Agenda item

Petition - Car Group Meeting at East Beach Car Park

A Petition to ‘Allow Manhood Classics to return to using East Beach Car Park in Selsey’ has been received by the council and agreed for inclusion in the agenda by the Chair.  As per the council’s Petition Scheme the petition organiser will be given five minutes to present the petition at the meeting and the petition will then be discussed by councillors. The debate of a petition at a Council meeting should, subject to the discretion of the Chair, not last more than 30 minutes. The council will decide how to respond to the petition at this meeting. They may decide to take the action the petition requests, not to take the action requested for reasons put forward in the debate, or to commission further investigation into the matter, for example by a relevant committee. Where the issue is one on which the council executive are required to make the final decision, the council will decide whether to make recommendations to inform that decision. The petition organiser will receive written confirmation of this decision. This confirmation will also be published on our website.


Report to follow.


Cllr Apel explained that a Petition to ‘Allow Manhood Classics to return to using East Beach Car Park in Selsey’ had been received by the council and agreed for inclusion in the agenda. She outlined the procedure as set out on the agenda front sheet to the meeting.


Mr Payne was then invited to speak for five minutes. He outlined the reason for the use of East Beach car park which related to its location. He discussed the benefits of the Car Club for those involved. He also explained that the Club has supported many local events. He wished to note that the community nature of the event and the impact on the local economy due to the additional local footfall. He explained that following communication from the council in December and January the Club had been disappointed. He explained that the Club had sent in a Freedom of Information request to ask the nature of the complaint made against the Club. He then outlined the support that had been received for the Club including that of the local MP Gillian Keegan and Selsey Town Council including Cllr Donna Johnson. He explained that since corresponding with the council the Club had increased its public liability to £10 million and a risk assessment had also been undertaken. He asked the council for their support.


As Cabinet member for events Cllr Brown-Fuller was then invited to comment first. She thanked Mr Payne for the Petition and also those who had taken the time to sign the petition. Cllr Brown-Fuller then explained that although the Club had been meeting for many years officers were not aware of the meets until the complaint was received. She noted the update of insurance. She then drew attention to the Forward Plan and explained that a new Policy is due to be discussed at the April meeting of the Cabinet. She noted that not all car parks are the same and the Policy will need to reflect that.


Mr Bennett wished to add a point of clarification. With regard to the Freedom of Information request refusal he explained that there are strict rules around information sharing and a decision had to be made as to whether the nature of the complaint would (even if providing a redacted version) be able to identify the complainant. Strict rules had been followed in making the determination by officers trained in information and data sharing. Following the tests it was determined that it would not be possible to share the complaint even in redacted form.  He added that The Federation of British Historical Vehicles Club had been in contact to not they are satisfied that concerns have been heard and will be taken into account at the forthcoming discussions.


Cllr Brown-Fuller then proposed the following resolution which was seconded by Cllr Desai:


Council thanks the petition organisers for presenting the petition and proposes to Cabinet that following the debate held at Council full consideration is taken by Cabinet to the adoption of a new policy due to be presented at Aprils Cabinet meeting.


Cllr Briscoe noted his support for the Club. He explained that he would rather support the recommendation of the Club to return as soon as possible rather than support the recommendation put forward to wait for the Policy.  Mr Ward explained that the letting of council land is an executive matter. The council can make it views known so that Cabinet can take those into account.


Cllr Burton spoke in support of a new Policy. She felt that it could be inclusive and bring more diversity to the community.

Cllr Tim Johnson thanked officers for their work to date on the new Policy in particular the hard work of Mrs Murphy. He asked whether it be advisable to restrict the Policy to charitable organisations given they have more rules and regulations they must adhere too. Mr Ward explained that all events covered by the Policy would be required to have suitable insurance in place. He added that when the draft Policy is published members will have an opportunity to provide comments.


Cllr Donna Johnson noted the level of activity on the matter. She wished to acknowledge the strength of public feeling but also noted that she understood the reason why the Club cannot currently use the car park. She thanked officers for asking parishes effected about the use of car parks in the future. She thanked those who facilitated the Petition.


Cllr Vivian wished to speak in gentle support of the Petition. He urged that the Policy facilitates genuine car enthusiasts.


Cllr Hamilton declared that her husband is one of the enthusiasts who attends. She gave her support to the Petition.


Cllr Brown noted that the principle of supporting use of the car parks for community use is supported.


Mr Ward confirmed that a proposal had been put forward, seconded by Cllr Desai.


Cllr Brown-Fuller repeated her proposal ahead of a vote.


In a vote the following resolution was agreed:




Council thanks the petition organisers for presenting the petition and proposes to Cabinet that following the debate held at Council full consideration is taken by Cabinet to the adoption of a new policy due to be presented at Aprils Cabinet meeting.


Mr Payne then asked Mr Bennett regarding the Freedom of Information request  what the nature of the complaint related to. Mr Bennett reiterated his earlier comments about the decision not to disclose the information. He added that as a council its important that people feel confident to raise concerns with the council. He confirmed that in this case the nature of the complaint would be too informative to identify the individual.

Supporting documents: