Agenda item

The Novium Museum Task and Finish Group

To note the actions of the Novium Museum Task and Finish Group and feedback any comments to the group.


The Chairman invited Mrs Peyman to introduce her report to the Committee. Mrs Peyman explained that the report provided information about work undertaken following the conclusion of the Novium Museum procurement process in 2018. 


Mrs Peyman drew the Committee’s attention to 5.1 of the report which detailed the proposals put forward by the consultants, all of which were not only very costly, but had long payback periods. Therefore the Task and Finish group agreed that officers should look at smaller and less costly projects that would still deliver a positive visitor experience, these included; external advertising banners, provision of an external biomass hopper, removal of the large reception desk to provide increased retail space and improvements to the audio visuals for the roman baths.


In addition Mr Briscoe provided the Committee with an update following the most recent meeting of the Task and Finish Group. He explained that Ms Bangert had accepted an invitation to join the group. The meeting had been very productive and will continue to meet to progress discussions and ideas. Mrs Peyman informed the Committee that the group had voted in favour of developing the following;

·         Seeking and developing new funding opportunities

·         Exploring and developing new and existing partnership arrangements with other museums.

·         Subject to planning consent, looking at the banners on the building

·         Considering the biomass boiler as part of the wider Climate Change programme


Cllr Briscoe and Mrs Peyman responded to comments and questions as follows;


·         With regards to the Terms of Reference of the Task and Finish Group going forward Mr Briscoe confirmed that, following discussions with officers, the current terms where still relevant.


·         On the matter of considering the possibility of future relocation of the Novium within the Terms of Reference, Mr Briscoe agreed to consider the suggestion.


·         Mrs Peyman explained that the Novium was a key component in both the economic and cultural offer of the City and wider district. In addition working with cultural partners such as the Great Sussex Way, as well as the work being done as part of the Cultural Partnership for 2022 will further increase opportunities of bringing people together.


·         Mrs Peyman explained that the cost of the banners was only an estimate; the quote was for four banners, however they would need to be made specifically to fit the building which did increase cost. With regards to the cost of the reception desk, this included the removal of the large desk, reinstating the floor, rerunning electrics and the provision of two new pods; this project has not been proposed by the TFG to progress at this time.


·         Mrs Peyman confirmed that she would welcome any feedback from the community on the Novium. She informed the Committee that the Novium worked closely with the local community, for example the recent Cattle Market Exhibition which had been developed in partnership with the local community. There were also a number of new projects coming forward which had all been developed with the community including; a project on Graylingwell and the effects of Covid-19.


·         In response to a comment regarding the future of the museum, Mr Briscoe informed the Committee that he did not envisage a city without the museum and work would continue to be done to help secure its provision.



The Chairman proposed that the recommendation be amended to the following;


The Committee note the actions of the Novium Museum Task and Finish Group and support the ongoing work of the Task and Finish Group.


This was supported by all members. The Committee voted in favour of the amended recommendation.




The Committee note the actions of the Novium Museum Task and Finish Group and support  the ongoing work of the Task and Finish Group.






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