Agenda item

BO/21/03586/FUL - Dairy and Calf Barn Building, Taylors Lane. Bosham, PO18 8EN

Change use of 2 no. redundant farm buildings to 2 no. live/work units.


Defer for S106 then permit


Mr Mew presented the report to Committee. He explained the application was for a change of use to provide two live/work units. He drew the Committee’s attention to the Agenda Update Sheet which included; addendums to the report including the reason for Committee referral and amended wording to Condition 14.


He highlighted the site location and explained the site was located outside the settlement boundary of Bosham and within the Chichester Harbour Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). The buildings were shown to be set within a rural location but close to cluster of residential dwellings.


Mr Mew informed the Committee that Policy 46 did allow in principle the change of use of redundant agricultural buildings for other uses. He explained that a live/work unit was one of the exceptions allowed through Policy 46. Condition 3 was proposed to secure the appropriate ‘work’ use of the unit for example it could not be used for a retail unit or restaurant.


Mr Mew showed the Committee the proposed layout and elevations of each building. He highlighted the landscape enhancements which would be delivered as part of the application, including the creation of a wildflower meadow, hedge planting and tree planting.


Mr Mew drew the Committee’s attention to the sustainability improvements including the installation of solar panels, the removal of roof lights and the installation of air source heat pumps. A sustainability report had been submitted to accompany the application.


The following representations were received;

Cllr Antony Chapman – Bosham Parish Council

Mrs Elizabeth Lawrence – Agent


Officers responded to Member’s comments and questions as follows;


With regards to what use of the live/work unit would be acceptable; Mr Mew reiterated that the application was not for an unrestricted C3 residential unit as that would be contrary to policy. He explained Planning Policy 46 required live/work units to be considered before residential and sought to secure buildings for economic purposes. The use of the units would be secured through Condition 3 and assured the Committee this Condition was fully enforceable.


In response to concerns from the Chichester Harbour Conservancy; Mr Mew acknowledged their objection, however, their Planning Principle PP06 did allow for the conversion of buildings both within and outside the settlement boundary within the AONB, and in officer opinion the application had met all the six requirements to satisfy this policy.


In response to concerns regarding an increase in future vehicle movement; Mr Mew acknowledged the comments made; however, he reminded the Committee that the buildings already had an agricultural use and vehicle movement was already established on site. Condition 3 would secure future use and prevent the introduction of any business that would not be acceptable within the area, it restricted the type of business to those which would be most suitable within a residential area.


With regards to the need for the development; Mr Mew informed the Committee that officers had sought further information from the applicant and were satisfied that a need for the development had been evidenced.


With regards to the provision of solar panels; Mr Mew confirmed solar panels would be provided and were shown on the elevations of the calf barn. He drew the Committee’s attention to paragraph 8.36 of the report (p.124) which set out the other sustainability measures proposed as part of the application.


On the issue of ‘work from home’; Ms Stevens confirmed there was a difference and ‘working from home’ would not be an acceptable use of the unit.


In response to concerns regarding outside storage; Mr Mew drew the Committee’s attention to Condition 13 which would prevent any outside storage taking place.


With regards to the garden curtilage; Mr Mew explained there was no specific condition to control the curtilage however, the garden areas were very clearly defined. The wildflower meadow is secured in perpetuity through Condition 14.


In response to concerns regarding permitted development rights; Ms Stevens explained there were no rights to withdraw, any change of use or extension would require a planning application.


In a vote the Committee agreed to support the report recommendation to defer for S106 then permit, subject to the following conditions (and informatives set out in the report; including the amended condition set out in the Agenda Update.


Resolved; Defer for S106 then permit, subject to the following conditions and informatives set out in the report; including the amended condition set out in the Agenda Update.


*Members took a five-minute break.

*Cllr Johnson and Cllr McAra left the meeting at 12.40


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