Agenda item

NM/20/02989/FUL - Land South Of Lowlands North Mundham West Sussex

Hybrid planning application comprising of full planning permission for 66 dwellings and associated development, including landscape, highways and parking, and outline planning permission with all matters reserved except access for open space (including informal amenity open space, bandstand and community orchard) and provision of new 3.5m wide footway/cycleway link to West Sussex Alternative Provisions College with reconfiguration of existing car parking spaces and relocation of storage facility.


Defer for Section 106 then permit


Ms Bell presented the report to the Committee. She drew attention to the Agenda Update Sheet which included some additional correspondence from the applicant.


Ms Bell explained the application was deferred from the Committee meeting held on 8 September 2021 and went over the reasons for the deferral. She drew the Committee’s attention paragraph 6.17 (page 89 - 90) of the report which set out the additional comments received from WSCC Education who had removed their objection following a recent revision in pupil projections and now supported the application.


Since the deferral of the application there had been some changes; the Council now had a five-year housing land supply and First Homes had been included within the application.


Ms Bell highlighted the site location and informed the Committee the site was 8.44 hectares, located between the settlement of North Mundham and Hunston. She highlighted the different areas of the application and drew attention to the grade 2 properties near the site. In addition, she clarified where the site was in relation to the Lowlands development site.


Ms Bell explained the overhead cables seen in photos had permission to be buried.


The site fell within the boundaries of both Hunston and North Mundham Parish Councils. The housing and open spaces would be located within North Mundham Parish Council, and the ecological mitigation area would be located within Hunston Parish Council.


She explained the application was a hybrid application which sought full planning permission for 66 dwellings and associated development including parking, open space, an equipped play area and SUDs; and outline planning permission with all matters reserved except for access to the east of the site for open space and the provision of a new 3.5m footway/cycleway.


Ms Bell highlighted the site layout and identified where different aspects of the development would be located. She highlighted the affordable housing units which included the first homes.


The Committee were shown proposed elevations.


Ms Bell informed the Committee that all houses would be installed with air source heat pumps. Solar panels would be installed on 17 dwellings and 80% would have Electric Vehicle charging points.


As part of the S106 agreement the outdoor space would be transferred to North Mundham Parish Council for future maintenance, this would not include the SUDs.


The following representations were received;

Mr Tim Russell – North Mundham Parish Council

Mrs Joan Foster – Hunston Parish Council (statement read by Mrs Fiona Baker)

Ms Amanda Sutton – Agent


Officers responded to Member’s comment and questions as follows;


With regards to further upgrades along the footpath 188 to Hunston; Ms Bell explained the footpath crossed land which fell outside the application site, was in third party ownership and not relevant to the application. Officers had met with Public Rights of Way Officers who had requested a substantial upgrade which could not be justified in planning terms.


On the issue of GP provision; Ms Bell informed the Committee that a CIL element would be paid for medical provision.


With regards to the lack of capacity in the Southern Water Network; Ms Bell informed the Committee that a preoccupation condition had been recommended. In addition, Ms Bell explained, the Lowland site was owned by the same developer, who was already in discussion with Southern Water regarding requirements. Discharge conditions regarding wastewater were also proposed as part of the recommendation.


On the matter of the ageing population; Ms Bell highlighted the six bungalows which would be developed at the southern end of the site.


In response to concerns regarding the coalescence between the two settlements; Ms Bell highlighted the area of land which would be retained as open space in perpetuity, which would help prevent the coalescence between North Mundham and Hunston.


Whilst not a planning matter, Ms Bell informed the Committee the maintenance of the open space land would be for a period of 15 years, with a £200,000 contribution proposed by the applicant. She drew the Committee’s attention to p.113 which set out the proposed legal agreement.


On the matter of road safety and risk assessment; Mr Brown informed the Committee that a stage one road safety audit had been undertaken on the access as part of the Lowlands application. Additional information had been submitted by the transport consultant for the application, this information confirmed the auditor was satisfied with the safety assessment undertaken.


With regards to visibility; Mr Brown confirmed that the access to the development was in accordance with the 85 percentile of recorded road speeds. 


On the matter of the queue risk assessment; Mr Brown informed the Committee the transport assessment for the application had considered a ‘worse case scenario’ of 250 dwellings. WSCC have reviewed the evidence and are satisfied with the assessment undertaken.


With regards to Solar Panels; Ms Bell explained officers assessed the application against the criteria set out in the IPS, which requires a minimum of 19% fabric first. The applicants have proposed 21.3% fabric first, in addition through the solar and air source heat pumps the applicant is proposing a further 52% in renewable energy. The total being offered by the applicant was significantly higher than what was set out in the IPS. She agreed an informative could be added which would allow the occupant on ‘first sale’ to choose whether to add Solar Panels.


With regards to bus stops; Mr Whitty explained that neither a condition nor informative could be attached. However, the Council could contact WSCC, and Stagecoach to ask for further bus stops outside the meeting.


On the matter of the pumping station; Ms Bell highlighted where the pumping station would be located, she explained the design would be completed under the Utilities Permitted Development Rights.


On the issue of removing permitted development rights from the bungalows; Mr Whitty agreed a condition could be included to remove the permitted development rights from the six bungalows.


In a vote the Committee agreed to support the report recommendation to defer for S106 then permit, subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report, plus the additional condition and informatives.


Resolved; defer for S106 then permit, subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report, plus the additional condition and informatives.



*Members took a five-minute break

* Cllr Johnson and Cllr McAra left the meeting at 14.03



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