Agenda item

Future Funding for the Community Warden Service

The Cabinet is requested to consider the report and make the following resolutions:


1.     That Cabinet approve the new funding model based on the number of community wardens per area.

2.     That Cabinet agree the proposal to delete the current vacant community warden post.

3.     That Cabinet recommends to Council funding of 50% of the total cost of the Community Warden Service for 3 years from 1 April 2023 (as set out in para 5.2), subject to match funding being secured by partners.




1.     That Cabinet approve the new funding model based on the number of community wardens per area.

2.     That Cabinet agree the proposal to delete the current vacant community warden post.




That funding of 50% of the total cost of the Community Warden Service for 3 years from 1 April 2023 (as set out in para 5.2) be approved, subject to match funding being secured by partners.



Cllr Briscoe introduced the item. Mrs Bushby wished to note feedback that the Community Warden Service is valued.


Cllr Moss had requested to speak and was invited to do so by Cllr Lintill. He gave his support to the service and shared his disappointment that the vacant post would not be recruited to at this time. Mrs Shepherd responded and explained that the resignation of a member of the team had provided opportunity to look at the overall budget of the team and at a time of financial difficultly it had provided an opportunity to make a saving whilst retaining the service as a whole. Mr Ward adding that an update on the council’s financial position will be brought before members.


Cllr Oakley had also requested to speak and was invited to do so by Cllr Lintill. He asked members to consider where priorities for funding lie and drew attention to the background work on the review which had not taken account of Tangmere’s current population and its demographic spread. Mrs Bushby confirmed that had been rectified and revised information provided. She added that the Senior Warden would provide cover to other Wardens during times of annual leave. The workload of all Wardens will also be kept under review.


Cllr Dignum asked for clarification on the funding of the roles. Mrs Bushby explained that the new funding model provided a more equitable split between all partners. She confirmed that the new model has been shared with partners and there had been little comment to date.


Cllr Dignum asked whether there were areas without Wardens that would benefit. Mrs Bushby explained the highest areas of crime and deprivation were covered.


Cllr Dignum wished to note that he felt it untimely to remove the additional ‘floating’ Warden role at a time of austerity.


Cllr Taylor noted that often Wardens save money by intervening in incidents before they escalate and require Police intervention.


Cllr Sutton asked members to leave the operational matters to the officers noting that not all areas of the district have a Warden.


Cllr Briscoe wished to note the value he sees in the Warden service but also that he is mindful where it is possible to save money.


Cllr Dignum explained he would vote against reducing the number of Wardens.


Cllr Wilding explained that members would have to make some difficult decisions over the next year and as such he would support the recommendations.

Mr Ward clarified that the proposed pay settlement would likely cost the council £1 million on its staffing bill with inflation adding a further £1 million to be found.


Cllr Dignum requested a vote on each recommendation separately as he could not support them all. Cllr Lintill agreed.


In a vote the following resolutions and recommendations were agreed with Cllr Dignum voting against recommendation 2 and Cllr Taylor abstaining:




1.     That Cabinet approve the new funding model based on the number of community wardens per area.

2.     That Cabinet agree the proposal to delete the current vacant community warden post.




That funding of 50% of the total cost of the Community Warden Service for 3 years from 1 April 2023 (as set out in para 5.2) be approved, subject to match funding being secured by partners.

Supporting documents: