Agenda item

BO/23/01032/FUL - Broadbridge Business Centre, Delling Lane, Bosham

Erection of single storey building comprising the following classes E, F1(a) and F2(b) uses: fitness gym (indoor sport), offices/community room, children's nursery (education) and veterinary practice (medical) (Revisions to previously approved scheme).


Defer for S106 then permit


Ms Bell introduced the report. She gave the Committee a verbal update informing them an additional representation had been received from Chichester Harbour Conservancy, who raised no objection to the application but requested a more precise soft landscaping condition be included as part of the application (Ms Bell explained that condition 21 as proposed was the standard condition) and; an additional condition be included requesting the proposed solar panels be wholly black in colour (including edging and surroundings). Ms Bell confirmed that officers considered this a reasonable request and were happy to accept as additions to conditions 10 and 21.


Ms Bell outlined the site location and its proximity to the Chichester Harbour. She highlighted the site access (which would remain the same), and the other buildings which were already on site including the Co-op, café, and doctors’ surgery.


Ms Bell detailed the application and different uses proposed as part of the new development include an indoor gym, nursery, and vets. She drew attention to the bund, which was currently in place, and explained how this would be removed and replaced.


The Committee were shown the proposed parking arrangements, Ms Bell confirmed that WSCC had reviewed the proposals and were satisfied there was sufficient capacity.


Ms Bell gave a brief summary of the planning history on the site.


Representations were received from;

Mr Peter Sims (The Bosham Association) – Objector

Mrs Nicola Trice - Supporter

Mrs Elizabeth Lawrence – Agent

Cllr Adrian Moss – CDC Member (Statement read by Cllr Johnson)


Before opening the debate, the Chairman invited Ms Bell to respond to concerns raised regarding proposed parking arrangements.


Ms Bell clarified the arrangements and showed the Committee how the applicant had amended the proposals to accommodate additional parking within the current parking area. She assured the Committee that following concerns raised from early submissions there would be no parking provision for users in the industrial estate.


Officers responded to comments and questions as follows;


Responding to concerns regarding access to the site; Ms Bell explained access was already established to the site from Delling Lane, there was no accident data for the last five years and WSCC had raised no objection.


Regarding trees on the site; Ms bell confirmed these would be removed and replaced as part of the landscaping condition.


On the matter of parking spaces; Ms Bell confirmed the size of proposed parking space met the required standard.


Responding to hours of operation for the nursery; Ms Bell drew the Committee’s attention to Condition 26 (page 224) which set out the permitted hours of operation for all premises in the development, with the exception of the veterinary practice.


Regarding the size of the gym; Ms Bell highlighted the unit which would be used as a gym, which was 92sqm in total.


On the matter of electric charging points; Ms Bell drew the Committee’s attention to Condition 19 (page 222).


Following a vote, the Committee voted in favour of the report recommendation to defer for S106 then permit.


Resolved; defer for S106 then permit, subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report and the amendments to conditions 10 and 21 as detailed in the verbal update.



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