Agenda item

SB/22/01903/OUT - Four Acre Nursery, Cooks Lane, Southbourne

Outline planning application (with all matters reserved except access) for the development of 40 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), with associated vehicular access, parking and open space.


The Committee is asked to consider the attached report and make the proposed recommendation as follows;


2.1      The Committee is asked to note the contents of this report and endorse the resolution of the 6 December 2023 Planning Committee to defer the application for S106 and then permit subject to:


i.        conditions as set out in Appendix 1.


ii.      Replacement hedgerow condition


No development shall commence on site, unless and until details of new hedgerow planting and hedgerow strengthening, to mitigate the loss of hedgerow at the site access, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The details shall include a planting plan and schedule of plants noting species, plant sizes and proposed numbers/densities, and shall include a program/timetable for the provision of the landscaping, including watering and maintenance arrangements. The works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and planting timetable and in accordance with the recommendations of the appropriate British Standards or other recognised codes of good practice. Any plants which are removed, die or become seriously damaged or defective, shall be replaced as soon as is reasonably practicable with others of species, size and number as originally approved unless otherwise first agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: In the interests of conserving and enhancing biodiversity.


iii.    Expansion of the Green Ring condition


In conjunction with the first Reserved Matters application, details and plans demonstrating an increase to the open space area adjacent to the northerns and western boundaries within the application site to strengthen the provision of the ‘Green Ring’ (over and above that indicated on the sketch site layout drawing number 3132/C/10005/SK rev 5) and including how the Green Ring will relate to the adjacent approved housing scheme to the north and west, shall be submitted to and agreed, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: in the interests of ecological connectivity, outdoor recreation and encouraging sustainable movement through the Parish.


iv.    Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment condition


In conjunction with the first Reserved Matters application, a Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment Report, setting out how the development will result in a minimum Biodiversity Net Gain of 10%, measured against the Statutory Biodiversity Metric, together with a timetable for delivery and verification measures, shall be submitted to and agreed, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To ensure that the development results in an appropriate biodiversity enhancement.




The Committee notes the contents of the report and endorse the resolution of the 6 December Planning Committee to defer the application for S106 and then permit subject to:


i.               Conditions as set out in Appendix 1


ii.             Replacement hedgerow condition


No development shall commence on site, unless and until details of new hedgerow strengthening, to mitigate the loss of hedgerow at the site access, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. the details shall include a planting plan and schedule of plants noting species, plant sizes and proposed numbers/densities, and shall include a program/timetable for the provision of the landscaping, including watering and maintenance arrangements. The works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and planting timetable and in accordance with the recommendations of the appropriate British Standards or other recognised codes of good practice. Any plants which are removed, die or become seriously damaged or defective, shall be replaced as soon as is reasonably practicable with other of species, size and number as originally approved unless otherwise first agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason; in the interests of conserving and enhancing biodiversity.



iii.            Expansion of the Green Ring condition


In conjunction with the first Reserved Matters application, details and plans demonstrating an increase to the open space area adjacent to the northerns and western boundaries within the application site to strengthen the provision of the ‘Green Ring’ (over and above that indicated on the sketch site layout drawing number 3132/C/10005/SK rev 5) and including how the Green Ring will relate to the adjacent approved housing scheme to the north and west, shall be submitted to and agreed, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: in the interests of ecological connectivity, outdoor recreation and encouraging sustainable movement through the Parish.


iv.            Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment condition


In conjunction with the first Reserved Matters application, a Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment Report, setting out how the development will result in a minimum Biodiversity Net Gain of 10%, measured against the Statutory Biodiversity Metric, together with a timetable for delivery and verification measures, shall be submitted to and agreed, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To ensure that the development results in an appropriate biodiversity enhancement.


Ms Bell presented the report. She explained why the application had been brought back to Committee, following its decision at Committee on 6 December 2023 to defer for S106 and then permit.


Ms Bell highlighted the site location which was adjacent to the settlement boundary of the made Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan. She highlighted its proximity to neighbouring development sites.


At the last Committee members had debated the green ring, Ms Bell drew attention to the report and informed members that following on from the debate a new condition had been proposed to address concerns raised and promote the expansion of the green ring. 


Ms Bell drew the Committee’s attention to the Agenda Update sheet which included which included an additional comment regarding the application of the ‘tilted balance’ and an update from Planning Policy.


Representations were received from;

Cllr Amanda Tait – Southbourne Parish Council

Rebecca Fenn-Tripp – on applicant’s behalf


Officers responded to comments and questions as follows;


On the issue of the 10% biodiversity net gain and whether this could be achieved on site; Ms Bell informed the Committee that at this stage it was unknown, however, she suggested an informative be included with the permission stating that as much if not all of the required biodiversity net gain is delivered on site.


Following a vote, the Committee agreed to support the report recommendation including the additional verbal informative.


Resolved; The Committee notes the contents of the report and endorse the resolution of the 6 December Planning Committee to defer the application for S106 and then permit subject to (and including the verbal informative):


i.               Conditions as set out in Appendix 1


ii.             Replacement hedgerow condition


No development shall commence on site, unless and until details of new hedgerow strengthening, to mitigate the loss of hedgerow at the site access, has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. the details shall include a planting plan and schedule of plants noting species, plant sizes and proposed numbers/densities, and shall include a program/timetable for the provision of the landscaping, including watering and maintenance arrangements. The works shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and planting timetable and in accordance with the recommendations of the appropriate British Standards or other recognised codes of good practice. Any plants which are removed, die or become seriously damaged or defective, shall be replaced as soon as is reasonably practicable with other of species, size and number as originally approved unless otherwise first agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason; in the interests of conserving and enhancing biodiversity.



iii.            Expansion of the Green Ring condition


In conjunction with the first Reserved Matters application, details and plans demonstrating an increase to the open space area adjacent to the northerns and western boundaries within the application site to strengthen the provision of the ‘Green Ring’ (over and above that indicated on the sketch site layout drawing number 3132/C/10005/SK rev 5) and including how the Green Ring will relate to the adjacent approved housing scheme to the north and west, shall be submitted to and agreed, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: in the interests of ecological connectivity, outdoor recreation and encouraging sustainable movement through the Parish.


iv.            Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment condition


In conjunction with the first Reserved Matters application, a Biodiversity Net Gain Assessment Report, setting out how the development will result in a minimum Biodiversity Net Gain of 10%, measured against the Statutory Biodiversity Metric, together with a timetable for delivery and verification measures, shall be submitted to and agreed, in writing, by the Local Planning Authority.


Reason: To ensure that the development results in an appropriate biodiversity enhancement.


Supporting documents: