Agenda item

Governance Review Task and Finish Group- Terms of Reference

1.    The committee are asked to agree the terms of reference for a Task and Finish group to review the Governance arrangements of the Council as attached at Appendix 1.

2.    The committee are asked to appoint members to the Task and Finish group in accordance with the Terms of Reference.



The Chairman invited Mr Ward to introduce the report. 


Mr Ward explained a motion was taken to full Council to review governance arrangements.  Mr Ward drew Members attention to the resolution passed included within the report and the associated details.  The proposal was to form a T&FG, noting there had been some discussion during the meeting regarding the appropriateness of this title, and confirming that this group would be an advisory group and not a decision making group and such groups were titled T&FGs.  Mr Ward drew attention to the main task of the group to consider a number of governance issues, particularly whether the Council moved to a hybrid system of committees, and the frequency and timings of meetings mooted by some Members following the 2019 elections.  The Leader of the Council had undertaken to hold a review of the timings of meetings, in time for the next Council which was two years away.  Full Council in May 2022 would consider the introduction of hybrid meetings when legislation allowed and Mr Ward advised that from 7th May 2021, the Council would be required to revert back to physical meetings.  The group would also consider the scheme of delegation to Members and officers to ensure this was relevant and current and limits were set at the appropriate authorisation levels.  The group would further review discretionary elements of how the Council’s meetings were run for example public question time and questions to the executive, to ensure they are appropriate.  Mr Ward confirmed that the proposal was to form a group of six Members which must reflect the political balance as agreed by Council and drew Members attention to the table within the report.  However, there had been some debate regarding whether this number should be increased to eight, which would allow four Conservative, two Liberal Democrats, one Independent and one from the Minority Groups (Local Alliance, Labour and Green). 


Mr Dignum reported that group leaders Mrs Lintill and Mr Moss had agreed to eight members for the T&FG. 


Dr O’Kelly also proposed an addition to the wording of the Terms of Reference: The T&FG will consult widely across the Council and with group leaders to formulate a recommendation that is supported across the Council. The Chairman confirmed he was satisfied with the addition. 


Mr Johnson arrived at the meeting.


It was confirmed that that Mr Dignum, Mrs Purnell, Mrs Duncton and The Chairman would join the T&FG from the Conservative group, and Mr Brown and Dr O’Kelly from the Liberal Democrats.  Mr Johnson confirmed that the representative from the Minorities group would be confirmed in the coming days. 


Mr Ward confirmed that ideally the entire membership would have been appointed at this meeting, but as that was not possible, the recommendation should be amended to state: ‘The Group Leaders are asked to appoint members….’.  Mr Ward added that the resolution of the Council required the T&FG was led by a Chairman appointed from the CGAC membership and therefore could be appointed now.  The Chairman, Mr Hobbs was proposed by Mr Dignum, seconded by Mr Wilding and with Mr Brown withdrawing and no other nominations coming forward, Mr Hobbs was appointed Chairman of the T&FG.


The recommendations as amended were agreed.



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