Agenda item

Declarations of Interests

Members and officers are reminded to make any declarations of disclosable pecuniary, personal and/or prejudicial interests they may have in respect of matters on the agenda for this meeting.


In relation to agenda item 6 Mr Bennett the Monitoring Officer referred members to a general reminder email that had been circulated regarding personal and prejudicial interests.


Cllr Dignum as a member of Chichester City Council declared a prejudicial interest in relation to agenda item 6 and withdrew from the room for the duration of the discussion and vote.


Cllr Dignum as a member of the Chichester BID Board declared a personal interest in relation to agenda item 11.


Cllr Donna Johnson as a member of Chichester City Council declared an interest in relation to agenda item 6.


Cllr Purnell as a member of Selsey Town Council declared a prejudicial interest in relation to agenda item 6 and withdrew from the room for the duration of the discussion and vote.


Cllr Purnell as a member of Selsey Town Council also declared a personal interest in relation to agenda item 11.


Cllr Oakley as a member of Tangmere Parish Council declared a personal interest in relation to agenda item 6.


Cllr Oakley as a member of West Sussex County Council declared a personal interest in relation to agenda items 10 and 11. 


Cllr Plowman as a member of Chichester City Council declared a prejudicial interest in relation to agenda item 6 and withdrew from the room for the duration of the discussion and vote.


Cllr Apel as a member of Chichester City Council declared a prejudicial interest in relation to agenda item 6 and withdrew from the room for the duration of the discussion and vote.


Cllr Bell as a member of Chichester City Council declared a prejudicial interest in relation to agenda item 6 and withdrew from the room for the duration of the discussion and vote.


Cllr Barrie as a member of Chichester City Council declared a prejudicial interest in relation to agenda item 6 and withdrew from the room for the duration of the discussion and vote.


Cllr Sharp as a member of Chichester City Council declared a personal interest in relation to agenda item 6 not being a member of the City Council’s Finance Committee.


Cllr Sharp as a member of West Sussex County Council also declared a personal interest in relation to agenda items 10 and 11.


Cllr Oakley raised a point of order. He asked the Monitoring Officer if he had recommended a course of action or made a suggestion? Mr Bennett clarified that declarations are a personal judgement of the individual member. He referred to advice he had given after being asked directly that if a member sits on the Financial Committee at the City Council that would indicate a prejudicial interest. Cllr Dignum questioned whether all City Councillors should declare a prejudicial interest. Mr Bennett reiterated that it was individual members decisions.


Cllr Sutton asked Cllr Donna Johnson to clarify her declaration. She explained she would declare a prejudicial interest in relation to agenda item 6 and withdrew from the room for the duration of the discussion and vote.


Cllr Duncton as a member of West Sussex County Council declared a personal interest in relation to agenda items 10 and 11.