Agenda item

LX/20/01977/FUL Land West Of Guildford Road Loxwood West Sussex

27 no. residential dwellings comprising 19 market units and 8 affordable residential units; a single retail unit, on-site parking and turning, hard and soft landscaping together with sustainable drainage system and alterations to a public right of way




Ms Bell presented the report to the Committee. She drew attention to the Agenda Update sheet which included an amendment to Condition 5 and additional third-party representations.


She explained the reason for the report recommendation to ‘Delegate to Officers’ was due to a number of outstanding matters which would need to be completed before the application could be positively determined. Including; a number of pre-commencement conditions which had yet to be discharged on the extant planning permission; the S106 agreement and agreement on the water neutrality. Ms Bell confirmed once the outstanding matters had been resolved it was officer’s intention to permit the application with proposed conditions.


Ms Bell outlined what changes had been made to the application since it had been presented at Committee in January 2021. The main changes were in relation to water neutrality which had come forward whilst the S106 was being drafted. Water neutrality is a material consideration and therefore the developer was required to demonstrate how they would achieve water neutrality.


Ms Bell explained the applicant had done an immense amount of work to demonstrate water neutrality on site. She confirmed the Council had undertaken an assessment of the proposals and consulted with Natural England (as the statutory consultee).


Ms Bell outlined the three measures put forward to achieve water neutrality;


1.    Using the extant water demand from an earlier extant planning permission. Ms Bell explained the Council had sought legal advice on this proposal. The extant permission would provide 3440 litres per day.


2.    The inclusion of water reduction measures, such as on-site rainwater harvesting systems. Ms Bell explained if approved a condition would be included to ensure no occupancy could take place until water mitigation measures had been approved and signed off.


3.    An off-site water neutrality scheme at Fisher’s Farm. Ms Bell explained the three elements of the scheme to the Committee included;


a.    A 10,000ltr rainwater harvesting tank to provide a wash down facility for farm vehicles

b.    A 10,000ltr rainwater harvesting system linked to toilets in the new part of the farm.

c.     An improvement to the toilet facilities at the entrance to the farm.


Ms Bell confirmed Natural England had reviewed the Plans and agreed the developer had achieved water neutrality.


Ms Bell highlighted further changes to the site since 2021, which included amendments to the parking arrangements and alterations to the layout of floor plans in some properties.


Ms Bell reminded the Committee of the site location and proposed layout. She confirmed the site was within the Parish of Loxwood. Although much of the site was located outside the settlement boundary, the north eastern part of the site was located within the settlement boundary did form part of the land allocation in Policy 5 of the Loxwood Neighbourhood Plan.


Ms Bell drew the Committee’s attention the Public Right of Way (PRoW) which ran along the southern edge of the site. She explained that as part of the application process the PRoW would be diverted around the site to join with a bridleway at the western side of the site.


Ms Bell highlighted other development sites close to the application site.


She confirmed the application sought full planning permission for 27 dwellings (8 of which would be affordable housing units), a single retail unit and associated infrastructure including a new vehicular access to the site.


The following representations were received;


Mr Woods – Supporter

Mr Chris White – Agent

Cllr Janet Duncton – CDC Ward Member

Cllr Adrian Moss (on behalf of Cllr Gareth Evans) – CDC Ward Member


Officers responded to Member’s comments and questions as follows;


With regards to concerns regarding the location of the foul water pumping station and its proximity to the nearest dwelling; Ms Bell acknowledged the comments made and confirmed there had been no changes in respect of this matter since the application had been considered by the Committee in January 2021. She agreed to include an update to address the issue within Condition 6.


With regards to Condition 5; Ms Bell explained the surface water drainage scheme had already been assessed and approved by the drainage engineers as it was a pre-commencement condition. She suggested it would be more appropriate to include a new condition to address the issue of surface water on the PRoW through an additional prior to slab level condition.


On the issue of water neutrality mitigation at Fisher’s Farm; Ms Bell confirmed it was a requirement of both the Council and Natural England that the proposed water neutrality mitigation methods worked for as long as required. She explained the measures may not be required in perpetuity, but they would be required until a strategic solution was brought forward.


Ms Bell informed the Committee that the applicants had volunteered a maintenance payment for the first five years of operation to Fisher’s Farm.


When the measures are no longer required as a result of a solution being brought forward it was officer opinion that the applicants would have to apply not to comply with the measures.


With regards to water neutrality monitoring; Ms Bell confirmed monitoring of the mitigation measures would be completed until an appropriate solution was brought forward. She explained off-site monitoring would be completed through annual water metering; on-site monitoring would include the verification of proposals put forward as part of the mitigation package. Ms Bell informed the Committee that Natural England do include a ‘buffer’ within their methodology, making provision for people who may change and update internal fixtures and fittings. In addition, Ms Stevens assured the Committee there were measures in place to ensure the measures are maintained, monitored and enforced.


Ms Bell acknowledged comments made regarding the landscaping onsite.


In response to comments regarding the appropriateness of the site; Ms Bell confirmed the site was suitable and was compliant with the IPS. She explained the main site allocation was currently paddock and garden land.


On the matter of rainwater harvesting; Mr Day acknowledged comments made and confirmed that diverting rainwater from entering groundwater reserves was considered as part of the Natural England guidance. He explained rainwater harvesting was an important mitigation measure.


With regards to the rainwater harvesting tanks at Fisher’s Farm; Mr Day informed the Committee that the applicant had submitted a report which modelled the average day by day rainfall, which had help determine the size of tanks to be installed. From the modelling it was expected the tank for the toilets would supply 94% of the water required, there would be the option switch to mains water when needed.


In a vote the Committee agreed to support the report recommendation to delegate to officers. 


Recommendation; Delegate to officers

*Mrs Sharp left the meeting at 10.42


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