Agenda item

Report from the Affordable Housing Task and Finish Group


The Chairman offered her congratulations to the Officers and Members who had worked on the report. She invited Cllr Bangert to present the report.


Cllr Bangert noted the omission of Cllr Purnell’s name in the report and thanked her for her contributions.


She highlighted the technical and complex nature of the subject area, thanking members and officers for their support. Cllr Bangert also paid tribute to the late Cllr Kevin Hughes who had been very interested in the concept of a housing company and had asked for it to be investigated. The group had been able to focus on the detail and had come to an informed decision working within the framework of the terms of reference and the four objectives set out at the beginning of the report.


Cllr Bangert directed members to the seven key points on page 16 and was pleased to make the accompanying recommendations to the Committee.


The Chairman invited Members to comment and ask any questions.


Responding to a question from Cllr Page, Ms Standing clarified for the Committee it had been highlighted that the Housing Allocations policy is 18 months old and needed to be reviewed to ensure it is fit for purpose.


Responding to questions about the potential use of Council owned land at Portfield, Mrs Rudziak informed the Committee that a decision has been taken by Cabinet to market the land for housing, which is being taken forward by officers.


There was considerable discussion amongst members about the importance of the provision of affordable homes within the district. Members also expressed the need for an increase in public understanding around the term itself and the difference between social housing and affordable homes. Mrs Rudziak informed members the report considered all elements of affordable housing.


There was broad consensus amongst members that Community Land Trusts, or similar programmes, are one of the main ways to deliver affordable housing. Mrs Rudziak agreed, confirming there are funds available to support such trusts across the district.


Responding to members, officers confirmed that the ‘Questions we need to ask ourselves’ section of the report had been debated in detail by the group which had in turn formed the basis of the recommendations.


Several members expressed concerns regarding the largest Registered Provider of social housing in our district, Hyde. Several members have, at times, found Hyde to be unresponsive to calls and emails. They felt that improvements are needed to reassure residents that their concerns are dealt with quickly and effectively.


Ms Standing informed members that she, Mrs Rudziak and Cllr Sutton had met with a representative of Hyde who acknowledged some failings in their services and outlined his plans to improve on any shortcomings. Ms Standing outlined that regular meetings take place with Hyde where complaints performance is reviewed.


The Chairman once again thanked members and officers for their work on the report.




The Committed noted:


i)               The findings of the Task and Finish Group as set put in paragraph 4.11 of the report

ii)              The further work to be undertaken by the Housing and Communities Panel regarding the Housing Register, the banding arrangements, and the Allocations Scheme

iii)            The ongoing work with Planning Policy to review the Council’s Affordable Housing Policy as part of the Local Plan Review.










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