Agenda item

Chichester District Council Annual Report 2021-22

Members are requested to consider the report as set out on pages 7 - 48 of the Cabinet agenda for 5 July 2022 and make the following resolution as recommended by the Cabinet:


That the Annual report 2021-2022 be received by the Council.


Cllr Lintill proposed the recommendation as amended by the supplement which was seconded by Cllr Taylor.


Cllr Lintill introduced the item. She thanked Cllr McAra for spotting what has subsequently been included in the supplement pack.


Cllr O’Kelly raised concerns over delays to the Southern Gateway project. With reference to page 15 and the support for Ukrainian refugees plans going forwards she asked what will happen next. With regard to page 19 she drew attention to the daily issue of rural crime in the district. With reference to page 21 she also drew attention to the possibility of improving connectivity to Northgate car park. With regard to page 22 Cllr O’Kelly asked why there is no mention of the City Council. In relation to page 33 she asked if food waste and electric charging points could both be included. She also acknowledged the challenges associated with staff turnover as detailed on page 42.


Cllr Moss wished to thank officers at the council for their work this year and for the support that has been provided to residents including Ukrainian refugees. He also wished to congratulate the Novium team for their successful birthday event. He thanked the Chichester Festival Theatre for their work on the Cultural Spark. He then raised a number of concerns; the delay to Southern Gateway, the Brick Pavillion in Priory Park remaining out of use, provision for a skatepark in Petworth and delays on the Local Plan Review. He explained that he would not be supporting the report. Cllr Lintill responded. She explained that a number of risks outside of the councils control have caused delays in the Local Plan Review. She added that the Petworth Skatepark continues to be looked into but the right location and land is required.


Cllr Oakley asked Cllr Moss to consider the aim of moving forward the Local Plan Review noting the planning complexities of the Review. He also wished to note the progress of the council putting electrical vehicle charging points in its car parks ahead of the West Sussex County Council programme.


Cllr Brisbane with reference to page 40 asked why application determination times measured against the previous year (2020/21) were lower. Cllr Taylor explained that the targets are set nationally. Mr Frost added that the outturns for major, minor and other applications were still above the national targets. Applications received were significantly up on the previous year at the same time as an increase in staff turnover.


Cllr Sharp with regard to community engagement events asked Cllr Plant for more information. She requested more support for community groups to have more permanent sites provided.


Cllr Apel with regard to staff sickness levels asked whether the figures have improved. Mr Ward confirmed the current monthly figures are 8.37 days which is back to the levels pre pandemic. He added that 2021 was a low year as most staff worked from home and Covid was not counted as sick leave. The HR team have been asked to take a report to the next Corporate Governance and Audit Committee.


Cllr Duncton wished to clarify that there are two electric charging points in every district council car park. She also wished to reiterate that a skatepark for Petworth is being worked on.


Cllr Hobbs declared an interest as the Chair of the Great Sussex Way. He asked whether a bid had been put forward for investment into the area. Mrs Shepherd explained that the Levelling Up Fund second round portal was not up and running on 6 July 2022 as expected. The information on the bids will be out in the public domain shortly. She added that the Leader and Leader of the Opposition did not agree on one scheme which was removed. The decision statement will be made available to members.


Cllr Plowman requested greater analysis of footfall. Cllr Dignum explained that the BID already analyse footfall regularly which is made available to officer. Cllr Sutton added that for events such as Market and More the BID will provide footfall figures for the event. Cllr Bell declared a personal interest as a former director of Halfords. He commented that the success of the out of town shopping on offer on the edge of Chichester means there is an impact on the city centre footfall. He asked members to consider both together. Cllr Purnell asked members to remember that the district council is not responsible for every town centre and as such should not be responsible for the outturn reports on every towns footfall.


In a vote the following resolution was agreed:


That the Annual report 2021-2022 be received by the Council and amended as outlined in the supplementary agenda pack.

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