Agenda item

Consideration of responses and changes following consultation and approval of the Infrastructure Business Plan 2022 for approval and publication

The Council is requested to consider the report as set out in supplement to the agenda pack of the Cabinet agenda for 1 February 2022.


Cabinet made the following recommendations to Council:


1.            That Council approves the proposed responses to the representations received and subsequent modifications to the Draft Infrastructure Business Plan 2022- 2027 as set out in Appendix 1.

2.            That Council approves the amended IBP including the CIL Spending Plan attached as Appendix 2.


Cllr Taylor proposed the recommendations which were seconded by Cllr Lintill.


Cllr Taylor then introduced the report.


Cllr O’Kelly spoke against the Langley House Surgery expansion spend favouring spend on newer purpose-built facilities.


Cllr Bell spoke in favour of a new medical facility at White House Farm instead of the Langley House Surgery expansion. He explained that he had wanted to amend the recommendation but had been advised that his amendment would be a major amendment and had missed the amendment deadline and so was therefore declined. Cllr Page and Cllr Bowden agreed with Cllr Bell’s comments. Cllr Bowden explained that Cllr Apel wished to note that although she could not be at the meeting she wished members to know that she does not support the project either. Cllr Moss also gave his support to the comments.


Cllr Oakley asked if it is possible to have a condition that if the building were sold the CIL funding could be recovered. He asked the council to monitor the spend of CIL funds allocated to the parishes. Mr Frost explained that once the CIL funds are used for a project the council would not be able to claim that funding back if the building were to be sold.


Cllr Purnell asked if the CIL regulations give an option. Mrs Shepherd explained that members should only take into account three things when making a decision on CIL allocation: was the request for infrastructure; was it related to development growth in the area; and was the infrastructure a priority, as set out in the CIL Policy. The request for CIL funding to expand Langley House Surgery clearly accorded with the CIL Regulations and Council policy.  Taken into account other factors were likely to be considered unreasonable. She quoted the Wednesbury Principle. Mrs Shepherd asked members to set out their justifiable reasons if they wished to object in line with the CIL regulations. Mr Bennett explained that is Wednesbury Principles are breached it is maladministration and would be subject to challenge.


Cllr Briscoe asked members to submit the arguments to the CCG who spend the funding. Cllr Plowman explained that he would be taking the matter up with the CCG.


Cllr Hobbs asked for clarification of whether the funding is committed to the building extension of Langley House Surgery. Mr Frost confirmed that is the case. A full business case would be submitted to Mrs Dower.


Mrs Shepherd clarified that members could choose to vote against but needed to consider reasons for objections as the current reasons expressed by some members could be subject to legal challenge.


Cllr Sharp asked whether it is possible for projects to move in and out of the IBP. Cllr Taylor explained that projects that are changed are at the request of the organisations providing the projects.


Cllr Brown explained that he would make his vote based on the Southbourne project.


A recorded vote was held:


Cllr Apel – Absent

Cllr Bangert – Absent

Cllr Barrett – For

Cllr Barrie – Absent

Cllr Bell – Abstain

Cllr Bowden – Against

Cllr Brisbane – Abstain

Cllr Briscoe – For

Cllr Brown – For

Cllr Dignum – For

Cllr Duncton - For

Cllr Elliott – Absent

Cllr Evans - Absent

Cllr Fowler – For

Cllr Graves – For

Cllr Hamilton – For

Cllr Hobbs - For

Cllr Donna Johnson – For

Cllr Tim Johnson – For

Cllr Lintill – For

Cllr Lishman – Absent

Cllr McAra – For

Cllr Moss – Abstain

Cllr Oakley – For

Cllr O’Kelly – Abstain

Cllr Page – For

Cllr Palmer – For

Cllr Plant – For

Cllr Plowman - Abstain

Cllr Potter – For

Cllr Purnell – For

Cllr Rodgers – Abstain

Cllr Sharp – Abstain

Cllr Sutton – For

Cllr Taylor – For

Cllr Wilding – For


For = 22

Against = 1

Abstain = 7

Absent = 6


The following resolutions were carried:


1.     That Council approves the proposed responses to the representations received and subsequent modifications to the Draft Infrastructure Business Plan 2022- 2027 as set out in Appendix 1.

2.     That Council approves the amended IBP including the CIL Spending Plan attached as Appendix 2.


Members took a 10 minute break.