Agenda item

Climate Emergency Action Plan - second annual progress report

The Council is requested to consider the report and its appendices as set out in the agenda pack for this meeting and make the following resolution:


That the Council notes this report and the progress on implementing the Climate Emergency Action plan.


Cllr Plant proposed the recommendation which was seconded by Cllr Lintill. Cllr Plant then introduced the item.


Cllr Brown commended officers on the report. He drew attention to Appendix 2 noting that emissions were not reduced further during lockdown. With regard to Appendix 3 he noted that the council’s emissions  were below the 10% target. He suggested moving forward that the council should be focussed on incentivising reducing emissions.


Cllr Elliott drew attention to a power purchase agreement opportunity with a solar farm which could provide a reduction in emissions if pursued.


Cllr Brisbane explained that he supported the initiative of additional tree planting on new developments. He requested an update on the Elizabeth Road and Swanfield avenue sites. Cllr Plant explained that applications for those sites had not been received. She explained that applications are to be submitted by mid-February with projects completed by the end of this financial year.


Cllr Hobbs explained he agreed with Cllr Brown. He asked that the council focusses on what it has the power to change.


Cllr Plowman asked the council to consider its projects such as Southern Gateway and the environmental implication of its plans. He suggested repurposing buildings rather than rebuilding.


Cllr Sharp agreed with the comments made. She raised concerns relating to not reaching emission targets. With regard to page 45 of the agenda pack she asked how walking and cycling infrastructure could be measured in terms of the reduction in carbon.


Cllr Oakley asked the council to balance environmental action with economic recovery. He asked for consideration of where best to use resources. He suggested a modern bus hub infrastructure to support the resources that can be put into public transport. He requested information on how the council monitors the survival rate of trees and hedging in new developments.


Cllr Potter raised concerns in his ward relating to tree planting and the need to replant trees and the impact this has had on the area of land available to grow food crops.


Cllr Sutton drew members attention to the figure of 0.5% emissions which is the percentage of emissions the council generates compared to the district as a whole. He suggested education would support the reduction.


Cllr O’Kelly spoke in support of the Staff Green Travel Plan. With regard to insulation grant support she requested the percentage of homes helped by the council’s scheme. She asked the council to work with WSCC on the LCWIP in order to support WSCC accessing additional funding bid opportunities. She requested more electric charging points.

Cllr Duncton commended the report. She explained that many rural parts of the district are not serviced regularly by buses which increases car use in those areas.


Cllr Moss congratulated Mrs Smith on the Climate Action Plan. He requested clearer KPI’s and measurable diagrams. He drew attention to the work with local businesses outlined on page 37 of the agenda pack. He then drew attention to page 48 and the work of the Tree Project Officer. He requested that Southern Water continue to be encouraged to work on the Joint Nitrate Scheme outlined on page 48. He then drew attention to the habitat improvement initiatives from the Wildlife Corridors on page 49.


Cllr Purnell explained that it is not always possible to carry out building enhancements on older buildings in the district including listed buildings.


In a vote the following resolution was agreed:




That the Council notes the report and the progress on implementing the Climate Emergency Action plan.

Supporting documents: