisation could provide benefits.


Mr Ransley asked for clarification of the timetable for the decision of whether to outsource the leisure services with his understanding being Cabinet meet in January the morning before Full Council. Mrs Hotchkiss explained this was the current schedule but all members would receive Cabinet papers five clear working days in advance. Mr Ransley commented on the small window of time to consider the papers and requested that all of the options papers be provided to members.


Mr Ransley suggested either OSC rely on the TFG or a special meeting of the OSC be held to provide members with the reassurance. Mrs Hotchkiss explained the TFG would meet on 18 December 2015 with the Cabinet report ready for 26 January 2016. If the meeting of the 26 January were to change then this could affect the project end date.


Mrs Apel asked if the decision could be put back. Mrs Hotchkiss explained that the deadlines had been issued to the contractors and notice would have to be given.


Mr Ransley asked if there was a reason OSC could not meet in January. Mrs Hotchkiss explained that the papers would not be ready until the 26 January 2016 Cabinet. Mr Ransley suggested a report from the TFG could be provided. 

Mrs Apel suggested co-opting Mr McAra onto the committee for the period of the review. Mr McAra stated he did not wish to accept.


Mr Shaxson noted the function of OSC could only be fulfilled by having a properly constructed appraisal. Mr Shaxson explained it was necessary to avoid a situation in January where the decision had to be deferred as it had not been scrutinised.


Mr Ransley explained he had no desire to defer the decision, just to ensure due process is followed by the TFG reporting back to OSC in January. Mr Hyland explained that the TFG was established through Cabinet not OSC.


Mr Ransley recommended a verbal report be provided to the 12 January 2016 OSC by the Chair and OSC representative of the Leisure Task and Finish Group. This was seconded by Mrs Dignum. The majority were against.


Mr Shaxson proposed a written report from the TFG be brought to a special or ordinary OSC meeting in January 2016.  Mrs Plant seconded. The majority were in favour.


Mrs Hotchkiss asked for confirmation of when the papers need to be submitted.




That a special meeting of the OSC be convened between 12 and 26 January 2016 to consider a written report from the Leisure TFG.


Post meeting update: The date of this meeting has been set as Tuesday 19 January 2016.