Agenda item

Questions to the Executive

Members are invited to ask a question of a member of the Executive (maximum of 30 minutes duration).


The following questions to the Executive were received:


Cllr Cross requested an update on the loans given to help with the recovery from the Midhurst fire. Cllr Brisbane responded. He explained that there are two owners of the buildings damaged by the fire  and the management of the site is a matter for the South Downs National Park Authority. He added that the owners are awaiting a settlement from insurers. The South Downs National Park Authority has offered pre planning application advice. Cllr Brisbane added that most of the direct costs had been recovered from one owner so far. Mr Frost added that arrangements have been agreed through the South Downs National Park Authority to recover approximately  90% of the costs attributable to one of the building owners.


Cllr Quail asked what Chichester would be doing to celebrate the 80th Anniversary of D Day. Cllr Bangert responded as Military Champion for the council. She explained that she is encouraging people to commemorate on 6 June 2024. The City Council will be hosting events and there will also be a talk on 8 June 2024 with families from Thorney Island.


Cllr Evans asked in relation to Hyde residents cases in Northchapel and Kirdford what can be done to help the most vulnerable. He asked if the council could establish a vulnerable residents register to help. Cllr Betts explained that he had been working on the Hyde issues since becoming Cabinet member for Housing. He explained that officers and members would be meeting to collate information. A summit with Hyde, members and officers will be arranged.


Cllr Ballantyne asked whose responsibility it is to bring flood zones to the attention of property buyers.  Cllr Brisbane responded. He explained that a conveyancing solicitor would ask the council about potential flood risk. He explained that the council can liaise with the lead local flood authority in reaching any decision re planning permission.


Cllr Young left the meeting.


Cllr Chant requested an update on the unauthorised incursion at Northgate car park. Cllr Moss thanked Cllr Chant for the question. Mrs Rudziak was invited to provide an update. She confirmed that there are now only two caravans in the car park which are intending to move onto the transit site. Cllr Bangert and Mrs Rudziak would also be meeting with WSCC, the Police and other parties to discuss further. 


Cllr Burton asked what the council has done to support the economic regeneration of Midhurst since the fire. Cllr Desai explained that the council has encouraged people to support local. Significant resources were given to the town including £300k and marketing activities. Grants are being given to those eligible. A recovery group is developing a new website and a town team are developing a new Midhurst business partnership and events programme. The council also works with Midhurst Vision Partnership. Midhurst also benefited from UK Shared Prosperity Fund. Cllr Desai wished to thank Cllr Brown-Fuller and Cllr Burton for their help.


Cllr Briscoe in relation to the unauthorised incursion asked how much revenue is lost. He also asked whether the Police acted quickly enough. Mrs Rudziak explained that the Police reviewed the support they provide. Support is provided on a scale of distress reported by residents. 


Cllr Bates asked what help the National Planning Policy Framework has been to planning applications in the district. Cllr Brisbane responded. He explained that the council has been able to demonstrate a four year housing land supply as now required by government for a temporary 2 year period and that this should assist the Council in its decision making.


Cllr Potter raised a press matter and was advised by the Monitoring Officer that he may not want to discuss press matters. Cllr Potter suggested that the council provide a statement to GB News as requested. Cllr Apel asked for the matter to be dealt with offline.