Agenda item

SB/23/01952/FUL - The Sussex Brewery - REPORT TO FOLLOW

Partial demolition, conversion, and alterations of the detached outbuilding adjacent to the public house to create a 3-bedroom chalet bungalow with associated parking and landscaping.




Defer for S106 then permit


Miss Haigh introduced the report. She drew attention to the Agenda Update Sheet which included an additional comment received from the applicant.


Miss Haigh informed the Committee there was a very similar scheme being currently considered at appeal.


Miss Haigh outlined the site location, drawing attention to the building’s proximity to the public right of way to the south and the listed building.


The Committee were shown the proposed layout, elevations and floorplan. She explained the ridge height would increase in order accommodate the proposed first floor living accommodation.


As part of the development the pub would lose one parking space.


Miss Haigh confirmed there would be no changes to the current site access.


The Committee were shown swept path analysis which demonstrated how both a van and refuse truck would enter and exit the site.


Representations were received from;


Cllr Amanda Tait – Southbourne Parish Council

Mr Barry Redsull - Objector

Mr Jake Russell – Agent


Officers responded to comments and questions as follows;


Mrs Stevens confirmed the Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan carried full weight and was a material consideration.


Responding to concerns the development would negatively impact the pub; Mrs Stevens acknowledged concerns but explained the building did not form part of the current leasehold arrangement with the Landlord.


On the matter of proposed parking provision; Miss Haigh confirmed the provision of two parking spaces was reasonable for a development of this size.


Miss Haigh confirmed the potential impact the development may have on the listed building had been considered by officers. In officer opinion there would be no detrimental impact caused.


On the matter of highway safety; Miss Haigh informed the Committee that these concerns had been raised with WSCC Highways, following the applications deferral. WSCC Highways had no concern as there were no proposed changes to the site access and the impact from one dwelling would not have any significant impact on the highway.


Regarding the removal of permitted development rights; Miss Haigh drew attention to Condition 13 which would remove any future permitted development rights.


Miss Smith confirmed the ownership of the two parking spaces would not be part of the development, but would be provided for them.


Responding to concerns of service vehicles accessing the site; Miss Smith explained the swept path analysis showed how such access could be accommodated.


Miss Haigh explained resident access to the site would be protected during construction through condition; however, she acknowledged there would be some disruption.


Miss Smith informed the Committee the impact of the development had been considered and was addressed in the report. the building did not form part of the pub leasehold and evidence submitted by the applicant demonstrated the business would still be viable. It would be unreasonable to refuse the application because it may have a future impact on the viability of the pub.


On the matter of over development; Miss Haigh informed the Committee it was officer opinion that the development did not constitute over development.


Miss Haigh confirmed the impact of the pub on future occupiers had been considered, with a detailed noise mitigation plan required before any commencement of building.


Miss Haigh agreed it did appear the bins would be moved from the shed to a parking space, however, the loss of 4 parking spaces was not official and the application could only be assessed on the evidence provided. 


Following a vote, the Committee agreed to support the report recommendation to defer for S106 then permit.


Resolved; defer for S106 then permit, subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report.

Supporting documents: