Agenda item

WH/23/01855/FULEIA - Rolls Royce Motor Cars, The Drive, Westhampnett, Chichester, West Sussex, PO18 0SH

Hybrid Planning Application, Phase 1 (Full application) - erection of new 5 no. buildings for manufacturing and ancillary uses, extension and reconfiguration of existing facility including demolition works and removal of temporary structures, creation of new vehicular access from Roman Road, car and HGV parking and other associated works and infrastructure, including earthworks, drainage, utilities, landscaping and diversion of footpath. Phase 2 (Outline Planning application) - extension to new main building to deliver decked car parking, and new building(s) on existing Stane Street Car Park, for assembly and ancillary uses and other associated works, demolition/site clearance and infrastructure, including earthworks, drainage, utilities and landscaping. (All Matters Reserved except access).


Defer for further information


Mr Bushell presented the report, Mr Gledhill from West Sussex County Council Highways was also in attendance.


Mr Bushell explained the application was hybrid application and would be delivered in two phases. He provided a brief summary of the development site and drew the Committee’s attention to the Economic Development team comments in the report.


Mr Bushell outlined the application site, highlighting its proximity to the settlement of Westhampnett, the boundary of the national park and public rights of way.


Mr Bushell detailed the stages of development proposed and described what would be brought forward during the two phases. He detailed the proposed access arrangements and explained how the applicant sought to alleviate traffic management issues including the development of a new internal road and a change in staff shift times.


Mr Bushell informed the Committee that the applicant had applied to the Secretary of State for permission to divert footpath 417, (further detail was set out on page 47 of the report).


Mr Bushell drew attention to the Agenda Update sheet which included additional comments from Westhampnett Parish Council and Natural England, an addition to the S106 agreement and an amendment to condition 12.


Representations were received from;


Dr Windsor Holden – Westhampnett Parish Council

Mr Andrew Blanchard – Objector

Mr John Brown – Objector

Mr Andrew Ball – Applicant


Officers responded to comments and questions as follows;


Responding to concerns over the proposed transport arrangements: Mr Bushell, acknowledged concerns, but assured the Committee that a very detailed Access Strategy had been submitted as part of the application. He explained the assessment had considered seven alternative solutions for accessing the new development, which aimed to deliver four key objectives (one of which was to reduce the number of HGV movements through the village of Westhampnett). Of the seven alternatives considered the option put forward was the only one which delivered the key objectives.


Regarding the option of vehicles only using the Eastern access on Stane Street to enter the site; Mr Bushell agreed this was a good point; however, he explained this option was not taken forward as it would potentially increase the number of HGVs passing through Westhampnett. In addition, Mr Gledhill informed the Committee that Stane Street was not wide enough to accommodate all potential HGV movements, the widening of the road would have significant environmental impact therefore the option was not considered in any detail.


On the matter of the footpath; Mr Bushell clarified the footpath was not being ‘Stopped Up’ but was being diverted. It would remain a public footpath. He agreed it would be a more circuitous route and acknowledged the concerns raised, however, there was evidence to show that people already walked around the edge of the field (which is where the footpath would be diverted) and the new diversion would provide a wider, fully accessible path with an improved surface.


Regarding the future maintenance of the footpath; Mr Bushell advised this would be the responsibility of WSCC as the local rights of way authority, however, an informative could be included as part of the permission to encourage the applicant to ensure the path is maintained to an acceptable standard and kept free of obstructions.


Regarding the loss of trees; Mr Bushell acknowledged it was regrettable; however, the development would include a significant amount of new tree planting, as well as delivering a substantial net gain in bio-diversity and ecological enhancements.


On the matter of potential archaeological finds; Mr Bushell confirmed that whilst there had been some interesting finds at the site, they were not so significant as to require any specialist intervention. The developer would be required to record any finds and publish the final report.


Responding to concerns HGVs would be crossing the carriageway; Mr Bushell acknowledged concerns; however, HGVs already crossed the flow of traffic when turning right out of the Stane Street entrance, and the site access had been safety audited as part of the original application.


On the matter of the Rolls Royce Travel Plan; Mr Gledhill confirmed the company had an extensive travel plan and were very proactive in promoting sustainable travel. The staff bus which ran from the site to Bognor Regis is well used and regularly monitored.


Responding to concerns of light pollution; Mr Bushell drew the Committee’s attention to Conditions 17 and 18 which would control and mitigate against any potential light spill from the development.


Having listened to the debate, Cllr Potter proposed the Committee deferred the application to allow further assessment of the traffic management proposals, specifically the routing of vehicles coming in and out of the site. 


Cllr Quail seconded the vote.


Following a vote, the Committee agreed to support Cllr Potter’s proposal to defer for further information.


Resolved; defer for further information.  



*Members took at ten-minute break.


*Cllr D Johnson arrived at the start of this item and then left the meeting at the conclusion of the item.


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