Agenda item

WR/21/02064/FUL - Land South Of Dunhurst Barn Skiff Lane Wisborough Green West Sussex

Change of use of land to mixed agricultural and private equestrian, together with the erection of a stable building and menage and laying of a track.




Mr Mew presented the report to Committee. He drew the Committee’s attention to the Agenda Update sheet which included an amendment to Condition 6 and 10.


Mr Mew outlined the site location; he highlighted the sites proximity to the nearest residential dwelling and; drew attention to the bridleway which passed near to the site and the ancient woodland which bordered the site


Mr Mew explained the application was for the construction of six stables and a manege. He showed a proposed layout of the stable design along with a   cross section of the proposed manege. The development was for the applicant’s own horses.


Mr Mew informed the Committee it was the applicant’s intention to graze part of the land and use the remaining land to produce hay which would feed the horses. Mr Mew highlighted the different areas of land to the Committee.


The following representations were received;

Mr Mark Tanner – Objector

Ms Hannah McLaughlin – Agent



Officers responded to Members comments and questions as follows;


Regarding how visible the site was from the bridleway; Mr Mew explained the site would be well screened from existing vegetation and was not expected to have any visual impact.


On the matter of agricultural land classification; Mr Mew informed the Committee the land was classified as Grade 3 agricultural land. In addition; Ms Golding clarified that the grazing of horses was classified as agricultural.


In response to concerns regarding surface water run-off; Mr Mew informed the Committee that the drainage matters had been part of detailed discussion with both CDC and Natural England. Condition 4 secured the drainage details and was included to protect local watercourses and ensure adequate surface water drainage was provided. Mr Mew provided further details of the proposed drainage and explained how surface water would be stored below ground in tanks which would be emptied by a specialist contractor.


On the matter of the muck heap; Mr Mew highlighted the location of where the muck heap was proposed and explained how run off would be collected in the proposed underground storage tanks.


With regards to Policy 55 of the Local Plan; Ms Stevens acknowledged concerns raised regarding the ‘loss of agricultural land’, however, she confirmed Policy 55 was accepting of equestrian development and reminded the Committee the land could be brought out of active agricultural use at any point.


In response to the future use of the development; Mr Mew drew the Committee’s attention to Condition 10 (page 145) which prevented the commercial use of the development, he agreed the Condition could be amended to state in addition its use would be associated with the occupation of the house.


With regards to permitted development rights; Mr Mew explained there were no permitted development rights associated with the development. Any proposed future development would require a further planning application.


In response to concern regarding outside storage; Mr Mew agreed a Condition could be included (if permitted) to restrict the outside storage.


On the matter of the proposed inclusion of a bat brick; Mr Mew agreed Condition 7 would be amended to ensure it could be accommodated within the proposed elevations.


On the matter of storing hay and hay-making; Mr Mew highlighted the two storage barns which were included as part of the development. With regards to hay-making, this was an agricultural operation and outside the scope of the planning application.


Following a vote, the Committee voted in favour of the report recommendation for to Permit.


Resolved; permit, subject to the report conditions and informatives. Plus; the amendments to Condition 6 and 10 as set out in the Agenda Update Sheet and; an additional condition to prevent external storage; an amendment to Condition 10 to link the development with the house and an amendment to Condition 7 regarding the siting of the bat box.


*Members took a five-minute break

*Cllr Johnson left the meeting at 3.45pm

*Cllr Oakley returned for the start of minute item 22 and left on completion


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