Agenda item

CC/22/01485/OUTEIA - Land to The West of Centurion Way; Land at Bishop Luffa School; Land at And Adjoining Westgate and; Land to The North-east of Old Broyle Road and St Pauls Road, Chichester

Outline planning application with all matters except Access reserved for the second phase of development of the West of Chichester Strategic Development Location (SDL) for up to 850 homes and employment land with vehicular, pedestrian and cycle access from Westgate and via phase 1, extensions to approved phase 1 community facility and primary school, informal and formal open space (including northern Country Park), playing pitches and associated landscaping, utilities and drainage infrastructure. Closure of Clay Lane vehicular access.


To assist members with their consideration of the application a copy of the submitted site framework parameter plan has been provided as a separate appendix to the agenda.


Defer for S106 then permit.


Having declared a predetermination in this item Cllr Quail withdrew from the meeting.


Mr Harris introduced the report. He clarified the application proposals and reminded the Committee that the application was an outline application with all matters reserved expect for access. As part of the application approval was also sought for a number of Parameter plans which any subsequent REM application would need to be compliant with.


Mr Harris went through the proposed parameter plans which included; the Site Framework; the Street Hierarchy (and how it linked into site 1); Storey Heights; Pedestrian/Cycle routes; Density; Play Space, Public Open Space, Drainage and Cathedral Views.


Mr Harris confirmed that the Lead Local Flood Authority had confirmed that the approach to surface water drainage was satisfactory and that any residual surface water from the phase 2 development parcels would be accommodated in the attenuation ponds located in the Southern Country Park.


Mr Harris explained how the street orientation had been designed to maintain views of Chichester Cathedral.


Mr Harris showed the Committee a number of illustrative plans which had been submitted including the site masterplan. He explained the development would deliver a biodiversity net gain and would satisfactorily mitigate impacts on The Chichester Harbour SPA/SAC.


Mr Harris detailed the proposed access arrangements and the development of the new Southern Access Road (SAR). He showed how it would link into the Phase 1 development, highlighting where new pedestrian crossings would be installed; the proposed amendments to the Centurion Way and the new traffic arrangements for Bishop Luffa School including a new footpath to the drop off and pick up point. The works would be completed prior to the occupation of the 151st dwelling.


Mr Harris concluded the site offered a sustainable mixed-use development which would enhance the city and strengthen the council’s five-year housing land supply.


Representations were received from;


Cllr Stuart Loxton – Chichester City Council

Mr Richard Plowman – Objector

Mr Mark Record – Objector

Mr Ian Sumnall – Objector

Mr Nick Billington – Agent

Cllr Clare Apel – CDC Member


Officers responded to comments and questions as follows;


On the matter of the traffic data; Mr Shaw, West Sussex County Council (WSCC) Highways Manager, assured the Committee the traffic data used was compliant and in accordance with national guidelines. He detailed the counts that had been undertaken as part of the application process, explaining data from 2014 had been used to compare with results from 2019. In addition, the applicant had undertaken a further survey in 2022 and verified the modelling based on the results. Mr Shaw assured the Committee the proposed highway arrangements were based on a solid set of data and offered the most robust approach.


Responding to concerns regarding the TRICs system used to forecast trips; Mr Shaw explained TRICS was the recognised system used to forecast the number of additional trips generated because of new development. Research had shown that it was very accurate in its forecasting.


Mr Shaw explained the applicant would be required to undertake an ongoing programme of monitoring, even after the development is completed to ensure proposed measures are effective. This was a new approach which would allow the highway authority to request further mitigation if journeys associated with the development exceeded the applicants’ predictions.


Regarding the staggered junction at Sherbourne Road; Mr Shaw explained how the junction would allow better pedestrian and cycle movement. A number of rigorous road safety audits had been undertaken and the proposal would offer a significant improvement on what was currently in place. Mr Shaw further explained how the developer had considered a wide variety of options including an additional arm off the college roundabout. WSCC had reviewed the options and it was their opinion the staggered junction provided the best solution in terms of safety and congestion.


Mr Shaw confirmed the highway arrangements conformed with the recent 1/22 circular and LTN 1/20.


Regarding the cycle routes; Mr Shaw detailed how the cycle lanes had been designed to provide a safe link for cyclists. The link would be staggered in height providing separation between pedestrians and cyclists. He confirmed the cycle way would be two way. In addition, Mr Harris explained that cyclist and pedestrians would have priority at junction. He acknowledged that it was unfortunate the Centurion Way would be severed, however, the overall scheme would offer significant benefits.


Mr Shaw confirmed the varying speed limits proposed as part of the development, including a 40mph limit from the A27 to A259 which would be funded by the developer through a post planning TRO consultation process.


On the matter of the sports pitches; Mr Harris clarified the layout of the proposed sport pitches, how they would be used and their classification. He informed the Committee that the new pitches would provide Bishop Luffa School with the standard of facilities expected from a school of its size.


Regarding flooding in the southern part of the development: Mr Harris acknowledged the comments made and confirmed drainage officers were currently investigating this to understand the cause and how it can be best managed.


On the matter of flooding along Clay Lane; Mr Harris informed the Committee discussions were ongoing, however, early investigation showed that there was no evidence the new development was exacerbating the problem.


Regarding the provision of healthcare facilities; Mr Harris explained this had been provided as part of the phase one development.


Mr Harris assured the Committee that any planting failures on the phase 1 site were being rectified.


Regarding the impact of the development on the 5YHLS; Mr Harris acknowledged the Committee’s discussion around deferring the item for further information. However, he explained the development was plan led and in officer opinion was acceptable. If deferred, there was a risk of speculative development coming forward as the Council would likely have a less robust 5YHLS position.


Following a vote, the Committee voted in favour of the report recommendation to defer for S106 then permit.


Resolved; defer for S106 then permit.


*Members took a ten-minute break.

*Cllr Briscoe left the meeting following the conclusion of the item.


Supporting documents: