Agenda item

WI/21/02059/DOM - Mulberry Cottage Shipton Green Lane West Itchenor PO20 7BZ

Detached garage with store/home studio over for ancillary use in connection with Mulberry Cottage.




Ms Stevens presented the report to the Committee. She drew the Committee’s attention to the Agenda Update which included additional information from the client, as well as a further officer comment.


Ms Stevens outlined the site location and highlighted where the proposed development was sited. She explained that the site was located outside a  settlement boundary in but was within the AONB area of Chichester Harbour. As a point of for the Committee Ms Stevens clarified that whilst reference had been made to the development being in a ‘dark sky’ area, unlike the South Downs National Park, this was not a designated dark sky area.


Ms Stevens highlighted the proposed elevations of the development and informed the Committee that timberboarding would be used in the construction of the development.


Ms Stevens informed the Committee that there had been a previous appeal on the site, however this was very old, having taken place in 2004. She explained that apart from the appeal being considered when Planning Policy was different, the appeal was for a separate residential dwelling, whereas this application is for an ancillary building to the main dwelling.


She informed the Committee that officers considered the relationship with neighbouring to be acceptable, with a minimum distance of 10m between the proposed development and neighbouring property.


The Committee received representations from;


Cllr Alastair Spencer – West Itchenor Parish Council

Mr Roger Jackson – Objector

Mr Brett Moor – Agent

Cllr Elizabeth Hamilton – CDC Ward Member


Officers’ responded to Members questions and comments as follows;


On the matter of further comments from the Harbour Conservancy regarding their holding objection; Ms Stevens explained that they had not been reconsulted following the negotiations with the applicant to reduce the depth of the development.


With regards to vehicular access to the garage; Ms Stevens confirmed that the access would be created over what was currently lawn. She agreed that a condition could be included within the permission which required that the new access be constructed from a permeable material to mitigate any adverse impact from surface water.


With regards to the retention of the beech hedge referenced within the Harbour Conservancy representation; Ms Stevens confirmed that a condition could be included to secure the retention of the beech hedge.


On the matter of the location of the property; Ms Stevens confirmed that the development location was as shown in the presentation and would be set back from the main dwelling.


With regards to any potential disruption to natural light at neighbouring properties; Ms Stevens informed the Committee that officers had considered the issue and believed that the development would not cause an unacceptable relationship with the neighbouring properties.


With regards to the height of the proposed development and the impact on the street scene; Ms Stevens clarified that the maximum height of the building would be 5.9m (2.4m at eaves), it is not felt that the development will have a significant impact on the local area. In addition she explained that even if the trees behind the development were not there the development would still be unlikely to cause a material impact to the street scene.


Ms Stevens explained the streetscene shows the height of the proposal to be 5.9m however officers cannot guarantee that the streetscene is a surveyed plan, and reliance should be placed on the elevations and block plan rather than the streetscene.


On the matter of the property being used for ‘Airbnb’; Ms Stevens confirmed that this was not a material consideration.


Mr Whitty advised given officers cannot verify that the streetscene is a surveyed streetscene that members base decision on the elevations and photos they have seen. 


In a vote the Committee agreed to the report recommendation to permit, with the inclusion of the additional conditions to retain the beech hedge and construct the new driveway from a permeable surface.


Recommendation; permit subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report plus the additional conditions agreed.


*Mr Oakley rejoined the meeting at 3.22pm. he confirmed with Ms Golding that he was able to vote on the item, Ms Golding confirmed that he was.








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