Agenda and minutes

Alcohol and Entertainment Licensing Sub-Committee - Thursday 5 August 2021 9.30 am

Venue: virtual

Contact: Katherine Davies 01243 534674  Email:

Link: To listen to the live broadcast recording please follow the link which will direct you to the live broadcasting webpage

No. Item


To elect a Chairman for this Hearing


The Sub Committee elected Cllr Sutton to act as Chairman for the hearing. Cllr Sutton consented to act as Chair and duly chaired the whole meeting.


Cllr Sutton confirmed that the purpose of the hearing was to consider a full Premises Licence application and confirmed the address of the premises subject to the hearing as The Community Hall, Donegall Avenue, Chichester, PO19 1TY.


Cllr Sutton informed the Sub-Committee that the objector had not been able to attend the Hearing. He confirmed that their representation to the Sub-Committee would be taken into consideration.


Cllr Sutton explained in certain circumstances it a Hearing may be adjourned to a date when the objector can attend, however, he understood that the objector had been given the opportunity to send a representative, although none had been sent. In addition to adjourn the Hearing would delay the Licence application to the end of September 2021 (the objector had also been made aware of this delay). Therefore, in his opinion it was not necessary to adjourn the Hearing, both Cllr Bangert and Cllr Moss agreed.


Preliminary Matters


The Sub-Committee followed the procedure set out at page 3 of the agenda pack.



Declarations of Interests

Members and officers are reminded to make any declarations of disclosable pecuniary, personal and/or prejudicial interests they may have in respect of matters on the agenda for this meeting.


There were no declarations of interest.



Licensing Hearings pdf icon PDF 272 KB

The Community Hall, Donegall Avenue, Chichester, PO19 1TY

Application for a New Premises Licence:

(a)          Chair opens the Hearing.

(b)          Items arising from Regulation 6 Notice (Notice of Hearing).

(c)          Notice of any representations withdrawn.

(d)          The procedure will then follow the Sub-Committee protocol and    procedure note attached





Additional documents:


Cllr Sutton invited Ms Di Lauro to explain her role.


Ms Di Lauro explained that her role was to advise the Sub-Committee and to ensure that procedure is followed in accordance with Regulations under the Licensing Act 2003. She confirmed that she would retire with the Sub-Committee, to ensure that appropriate consideration would be given to the following during the decision-making process; the promotion of the four licensing objectives; the Home Office Guidance (April 2018); and the Licensing Authority’s Licensing Policy 2020 – 2022, as well as all representations. She would also ensure that the Principles of Natural Justice were adhered to and provide any other legal advice as required. Ms Di Lauro explained that should any advice be provided to the Sub Committee once they had retired it would be recorded in the decision notice.


Licensing Manager’s Introduction


For clarity Mr Knowles-Ley, Licensing Manager, informed the Sub-Committee that applicant was the Chichester Community Development Trust (CCDT) and was represented at the Hearing by; Clare De Bathe, Trust Director; Clare Robinson, Partnership Co-ordinator and Nathan Evans, Events and Operations Co-ordinator.


Mr Knowles-Ley outlined details of the application and confirmed that the application was for a new Premises Licence at, The Community Hall, Donegall Avenue, Chichester, PO19 1TY. He informed the Sub-Committee that the full application was included at pages 9 to 31 of the agenda pack.


He explained that the CCDT are a registered charity with the Charity Commission of England and Wales, and quoted the summary provided on the Charity Commission website.


Mr Knowles-Ley clarified that the retail sale of alcohol was the only licensable activity sought in the application. He explained that the applicant had requested that the Management Committee collectively take supervision for all alcohol sales in place of an individual DPS and drew the Sub-Committee’s attention to Form L70 set out on pages 21 – 25 which confirmed this request. Mr Knowles-Ley clarified that the applicant was entitled to do this as the premises met the required definition of a Community Building and was operated by a Management Committee.


Mr Knowles-Ley outlined the application timeline to the Sub-Committee and confirmed that statutory notices were displayed at the premises as well as an appropriate advert being published in the Chichester Observer. He explained that there had been three representations all in objection to the application. Objections received were from two local residents, as well as Sussex Police in their role as a Statutory Responsible Authority under the Licensing Act 2003. All representations could be viewed in the agenda pack from pages 33 to 42. The map included at page 7 showed the location of representors in relation to the premises. 


Mr Knowles-Ley informed the Sub-Committee that the applicant had undertaken mediation with all parties that submitted a representation in objection to the application. Following discussions with Sussex Police the applicant agreed to several conditions proposed by the Police. The conditions were detailed in a letter from Sussex Police, Mr Knowles-Ley confirmed that the letter had been circulated  ...  view the full minutes text for item 65.