Agenda item

SB/22/01903/OUT - Four Acre Nursery Cooks Lane Southbourne Emsworth West Sussex PO10 8LQ

Outline planning application (with all matters reserved except access) for the development of 40 residential dwellings (Use Class C3), with associated vehicular access, parking and open space.


Defer for S106 then permit.


Miss Bell introduced the report. She drew attention to the additional Agenda Update Sheet which included an update from Department for Environment, Food, & Rural Affairs stating that Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) would know be known as National Landscapes (this update applied to all agenda items within the Chichester Harbour National Landscape).


The Agenda Update sheet also included an update to Agenda Item 6; however, Miss Bell informed the Committee that this update also applied to Agenda Item 5.


Miss Bell gave a verbal update to recommend an additional condition to secure hedgerow planting which would replace and strengthen the hedgerow that would be removed to create the access to the site.


Miss Bell outlined the site location, which was located within the Southbourne settlement boundary. She highlighted development sites within proximity including the North of Cooks Lane site which would deliver 194 housing units and drew attention to the boundary of the Chichester Harbour National Landscape.


Miss Bell informed the Committee that the development would deliver 12 affordable housing units equating to 30%. The breakdown of housing mix was set out in the report on page 26.


Miss Bell detailed the proposed access arrangements. the site would be accessed via a new access from Cooks Lane. She referred to the proposed condition (provided as a verbal update) which would strengthen and secure the existing hedgerow.


The development would deliver a new footpath creating a continuous link from Cooks Lane to Stein Road.


Miss Bell explained the weight of the Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan and, following it modification how it impacted on the proposed development. She informed the Committee that officers had sought legal advice to further understand the implications and ascertain whether the tilted balance in favour of sustainable was still engaged. Miss Bell confirmed that the tilted balance is engaged.


Representations were received from;


Cllr Jonathan Brown - Objector

Mrs Lynn Hicks – Objector

Ms Rebecca Fenn-Tripp – On Applicant’s Behalf

Cllr Oona Hickson – CDC Member (statement read by Cllr Tracie Bangert)


Officers responded to comments and questions as follows;


Responding to concerns regarding the width of Cooks Lane; Mr Shaw acknowledged concerns raised. However, he assured the Committee that the width of the road (including to the west of the access) had been reviewed as part of the highway assessment and was adequate. He explained that as part of the transport assessment submitted by the applicant trip rates and routes had been considered, 67% were forecast to turn west and 33% east, the additional number of trips would not cause an unacceptable highway impact.


On the matter of the pumping station located near the proposed access; Miss Bell assured the Committee that it would not be impacted by the development.


Miss Bell clarified what a S278 agreement was.


Regarding flood risk; Miss Bell informed the Committee that WSCC as the Local Lead Flood Authority had reviewed the application, and recommended Condition 9 (page 50) be included as part of the permission to ensure any flood risk is adequately addressed and mitigated.


On the matter of nitrate mitigation; Miss Bell explained the mitigation proposals, these had been reviewed by Natural England who were satisfied. In addition, she confirmed there was an officer within the council who monitored all nitrate mitigations.


Regarding any potential glare from neighbouring glasshouses; Miss Bell confirmed that the glasshouses were still usable but was unaware of whether they were in use. She reminded the Committee that the application was only outline and layout could be altered at the reserved matters stage if any mitigation from glare was required.


Mrs Stevens clarified the planning policy position and why the tilted balance was engaged in favour of development.


Miss Bell agreed there was possibility to widen the Southbourne Neighbourhood Plan’s ‘Green Ring,’ however, the number of dwellings proposed could not be reduced. The Committee must consider the application in front of them.


Mr Shaw explained there was no requirement for a dedicated cycle lane as part of the development.


Following a vote, the Committee refused to support the report recommendation.


Cllr Briscoe proposed the following recommendation;


To defer for S106 then permit, including the proposed conditions and informatives set out in the report, including the condition given as a verbal update and to include a new condition for officers to negotiate an increase in the Green Ring.


Cllr Burkhart seconded the proposal.


Following a vote, the Committee agreed to support Cllr Briscoe’s proposal as detailed above.


Resolved; defer for S106 then permit, subject to the proposed conditions and informatives set out in the report, including the condition given as a verbal update and to include a new condition for officers to negotiate an increase in the Green Ring.




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