Agenda item

CC-21-00461-REM - Land West Of Centurion Way And West Of Old Broyle Road, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 3PH

All outstanding Reserved Matters for the erection of a one-form entry primary school and associated ancillary buildings, parking, landscaping and access arrangements together with formation of adjacent public square with all works pursuant to outline planning permission CC/14/04301/OUT.




Before starting his presentation Mr Harris passed on the apologies from the Lead Officer from West Sussex County Council Education Authority who was unable to attend the meeting.


Mr Harris presented the report to the Committee. He explained that the developers had submitted two REM applications in relation to the Local Centre, the final aspect of the SDL to require detailed permission. The application being considered by the Committee was the first and related to the one form entry primary school and the adjacent public square.


Mr Harris outlined the proposed site layout and its location to the Committee; highlighting the public square, school car park, playing field and school building. Mr Harris explained that the school was being developed to accommodate future expansion of a second form entry.


Mr Harris provided an overview of how access to the school site was anticipated to operate, the key aim of the application was to provide as safe a route and access to the school as possible. He informed the Committee that the design of the road had been subject to much scrutiny during the development of the application. Developers had indicated that they would be willing to offer the road for adoption to the local highway authority; and its layout had been through an initial road safety audit to ensure that it would meet the required standards of an adopted highway.


A key feature of the site is that there will be no dedicated drop off/pick up zone for pupils to encourage sustainable travel, however, parking would be available in the Community/Health Centre car park should it be required. Control over the on-going operation of this car park would be provided by a management plan, the production of which would be a requirement of any consent for the second Local Centre reserved matters application.


Mr Harris informed the Committee that the name of the school had not yet been decided; however details of any lettering, emblem or signage to be erected to the part of the school facing onto the square are secured through a planning condition. 


On the matter of ecological enhancements Mr Harris confirmed that these were secured by conditions included within the report, and included enhancements such as bat boxes and swift bricks.


With regards to the sustainable design and construction of the development Mr Harris explained that the final details would be secured through the outline permission’s planning conditions, however, the developers had offered significant enhancements including a fabric first approach which would contribute to providing a further 10% reduction in CO2 emissions relative to the building regulations requirement. In addition Solar PV panels will now cover 80m2 of the roof and Air Source Heat Pumps will be installed for heating and hot water, with these measures delivering a 60% reduction in the building’s overall CO2 emissions above building regulation requirements.


The Committee received representations from;


Mr Nick Billington – Agent (statement read out by Mrs Fiona Baker)


Officers, including Mr Shaw from West Sussex County Council Highways; responded to Members’ comments and questions as follows;


On the matter of noise generated by the Air Source Heat Pump, Mr Harris confirmed that noise generation would need to be attenuated. He explained that all phases of the development were subject to the condition on the outline consent which requires details of a noise control scheme to be submitted and approved before building commencement.


With regards to how children would enter the building and where wet coats could be stored; Mr Harris informed the Committee that this issue would form part of the separate process known as a Developer Agreement which was taking place between the developer and local education authority. This process considers the detailed technical matters which do not impinge on planning matters, such as internal classroom layout. 


On the issue of the public square being exposed to the natural elements; Mr Harris acknowledged the concerns raised, however, he explained that the square was much smaller in size than the Chichester Gate development and more intimate in terms of scale. It would also be edged by buildings on three of the four sides which will also assist in limiting exposure to the elements.


On the matter of parking provision for scooters and bicycles; Mr Shaw explained that there would be three separate banks of scooter and cycle parking available. He highlighted to the Committee where these sites were located including; cycle parking by the main entrance, further provision is made to the north east of the property, with long term storage provision provided in the school playground. He confirmed that the longer term parking would be covered.


With regards to the adoption of the road; Mr Shaw clarified that at this stage there can be no guarantees that the road will be adopted, however, he confirmed that the applicant has indicated they would like to offer it for adoption. Mr Shaw drew the Committee’s attention to Condition 4 which offered a degree of control over the development of the road in the unlikely event of it not being adopted. In addition, the Highway Authority have undertaken early ‘checks’ to ensure that during the development stage there is nothing to prevent it from becoming adopted at a future date; he explained that the adoption of a highway is a separate decision that takes place post planning.


Mr Shaw confirmed that it was expected the speed limit would be set at 20mph, with a range of traffic calming measures to support the limit.


On the issue of the need for the school; Mr Harris confirmed that the single form entry was justified as it met the demand created by the development. With regards to the future development of Phase 2, the education authority has confirmed that the core facilities, such as the kitchens and playing fields will be sufficient to serve a second form entry.


On the issue of the Health Centre; Mr Harris explained this element of the proposal had not yet been decided, but confirmed there was provision and flexibility within the S106 agreement for maintaining the land for some form of health use.


With regards to the possibility of including a pond in the development; Mr Harris explained surface water drainage will be dealt with under the terms of the outline permission’s condition and detailed designs were still to be developed and this could be considered when detailed proposal were drawn up.


On the matter of solar panels; Mr Harris acknowledged that further solar panels could be installed on the roof; however, he informed the Committee, that in line with current policies the authority were not able to request the developer to do this. Through negotiations the developer has agreed to treble the amount of solar panels, however, the system will be set up so that further panels can be added at a future date without the need for significant enabling works. 


On the issue of no designated school drop off spots; Mr Shaw acknowledged concerns raised and agreed everyone would not walk or cycle to school. He explained the reasoning for not offering this provision was to make the front of the school as safe as possible for those who did walk, scoot or cycle and also prevent double parking. In addition, informal parking provision would be available in the local centre car park.


In a vote the Committee agreed to the report recommendation to permit.


Recommendation; permit subject to the conditions and informatives set out in the report.


*Mrs Sharp left the meeting at 9.50am

**Mr Oakley left the meeting at 10.05am

***The Committee took a ten minute break


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