Agenda item

CH/23/01910/OUT - Willowbrook Riding Centre, Hambrook Hill South, Hambrook, Chidham

Outline planning permission with all matters reserved (except for access) for the demolition of all existing buildings and structures on site and the erection of 63 no. dwellings including 3 no. custom/self-build plots, parking, landscaping and associated works.


Refuse, against officer recommendation


Having declared a predetermination Cllr S Johnson withdrew from the meeting.


Miss Bell introduced the report. She drew attention to the Agenda Update Sheet which included; an additional consultation comment regarding the Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan and Planning Policy.


Miss Bell reminded the Committee that the application had been deferred by the Planning Committee at their meeting on 4 October 2023 to allow for the publication of the Examiner’s report for the Southbourne Modified Neighbourhood Plan. She explained the report had now been published and Cabinet at their meeting on 5 December had agreed it could now move to referendum.


Miss Bell informed the Committee that any new information which had come forward since the last Committee was printed in bold text throughout the report.


Miss Bell highlighted the site location and the proximity of other sites which had recently been allowed at appeal.


The Committee were shown the proposed parameter plan and illustrative layout, which would be secured through condition and legal agreement. Miss Bell drew attention to the dark corridor and ecological enhancements; the open play area and proposed SUDS basin.


Miss Bell informed the Committee the development was expected to deliver a 44% net gain in biodiversity.


Miss Bell explained that the weight which could be afforded to the Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan, in particular policy SB13 Green infrastructure. However, as the Council could not demonstrate a 5YHLS the tilted balance was engaged in favour of development.


Representations were received from;


Cllr Amanda Tait (statement read by Cllr Tracie Bangert) – Southbourne Parish Council

Cllr Jane Towers – Chidham & Hambrook Parish Council

Cllr Andrew Kerry-Beddell – WSCC Member

Mr Andrew Sargent – Objector

Mr Paul Metcalfe – Objector

Cllr Jonathan Brown – Objector

Ms Faye Goodson – Applicant

Cllr Adrian Moss – CDC Member


Before opening the debate, the Chairman reminded the Committee that the application had been before the Committee four times and urged them to make a decision.


Officers responded to comments and questions as follows;


Regarding the consideration of protected species; Mr Day informed the Committee that the biodiversity net gain did not consider any protected species that may be on site.


Mr Day explained how the biodiversity net gain was calculated and why it was so high.


Miss Bell clarified that the pair of proposed semi-detached dwellings located within the Chidham and Hambrook Parish boundary would replace the single dwelling already in situ.


Regarding the accessibility from the site to services; Mr Shaw, acknowledge that most journeys would be car based, however, as had been tested at recent appeals the site was sustainable. In addition, Miss Bell informed the Committee that the distances to services were within the accepted range set out in the Chidham & Hambrook Neighbourhood Plan.


Responding to concerns of setting precedent by allowing development within the wildlife corridor: Mrs Stevens assured the Committee that no precedent would be set as each application is considered on its own merits.


On the matter of increasing the buffer zone between the development and the chalk stream; Miss Bell acknowledged the concerns regarding the chalk stream, however, she explained the developer had already reduced the number of houses to 63 and if they were to reduce the development area any further it would be unlikely that they could deliver the proposed number of housing units. The housing density within the proposed area was already 35/ha.


Following a vote, the Committee voted against the officer recommendation to defer for S106 then permit.


Cllr Briscoe proposed the Committee refuse the application for the following reason; that the application does not comply with Policy 13B of the Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan as it would not protect, maintain, or enhance the network.


Before moving to the vote, the Chairman used his discretion to allow a member of the public to address the Committee as they wished to raise a point of order. The Chairman invited Ms Golding to respond.


Ms Golding explained that by voting against the recommendation it did not mean that the Committee had not automatically refused the application, they needed to agree a new decision, which could be to refuse (and the reasons for that refusal), defer or add a new condition for example.


Following a vote, the Committee agreed to support Cllr Briscoe’s recommendation to refuse, for the reason listed above.


Resolved; refuse, because the application does not comply with Policy 13B of the Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan as it would not protect, maintain, or enhance the network.


Before moving onto Agenda Item 7, the Chairman clarified the correct application number for Agenda Item 6 was SB/21/01910/OUT and not what was printed on the agenda frontsheet.


The Chairman invited Mrs Stevens to address the Committee. Mrs Stevens informed the Committee that if they agreed officers would add the following reason for refusal to the decision notice; a legal agreement had not yet been secured.


Following a vote, the Committee agreed to support the additional reason for refusal.


*Cllr S Johnson returned to the meeting at the conclusion of the item

*Members took a five-minute break


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